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2 Product Landing Page Template

Clear Headline
Include a headline that instantly capture

the visitor’s interest and clearly communicate

the product’s main benefit or feature.

Sub Headline
The subheadline should offer a secondary selling
point or further clarify the product’s value

High Quality Image or Video

Visuals play a crucial role in product landing pages.
Use high-resolution images or videos that showcase
the product from various angles, in use, or its

Unique Selling Point (USP)

Tell what makes your product unique and why it’s a
better choice than competing products. This could
be a specific feature or the problem it solves

Scarcity Signals
Use a time-limited offer or scarcity (limited stock)
to encourage your customers to act quickly.

About US/FAQ Section

Address common questions or concerns related

to the product, payment process, shipping, or
returns. This can move visitors closer to a purchase.

Newsletter Sign-up
Not all visitors are ready to make a purchase
immediately. A newsletter allows you to nurture
these leads by sharing useful content, updates,

and special offers that could eventually convince
them to buy.

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