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When I was younger, my brother, my cousin and I used to play until 1 in the morning, or until

our parents sent us to sleep because it was too late, it was very fun to play with them. We
used to go down to the first floor in the early morning to get junk food, like popcorn, sweets,
chips, cookies, chocolates, etc. We used to have a pijamada when our parents "sent us to
sleep", we made caves with our blankets and lit flashlights, we used to eat too much while
telling horror stories, so much so that the next day we all had stomach pain.

We used to run away, because for us, it was an adventure, then our worried parents would
find us and for us, it was very funny.
I used to do experiments, a little dangerous, but for me that was a lot of fun, at the end of it
all, the table always used to get stained with different products.

Camila V.

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