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rank t s

F he le
F rie n d
Frank the shark
cruised the ocean, his
sleek body slicing
through the water.

He was big and strong,

but deep down, he felt
Whenever Frank approached, other
fish scattered like scared sardines.
Even the dolphins, usually playful,
gave him nervous clicks. Frank wished
someone would play with him.
One stormy day, the ocean got angry. Rain
lashed the surface, and waves tossed a tiny
boat like a bathtub toy.

Suddenly, CRACK! The boat broke,

throwing two people into the water.
Frank felt a strange feeling in his chest. It wasn't
hunger, but worry. He saw a woman flailing, her
fear similar to how he felt when alone.
Frank did something unexpected. He nudged the
woman gently, guiding her towards a piece of broken

It was like helping a lost puppy

find its way home.
He repeated this strange act, pushing the man
towards another piece of the boat

It felt good to help!

A loud "whop-whop" filled the air as a helicopter
arrived. The rescue team pulled the woman and
man to safety.
The news spread like wildfire. People
learned about the "heroic shark" who
saved the people! They weren't scared
of Frank anymore.
The next day, a pod of dolphins swam by.
Instead of running away, they clicked
excitedly, inviting Frank to play!
Frank joined his friends
and his heart is filled
with joy. He wasn't
Frank the Friendless
anymore. He had found
friends, and with them,
This book belongs to:

Allyna Beatriz Cheng

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