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Khoa Harry Anh Tran

Omar Horner
April 15, 2024

Three Elements to Become Successful

As we begin a job, we will face a lot of obstacles and hurdles at work. As a result,

we must set clear goals for ourselves that will enable us to overcome obstacles. The

easiest method to make it easier for us to succeed is to have a clear plan for ourselves.

We must adhere to three stages that lead to success in life if we want to accomplish it


Firstly, the important factor to lead to success in our lives is that we need clear

goals. The explicit goal is very important. You will lose direction or won't know what

you're going to do or where you're going when you don't have a clear goal for yourself.

You need to define clear goals for yourself first, that is the first step and also the most

difficult step we have to do. "The hardest thing is not doing what you want – it's

knowing what you want," (Jorgenson, 2021, p.23). Therefore, always set clear goals for

yourself before we start doing something, and don't waste your time and effort on

meaningless things.

Second, one aspect that you need to pay attention to in order to lead to success

is believing in yourself. Belief in yourself is a key factor that a successful person must

have. If someone tells you that you will never accomplish your dreams, tell them loudly
that you can. Belief in yourself is no less important than clear goals, because when you

believe you can do it, you will be more motivated to complete your life's dream. There

will be no limit to any of our mistakes because we will know how to learn from those

mistakes and constantly believe in ourselves. According to Bennett (2016), "Don't let

other people influence your path to success, be confident in yourself and you will

achieve what you thought was impossible”. Therefore, let's always believe in ourselves

and be ready to face all difficulties and challenges.

Third, the final factor that leads to success is that you need to have a growth

mindset. Thinking is a necessary thing of the process leading to success. You can

become successful or fail thanks to your own mindset. When you stumble upon a

difficult challenge, don't be afraid and use your best growth mindset to face it.

According to Dweck (2007), "those with the growth mindset found setbacks motivating,"

(p23). A growth mindset will help you overcome most of the challenges and difficulties

you encounter on your path to success with ease. Try your best and use the growth

mindset in the best way, it will definitely bring you to the destination of success faster.

To sum up, an obvious goal, belief in yourself, and a growth mindset are the

three factors that lead to the fastest success that we need to follow. Clear goals will help

us easily know what we need to do. Believing in yourself will create more motivation to

overcome difficulties on the path to success. A growth mindset will help us overcome all

obstacles to reach the finish line of success more easily. In order to obtain success, it is
crucial that we exert our utmost effort, surmount all obstacles in life, and prioritize one

of the aforementioned three characteristics, as it greatly facilitates the attainment of



Bennett, R. T. (2016). The Light in the Heart: Inspirational Thoughts for Living Your Best Life.
Roy Bennett.

Dweck, C. S. (2007). Mindset: The New Psychology of Success. Ballantine Books.

Jorgenson, E. (2021). The Almanack of Naval Ravikant: A Guide to Wealth and Happiness.
Harper Business.

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