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How can you become part of Jesus’ healing ministry in your school,
family, and parish?
By participating in ay religious matter can consider us to become part of
Jesus’ healing ministry. By means of this, we can also help them in any
mission that can help them heal their wounds and pains. Just like the Christian
Formation program made by our school. Their Catechism is part of that
program. Catechists help those who’s in need and also help the environment.
Catechists are part of the parish and the school who participate in Jesus’
saving mission. They also encourage others to be part of the mission. They
encourage others to keep their faith with the Lord and don’t forget Jesus in
any ways.
As an aspiring doctor, I will continue pursuing my dreams and never
give up. When I become a doctor, I will heal a lot sick people too just like what
Jesus did.
We must also participate in many different programs in our community
that can help in healing, may it be to heal our environment, sick people, or the
Sharing is also a helpful method for us to ease our pain. Visiting old and
sick people so they can feel that they are not alone.
Helping the people to give them hope using the word of God to lighten
their problems. Talk to them and pray for them to heal from their heavy
problems. Helping people without exchange. Encourage them to reconnect
with God and lend their 1-hour time to attend Sunday masses.

2. What can you do to lighten the pain and suffering of the sick person?
It depends on what illness is the person suffering from. If he/she is mentally ill,
I can help them through my presence during their downfalls and hard times. If
they are physically ill, I can help them through medical support. But the most
powerful help that I can give is prayer, for it can help them heal their mental
and physical sickness.
Joining the mass with prayers can truly lighten what burdens us inside. By
showing compassion and care to the people around you, I will provide
physical and emotional support when things get heavier in their situation. I will
give them all they need that I can give with all my power until I can’t do it
When we pray, we must include those people who are suffering inside. We
must also pray for the help of the saints to helps our prayers be heard to the
Lord. So that, He will heal them.
3. Choose a way you can change your attitude or response to those who
are ill, elderly or isolated by physical/mental disability?

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