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Ashley Gamez

Julie Baker

ENGL 1301-280


The Hunger Games: Catching Fire Poster Analysis

Before all else, glancing at the poster it can be assumed that the intriguing tagline

‘’Remember Who The Enemy Is’’ is displayed at the very top of the poster to draw public’s

attention and it can be expected that the sci-fi, dystopian, action

movie The Hunger Games: Catching Fire will mainly revolve on

mistrust. In the poster it can be visible that there’s a woman

holding an arrow aiming it towards something with a wariness

expression on her face as she is encircled by a round gold-colored

ring on fire. After the finalization of the novel series this film was

published in 2013 (‘’The Hunger Games: Catching Fire’’) after

the success of the first part of the film series making it the sequel,

with the amount of support the long-awaited fans of the novel

and the high recognition it gained for winning awards its sales increased (‘’The Hunger Games:

Catching Fire’’). The elements of the poster demonstrate that her holding an arrow is for a

particular purpose to fight, alongside the attentive and powerful gaze on her face, and the blazing

background of the poster illustrating the state of intensity and the association of conflict.
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According to an online blog an arrow represents a sense of focus, determination, and the

ability to aim high and hit a target, but it can also represent balance and the need to find

equilibrium in life (‘’The Symbolism of the Archer’’). Based on that information it can be

visualized that the woman in the poster is holding an arrow because she has a purpose for doing

so and she has the experience of an archer bearing in mind the way her arrow is positioned as if

she were targeting something or protecting herself from it considering that an arrow is also

known for defense. Furthermore, the mixed colors of the arrow match with the design of the suit

the woman is wearing which likely means she is ready to train taking into knowledge that suits

are a better option for training or that it could also mean she is prepared to execute any occasion

that could be related to what she is aiming for. The point of displaying the arrow is to showcase

what it could mean to the woman holding it as well as making connections with what she is

wearing for the public to make theories of how what’s being displayed help her lead to her goal.

Moreover, focusing on the appearance of the woman her facial features symbolize that

she is conscious of what’s ahead of her as well as her powerful gaze expressing that she is

confident of what’s about to come. The focal point of the poster perhaps is the expression of her

gaze as people can perceive that she is courageous and self-assured of what she will be facing

when associating it with the tagline of the poster ‘’Remember Who The enemy Is’’ it can be

expected that she will be skeptical of her surroundings searching for the truth or looking for clues

that could lead her to it either way it can also be speculated that she will try to remind those

around her what is right and who the real deal is while keeping them from forgetting what they

worked on so far. In addition, the direction of where her eyes are looking gives off an uncertain

feeling which captivates the audience into wanting to know more about it, questioning

themselves what she could have seen or discovered that made her do that kind of expression. By
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connecting the tagline and her facial features the audience will be able to look ahead to the

woman dealing with trust issues while also guiding and reminding those around her and herself

who the real enemy is without getting sidetracked.

By acknowledging the background of the poster, it is noticeable that it has a strong

illustration with the blazing golden circle and the inclusion of the peak and wings of a

Mockingjay coming out of it which can determine that it could symbolize something or on the

other hand the way the woman in the poster is identified by others. The red orange fire flames

are more visible through the black background of the poster considering that it could support the

idea of it representing the strength/power of the woman or even her passion/determination to

pursue her goal but, fire can also be the metaphor conflict as it is known that problems spread

like fire non-stop unless there’s a solution to put it out, in this instance the fire in the poster can

be an indication that the subject will be facing more difficulties throughout her journey along

others while she will be seen as a sign of hope. The inclusion of the burning flames and the small

details of a Mockingjay add up to the ideas of what she symbolizes as and the trouble she will

stumble upon to reach her objective.

Ultimately, by analyzing the poster of The Hunger Games: Catching Fire it can be noted

that there’s more meaning than what’s being displayed, recognizing the different items shown in

the poster, the aspect of the subject, and the scenery of it shows how each element helps the

audience build a meaning behind it glimpsing at the small details supported in the poster, in the

matter of that people can forecast that the movie will be about the woman facing dangerous

intense obstacles to get to her target with the help of her archery experience while keeping an eye

on her surroundings to portray her empowerment.

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Works Cited
“The Hunger Games: Catching Fire (2013).” IMDb, 22 Nov. 2013, Accessed 2 Mar. 2024.

“The Symbolism of the Archer.” Montreal Moderne, 7 Nov. 2023,


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