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Khoa Harry Anh Tran


Omar Horner

March 28, 2024

The beauty of photo

One of my favorites /θ/things to remark is/z/ that the author took the close-up /f/photo
just as the sunshine/ʃ/. With the /s/sunshine and the expansive meadows and mountains in

the background/g/, the /p/picture captures the serene /b/beauty of nature that the author has

so expertly captured. /ð/The red flowers supply to further accentuate this beauty. The

image /d/displays accents that are tranquil. Because of those little elements, the picture

seems to /k/capture the energy of nature, a tranquil beauty that is hard to come across in
today's hectic world. Furthermore, that attractiveness appears to infuse the witness with

enough natural /v/vitality to propel them through life's /tʃ/challenges/ʒ/ and prepare them for.

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