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Scripture Readings: Mark 4:35-41 Hebrews 4:15

Have you ever been in trouble or in a difficult situation? And at that moment, it seems as though
all hope was lost. Well, guess what? The disciples had a similar experience. In the first scripture
reading, you realized that as the disciples were just about to give up, they remembered they had
Jesus aboard.
Sometimes we go through precarious situations in life and just as the disciples we wonder if God
really cares. But the good news is, he does. The Bible says in the second scripture reading that “
For we do not have a high priest who cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities
(weaknesses).”. God is moved by our afflictions, infirmities, weaknesses, disappointments, and
failures but there cannot be two captains in a ship. Either God is in control of our lives or we are.
Thank God the disciples of Jesus realized how incompetent, unskilled and unknowledgeable they
were as far us navigating through the storms of life was concerned. And thank God they allowed
Jesus to take charge before it was too late.
God is touched by our troubles and tears , and He is ever ready and willing to calm the storms in
our lives, but the question is “Are you going to let Him?” Or are you going to do it your own
way? We have a big lesson to learn from the disciples.
What lesson(s) have you learnt from today’s study?
Make a short drama to demonstrate today’s study.

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