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Universally regarded as the nation's most serious health problem the abuse of
alcohol and drugs by many Americans was estimated for 1988 to cost more than $144
billion, including the costs of treatment, prevention, lost productivity and violence.
Drug addiction is one of the most difficult conditions to _1_ For decades,
researchers have unsuccessfully _2_ to uncover an addictive personality to forecast early
warnings of _3_ Personality traits, genetic susceptibility and how drugs enter the chemical
_4_ of the brain's pleasure centres remain topics of _5_ research.

While causes remain _6_ scientists do know the signs of addiction: physical _7_ is
an adaptive state that shows itself by intense _8_ symptoms when the administration of
the drug is _9_ Psychological dependences is a _10_ for the drug in order to produce
pleasure or to avoid _11_.

A third aspect of drug dependence is tolerance, the _12_ with chronic use for
progressively higher drug _13_ to achieve a given effect.

Alcohol Roughly 15 million Americans have an alcohol problem, 5 million _14_ and
9 million who are alcohol-dependent, and some 100,000 people _15_ from it each year.
Fetal alcohol syndrome which causes mental retardation and _16_ deformities affect
about one in every 500 babies _17_ in the United States. Chronic _18_ disease and
cirrhosis, the main chronic health _19_ associated with alcohol abuse, were the nation's
ninth _20_ cause of mortality in 1988, responsible for more than 26,000 deaths. The _21_
of alcohol dependence and abuse in 1988 was _22_ at $85.5 billion.

Both genetic and environmental factors _23_ to alcoholism but no single factor or
combination of factors has _24_ doctors to predict who will become alcoholic.

Ethanol, alcohol's active _25_ is a depressant that acts to reduce anxiety, tension
and _26_ significantly altering mood and behaviour its other _27_ include stimulation of
appetite, heat___28__and dehydration.

Alcohol is easily absorbed into the bloodstream and the _29_ yet a precise
mechanism for this is _30_ It was once widely believed that alcohol _31_on all neural
membranes, perhaps altering their _32_ excitability. Now, many scientists believe that
alcohol's _33_ with the GABA receptor enhances this neurotransmitter's inhibitory action.
In _34_, dopamine, the NMDA receptor and glutamate are believed to be _35_.

While several drugs are used to _36_ alcoholism, they are unlikely to be _37_ in
producing a long-term reduction in drinking _38_. Current treatment strategies manage
withdrawal: _39_, sobriety; decrease drinking by treating psychiatric problems; and _40_
problem drinking behaviour itself. All are considered adjuncts to other treatments.

Instrucciones: De la tabla de OPCIONES abajo, selecciona la palabra que

corresponde al espacio en blanco en el texto anterior. Encierra la letra de la
respuesta correcta.
1 A Sweet B Therapy C Treat
2 A Pride B Attempted C Tried
3 A Admission B Dependency C Addiction
4 A Pathwaze B Routes C Pathways
5 A Ongoing B Continuous C Ongoing
6 A Illusive B Slippery C Elusive
7 A Independence B Reliance C Dependence
8 A Withdrawl B Detox C Withdrawal
9 A Stopt B Ceased C Stopped
10 A Craven B Longing C Craving
11 A Discomfurt B Unease C Discomfort
12 A Knead B Desire C Need
13 A Dosis B Portions C Doses
14 A Abuz B Misuse C Abuse
15 A Dye B Perish C Die
16 A Fysical B Bodily C Physical
17 A Borne B Originated C Born
18 A Liver B Hepatic C Liver
19 A Ishoos B Challenges C Issues
20 A Leeding B Principal C Leading
21 A Economik B Financial C Economic
22 A Estimatted B Approximated C Estimated
23 A Kontribute B Contribute C Contribute
24 A Enaybled B Facilitated C Enabled
25 A Ingridient B Component C Ingredient
26 A Stres B Pressure C Stress
27 A Affects B Impact C Effects
28 A Strez B Pressure C Stress
29 A Bodee B Physique C Body
30 A Not fully understud B C Not fully understood
31 A Akted B Behaved C Acted
32 A Neurall B Synaptic C Neural
33 A Interakshun B Connectivity C Interaction
34 A Addishun B Supplement C Addition
35 A Involvd B Engaged C Involved
36 A Treet B Therapy C Treat
37 A Effecktiv B Efficient C Effective
38 A Alown B Solitary C Alone
39 A Promot B Encourage C Promote
40 A Adress B Tackle C Address

INSTRUCCIONES: Contesta el siguiente cuestionario.

Cirrhosis of the Liver

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