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Effective learning experience for students in the new normal summary

In the new normal, where remote or hybrid learning has become the norm, providing an effective
learning experience for students requires adapting to the unique challenges and opportunities of the
digital environment. The mode of learning nowadays is slightly different, we adapt the big changes
during pandemic in order to enforce continually the learnings. Here is a summary of key elements for
creating an effective learning experience:

Embrace digital tools and platforms that facilitate online communication, collaboration, and content
delivery. Use video conferencing, learning management systems, interactive apps, and multimedia
resources to enhance engagement and interactivity. We the educators must find best way to reach out
learners who are in rural places. Implementing digitally had become essential for the advancement of

We also establish clear and consistent communication channels with students, parents, and fellow
educators. Provide instructions, expectations, and deadlines in a concise and accessible manner.
Regularly communicate updates and address concerns promptly. We connect regularly to the
stakeholders. And to strengthen all of the enrichments we conduct a home visit, instructed learners to
explore gadgets that can be used in their learnings.

We also noticed that in the new normal students found more difficult in studying. They experienced a
lot that leads them to stress even to depression. As an educator we have to help them by giving them
encouragement, pieces of advice and ask parents to give a moral support for them. These simple actions
prove that we are effective educators in this new normal.

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