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 Last mont December,convertation mont January, accounting information pilih I would like a

start trs next industry klasifikasi pilih all type of business tergantung soal. Next pilih
command centre.
 Men-setup preference( setup-preferences) : system pilih warm if jobs sama turn on category,
pilih sales pencet warm if cust,show cust,warm of duplicate,if credit limit. Pilih purchase
pencet warm if,show supplier,warm of duplicate,retain original po, pilih security pencer
prompt for data,prompt of session,warm before recording,prompt for data,
 Men-setup daftar akun( Account- account list)
 Men-setup tax code ( VAT 10%/PPN) pilih list pencet tax codes, linked account for tax
collected ( vat collected) linked account for tax paid (vat paid )
 Men-setup job list (list pilih jobs) pilih new isi job number dan job name ok
 Men-setup category list ( list pilih categoris pilih new isi category id,category name
 Men-setup items list ( command centres – inventory- item list) pilih new isi profile trs isi item
number, name klik semua I buy,I sel dan I invent, pilih buying detail isi buying unit,tax codes
when bought sama number item, pilih selling details isi base selling price,selling unit of, sama
tax code when sold.
 Men-setup card list ( command centres-card file-card list) pilih new trs pilih data pelanggan
customer pilih profile card type, name. sama juga dengan supplier, employee juga
 Memasukan neraca saldo ( setup-balances-account opening balances)
 Memasukan saldo awal buku pembantu piutang(cust balance) pilih setup-balances-cust
balance pilih add sale isi data cust name , term invoice,date cust po,total including tax,tax
code sama category.
 Supplier balances ( setup-balances-supplier balances) pilih add purchase
 Memasukan saldo awal Langkah commend centres-inventory-count inventory. Isi counted
sesuai soal.lanjut pilih adjust inventory,pilih continue,pilih opening balances, isi inventory
journal number,date, memo. Isi item number,quantity,unit cost,amount,account dan
category pilih record.
 Pencatatan transaksi( purchase-enter purchase( layout item).contoh soal 01/01/2015 a
purchase was raised to purchase. Isi supplier,terms,purchase,date,supplier inv. Isi table spt
bill,received,item number,description,price,total, tax,category,vat 10% klik record
 Mencatat pembelian jasa( purchase-enter purchase(layout item) contoh soalnya 04/01/2015
a bill was received from.
 Pelunasan(purchase-pay bills) payment to pilih cheque account
 Mencatat retur pembelian( purchase-enter purchase (layout item) contoh return 1 of maple
sycamore. Isi table bill received,dll.
 Purchase-purchase register-return& debit pilih apply to purchase. Isi debit amount, id, date
memo klik record
 Mencatat transaksi penj barang dagang ( sales-enter sales( layout item) contoh sold the
following item to.
 Mencatat transaksi penjualan jasa ( sales-enter sales( layout service) contoh raised sales
service for plumbing
 Mencata pelunasan piutang ( sales-receive payments) contoh full payment of for invoice isi
deposite account sesuai soal, amount received, memo klik record.
 Mencatat discount ( sales-enter sales( layout service) contohnya 17 jan 2015issued discount
credit notes to mr john as given. 17 jan 2015 immediately pay refund
 Langkah 2 sales-sales register-return& credit klik pay refund. Isi account dll record
 Mencatat pengeluaran kas ( banking-spend money) contoh use spend money,paymen made
 Mencatat penerimaan kas( banking-receive money) receive money for total
 Rekonsiliasi bank ( banking-reconcile account)
 Jurnal penyusutan aktiva tetap Langkah commend centres-account-record jurnal entry isi
acct name debit dan credit pilih nt category klik record pilih save as recurring isi reccuring
transaksi name ( depreciation) starting on bulan feb klik save. Klik list pilih recurring transaksi
pilih use recurring isi general journal pada bulan februari memo depreciation feb.
 Jurnal selisi ppn ( commend centres-account-record jurnal entry 2-2310 vat collected (400k)
vat paid (300k) vat clearing 0 memonya vat clearing. Acc vat collected 400 di debit dan vat
paid dan clearing di credit .
 Jurnal penyesuaian ( command centres- inventory-adjust inventory) contoh on 31 jan 2015
prepare adjust inventory to record inventory found ( IJ#: I-150002)

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