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Breastfeeding is not advisable to a mother with:

- Syphilis (STI or Sexually Transmitted Infection).

The infection is generally passed from person to person most often during sexual contact, also during
pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding. Matambalan ni siya with with antibiotic medicine pero, possible
gihapon mo balik or makakuha kag balik ani. And without treatment, syphilis can damage the heart,
brain or other organs. And it can become life-threatening.

- diabetes

Infants of diabetic mothers are prone to various neonatal adverse outcomes, including metabolic and
hematologic disorders, respiratory distress, cardiac disorders and neurologic impairment due to perinatal
asphyxia and birth traumas, among others.


So, as we all know, HIV is a virus that attacks the body’s immune system and mo spread through certain
body fluids, like blood, semen, vaginal fluid and most especially breast milk. When infected person is at
risk of getting life-threatening infections and cancers.

The HIV virus can pass onto the baby via the mother’s milk and thus breastfeeding is not
allowed if the mother is positive for HIV infection or has AIDS. For such mothers human milk
banks may be contacted if they wish to provide breast milk for their babies rather than infant

- any severe acute infections

- emotional and mental stress

Aside from its effect to the mother’s milk supply and contents of her milk, it can also make the baby
agitated when you feel most stressed, it may be because they can feel that you are upset and are
therefore feeling uneasy too. And scientific explanation ani is because daw the mothers body produce
extra cortisol when stressed and this hormone is our primary stress hormone nga mo control sa atu
feelings. Thus, kung mo totoy ang bata sa mama, maapil ni and makafeel sila huehue

- smoke heavily

Using tobacco or e-cigarettes while breastfeeding can allow harmful chemicals to pass from the mother
to the infant through breast milk or secondhand smoke exposure. It is a risk factor for sudden infant
death syndrome (SIDS), as well as lower respiratory illnesses (such as bronchitis and pneumonia), ear
infections, and impaired lung function in infants and children. And decreases maternal milk supply

- take contraceptives pills and drugs

So, these agents can affect the baby and cause serious side effects. this could also harm the infant and
could make your baby have seizures, vomit, and have trouble feeding.

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