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Course level: HE6

Module title: E Commerce and Contemporary Marketing Practice
Module code: BMP6036
Level HE6
Credits 20
Assignment title: 1 of 2: Review of a current marketing publication
Date issued: Date due in: Extension date agreed (tutor Actual submission date
to sign)
September 2023 October 23rd 2023
Interim mark awarded
(This mark is subject to internal and external moderation)

(Detailed comments will be provided on the feedback sheet)

For Student Use:

Student ID Student Name Student Surname


1. All completed assignments must be accompanied by this front cover sheet.

2. Students are required to use Turnitin to ensure the originality of their work, and submit their
assignment through Moodle via the University . Assignments without this will not
be considered for assessment.
3. All references must be fully cited in Harvard notation.
4. Plagiarism in any form will result in severe penalties.
5. Any late or non-submissions where a deferred result is requested must be preceded by completion of a
Mitigating Circumstances form, or, an Extension Request Form (where appropriate), available from
6. Students who fail to submit assessments by the specified date (without an extension being granted or
without accepted Mitigating Circumstances) will be subject to the following penalties:
 Up to 7 calendar days late = 10 marks subtracted but if the assignment would normally gain a
pass mark, then the final mark to be no lower than the pass mark for the assignment.
 More than 7 calendar days late = 1 mark awarded.


I confirm that I have read the University policy on plagiarism and that the work presented here is my own. I
acknowledge that the University uses plagiarism detection software.

Student Signature __________________________________ Date ___________________

This assessment is an essay of 2,500 words and requires you to critically appraise the article by Jain, E. and
Yadav, A., (2017), Marketing and Technology: Role of Technology in Modern Marketing, Journal of Business
Management, Volume 15, Issue 5. As part of the appraisal you will evidence your knowledge of relevant
digital and technological models, concepts, and practices used within E Commerce. Specifically:

Critically appraise and illustrate with examples the benefits and potential methods of traditional and digital

Examples of traditional may include TV, radio or even roadshows, whereas digital will consider social media,
email marketing or affiliate marketing. Upon completion of this appraisal, for a Vietnamese business of your
choice, justify which you believe is the best in the evolving economic climate of today.

Marketing is the process of acquiring the right goods or services or even the ideas to the right people at the
right place, right time, and price, also using the right promotion techniques to provide the customer services
that are associated with the goods, services, or the ideas (Gauri, 2022). Throughout years, the Internet and
technology breakdown has separated marketing landscape, dividing into two main streams of traditional
marketing and digital marketing. Therefore, it leads to the change of customer behaviour and new challenges
on business strategies posed by the effect of technology innovation. Recently, consumers have various and
complex ways to interact with brands. In the past day, people approach products and services through
advertisements on TV, banners, or newspaper; that is the method of traditional marketing to reach consumers.
Digital marketing is the numerous activities that business use electric devices connect with Internet to
approach their customers with online Marketing strategies. Both methods offer their own advantages which
not only generate profits for business, but also approach their target customer more effective. This essay will
analyse Be’s situation, which successfully applied both strategies, and illustrate the reason of these methods
are applicable for Be in today’s era.

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