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“Advantages and disadvantages of studying in a distant town”

Nowadays, more and more students decide to study in a different, sometimes very distant
town. For some it may open new gates of opportunities and for others it will be a normal academic
course. What are the advantages and disadvantages of taking such a step?

First and foremost, this choice may have a great impact on your future. What I mean by this
statement, is that, not all universities have the same level of education. Some institutions are better
and some are significantly worse. This level may affect the quality of newly acquired knowledge and
further educational opportunities.

Secondly, you can make new friends and professional contacts. Having more friends is always
beneficial, and having friends in different town is sometimes really helpful. Imagine yourself
travelling to a new town and not knowing anyone here. You do not have a place to sleep, you do not
know the city and nobody will show it to you. Making new professional friends and contacts will for
sure affect your further career so it is always a good thing to have ‘corporate buddies’.

Living in a distant town is a great school of life for a student. You do not have a warm and cosy place
to live. You do everything on your own and nobody supervises you. Paying bills, doing the shopping
and washing things – it is all up to you. At the beginning it is always hard but the faster you learn the
easier it will be in the future.

On the other hand though, studying away from your hometown may be associated with
higher costs. There must be a place to live and it costs money. Paying for two houses m sometimes
be too great issue for parents to deal with.

What is more, the homesickness may be too great to overcome. To be honest being nineteen years
old does not make you adult and you may also need a helpful hand in this stage of your life.

Summarizing, this kind of offer can be beneficial to some while devastating to others. The
choice has its strong pros and cons. Ultimately however, it is a matter of personal choice.

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