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How to Write a HSC Visual Arts Essay Using a Scaffold

Even if you know you want to memorise an essay, or just go

in with key points, knowing how to actually write your
response is the most important factor. Scaffolds can make
things easier…

What Is Scaffolding?
Scaffolding basically involves laying out the individual elements of an essay one by one so that you can see
exactly what you need to include.

Essentially, they work by making you aware of exactly what you need to be including in any given response.

For the purpose of our scaffold, we’ll be going through and breaking down each paragraph of a Visual Arts
extended response/essay.

Step 1: Thesis sentence responding to the question
This should be concise and to the point, as you want your thesis to be super clear to whoever is reading your
essay. Make sure that whatever you’re saying is answering/responding to the question being asked and try to
avoid overly long or complex theses.

Question: Art is about reflecting reality.

Thesis sentence: “While art may reflect reality, it also acts as an expression of imagination.”

Step 2: Context about artists and artworks

First of all you’ll have to introduce each of your artists and at least two of their artworks, as you’ll be analysing
these in your essay. You may then want to add some brief context – even if it’s just one or two descriptors, such
as mentioning that one artist is Australian, or that both are women. Whatever context you do mention should be
relevant to or play a role in your thesis or main ideas.

“Del Kathryn Barton is one such artist, who uses symbolism and decorative patterns to convey
concepts of femininity and imagination in her works That’s when I was another tree 2 and She
appeared as a lover might. On the other hand, artists such as Barbara Kruger, who uses boldly
coloured text in her works Untitled (Pro-life for the unborn/Pro-death for the
born) and Untitled (Your body is a battleground), show how reflecting reality can be pivotal to an

Step 3: Signpost the main ideas of the essay

Signposting is the art of telling the reader what you’re going to talk about without actually starting to talk
about it. This means you’ll want to briefly name or mention the key ideas or arguments you’ll focus on in your
essay, but don’t go into any detail yet! That’s for your body paragraphs.

“These two artists despite their differences in style and subject matter both show a respect for that which is real
and imagined in their artworks and practice. Hence, they reveal through their works that art may reflect reality,
but it expresses imagination as well.”

While art may reflect reality, it also acts as an expression of imagination. Del
Kathryn Barton is one such artist, who uses symbolism and decorative patterns to
convey concepts of femininity and imagination in her works: That’s when I was
another tree 2 and She appeared as a lover might. On the other hand, artists such
as Barbara Kruger, who uses boldly coloured text in her works Untitled (Pro-life for
the unborn/Pro-death for the born) and Untitled (Your body is a battleground),
show how reflecting reality can be pivotal to an artwork. These two artists despite their differences in style and
subject matter both show a respect for that which is real and imagined in their artworks and practice. Hence,
they reveal through their works that art may reflect reality, but it expresses imagination as well.

Body Paragraph 1a
Step 1: Introduce the first idea you signposted

It’s time to start detailing your main ideas or arguments from your introduction. You want to use your strongest
idea first, so pick the one you know the best or can argue the best and explain it here in a little more detail.
Make sure your sentence also makes it clear how this idea links to your thesis and/or the question.

“That’s when I was another tree 2 is one of Barton’s works that uses visual language to express the abstract
concept of femininity, using line and symbolism to express an imaginative interpretation of the idea.”

Step 2: Introduce Artist 1 and describe the artwork you’re analysing

Bring in your first artist by giving some more context on them as is relevant to the idea you’re writing about.
This may include their nationality, when they lived,
their social and cultural background, etc. You’ve
already named the artwork you plan to analyse for
this paragraph so briefly describe it for the audience.
You don’t need to get too in-depth in your
descriptions, but make sure the reader knows enough
for the rest of your paragraph to make sense.

“Barton’s own role in society as a woman clearly
influenced both her experiences of reality and her
choice to create imaginative, expressive works about
it. The image shows a nude girl holding a cat and
looking upward, with ribbon wrapped around her
arms and hair.”

Step 3: Analyse the artwork using the

principles and elements of design,
the frames and the conceptual

This is the trickier part – actually analysing. You need

to make sure you know and understand the artwork
and how it relates to or proves the ideas you’re trying
to argue. Analysing how the work interacts with the
elements and principles of design, the frames and the
conceptual framework is usually the best way to do this. You may need to brush up on them.

The use of thin, jagged line work in the outlines and details of the image create a sense of sharpness, brittleness
and fragility, reminiscent of the edges of broken glass. Meanwhile the inclusion of the ribbons tied to and around
the naked figure acts as a symbol for being trapped; trapped by society, trapped by reality and trapped by the
expectations of young women in modern times. The cat also acts as a symbol, often tied to the idea of female
manipulation, however the dark pink of it paws contrasted with its white claws highlight the way it cuts into the
girl’s hand, yet another symbol of physical entrapment.

Step 4: Explain how Artist 1 reflects the idea

Usually most of these connections will be made in your analysis, but you need to really drive home the point
you’re making about why this idea is relevant to your artist and vice versa. Do this with a simple sentence
stating exactly how the two are linked.

“In this work Barton uses imaginative imagery to create an image that expresses an idea without being rooted in
reality, thus she is able to accurately and interpretively reveal the abstract idea of femininity.”

Step 5: Sum up the idea and link back to your thesis

You need to end your paragraph solidly, so make sure your concluding sentence brings your idea, analysis and
thesis all together. Make sure to use high modality words like “proves”, “exemplifies”, etc.

Therefore Barton and her work That’s when I was another tree 2 act as evidence that while art may reflect
reality, it is also an expression of imagination.

Here is Body Paragraph 1a in its entirety”

That’s when I was another tree 2 is one of Barton’s works that uses visual language to express the abstract
concept of femininity, using line and symbolism to express an imaginative interpretation of the idea. Barton’s
own role in society as a woman clearly influenced both her experiences of reality and her choice to create
imaginative, expressive works about it. The image shows a nude girl holding a cat and looking upward, with
ribbon wrapped around her arms and hair. The use of thin, jagged line work in the outlines and details of the
image create a sense of sharpness, brittleness and fragility, reminiscent of the edges of broken glass. Meanwhile
the inclusion of the ribbons tied to and around the naked figure acts as a symbol for being trapped; trapped by
society, trapped by reality and trapped by the expectations of young women in modern times. The cat also acts
as a symbol, often tied to the idea of female manipulation, however the dark pink of it paws contrasted with its
white claws highlight the way it cuts into the girl’s hand, yet another symbol of physical entrapment. Therefore
Barton and her work That’s when I was another tree 2 act as evidence that while art may reflect reality, it is also
an expression of imagination.

Body Paragraph 1b
Step 1: Reiterate the first idea you signposted

Restate the idea from your last paragraph but this time focus on how it links to your second artist. You may want
to throw in some simple comparative language as well to begin the contrasting between your two artists, such
as “on the other hand”, “in contrast to”, etc.

Step 2: Introduce Artist 2 and the artwork you’re analysing

Do this in the same way as you did in paragraph 1a, making sure to point out any relevant
context that may be relevant for your analysis. Also make sure to comment on any important
similarities or differences between this artist/artwork and the first artist/artwork.

Step 3: Analyse the artwork using the principles and elements of design, the frames
and the conceptual framework

Just as you did in paragraph 1a you now need to analyse the

artwork. Remember you’re analysing comparatively, so
comment on whether this artwork is similar or different to
the first artwork you looked at, or if it has both different and
similar elements.
Step 4: Compare and contrast Artist 1 with how Artist 2 reflects the idea

Really drive home your comparison here by stating how your idea is relevant to this new artist, then comparing
and contrasting with how it was relevant to your first artist. This just makes sure you’re covering all bases and
making sure your comparative analysis is on point.

Step 5: Sum up the idea and link back to your thesis

Do the same as what you did for paragraph 1a, just make sure to add in a little mention of your comparison.
Sentence starters such as “Similar to Artist 1, Artist 2 has proven…” are a great way to do this.

Body Paragraph 2a
Step 1: Introduce the second idea you signposted

Even though your first idea was the stronger one, you want to make sure your second idea is argued
and analysed just as well. Introduce the idea in more detail just like you did before, making sure to
mention how it connects to your thesis.

Step 2: Reintroduce Artist 1 and the artwork you’re analysing

Add any extra context we may need for this artist and then get into naming and describing the new artwork
you’re analysing. You have less to write here this time around so don’t worry if you feel you’ve written a little

Step 3: Analyse the artwork using the principles and elements of design, the frames
and the conceptual framework

Do this just as you did for paragraph 1a, focusing on the elements and principles of design, the frames and the
conceptual framework. Try to avoid analysing all the artworks in the same way, so if you focused on colour
symbolism last time, try analysing the use of line or the materials used this time round.

Step 4: Explain how Artist 1 reflects the idea

Again, this is just as you did it in paragraph 1a. One thing you can add would be a comment on how the different
or similar ways in which the artist reflects each of the ideas you’ve presented. For example, maybe their
exploration of your first idea was very obvious, whereas the second was more subtle.

Step 5: Sum up the idea and link back to your thesis

This is the same as you did the first time – make it punchy and powerful and you’re good to go.

Body Paragraph 2b
Step 1: Reiterate the second idea you signposted

Take the idea from paragraph 2a and restate it focusing on your second artist/artwork, including some
comparative language for extra punch.

Step 2: Reintroduce Artist 2 and the artwork you’re analysing

Do this just like you did in paragraph 1b – you’ll totally have the hang of this by now.

Step 3: Analyse the artwork using the principles and elements of design, the frames
and the conceptual framework

At this point you’ll be an analysis whiz, so keep it up like you did in paragraph 1b by analysing and comparing at
the same time for the best effect.

Step 4: Compare and contrast Artist 2 with how Artist 1 reflects the idea

Smash that comparative analysis out of the park with some final summary on how the two artists/artworks
relate in regards to the idea you’re looking at.

Step 5: Sum up the idea and link back to your thesis

This is your last body paragraph so sum it up superbly and you’re almost at the finish line. Make sure to really
drive home your idea and how it links to your thesis as well, just to make sure your essay is super cohesive and

Step 1: Summarise and restate your thesis responding to the question

Your conclusion is just reminding readers of what they’ve read, so create a punchy sentence that reminds them
what your thesis was and how it was responding to the question posed.

“While art may reflect reality, the fact of the matter is that it also acts as an expression of imagination, as proven
in the works of Barton and Kruger.”

Step 2: Sum up the ideas you originally signposted

Grab those ideas you signposted in the beginning and sum them up succinctly in 1-2 sentences, making sure it’s
super clear how and why you argued/proved them. Make mention of your artists and artworks here as well just
to sum everything up.


“While Barton and Kruger are two contrasting artists with vastly different art styles and practices, looking at
both demonstrates that reality and imagination may both be explored by any artist. Though each may appear
more skewed towards either reality or imagination, their works prove that both ideas play an important role in
their artmaking.”

Step 3: Conclude the essay with a strong, snappy sentence

Go out with a bang by creating an awesome finishing line that totally sums up what you’ve said in your essay.
This may be a reiteration of your thesis with an “I proved it” twist, or you can use a suitable quote from one of
your artists if you’re feeling fancy!


“While art may reflect reality, the fact of the matter is that it also acts as an expression of imagination, as proven
in the works of Barton and Kruger.”

Conclusion in its entirety

Thus, there can be no argument that both reality and imagination are pivotal aspects of both the art world and
the worlds and lives of artists themselves. While Barton and Kruger are two contrasting artists with vastly
different art styles and practices, looking at both demonstrates that reality and imagination may both be
explored by any artist. Though each may appear more skewed towards either reality or imagination, their works
prove that both ideas play an important role in their artmaking.

Essay Scaffold







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