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Lao Tzu Father of Taoism
Chinese Architecture known for it s flexibility
India Top 1 largest population
Pine, bamboo and Persian Nanmu used for columns in houses and palaces
Marble used on imperial structures and sculptures
Tisa Vernacular term for clay tiles in the Philippines
abundance of timber or wood in China They developed the expertise in timber architecture
Timber combined with brick principal building material
small altars or shelf at home containing wooden tablets
Ancestor Worship
inscribed with names, title, date of birth and death
Altar in the Chinese Tablets with names of ancestors
Joss Paper and Joss Stick burning to give money to the ancestors (a.k.a. spirit money)
Construction of buildings dedicated to the dead and old relics usually surrounded by sculptures of mythical creatures
chinese geomancy
Feng Shui
traditional practice widely used to orient buildings
most influential religion
introduced to China from India.
1. Obese / Laughing Buddha "Budai"
3 Buddhas 2. Seated Buddha
3.Emaciated Buddha
Enlightenment (When you fast you will reach nirvana or Enlight-
enment) Peak of Buddhism
Yang Shao pit dwellings, fine pottery with geometric designs.
A Neolithic site in the Yellow River Valley
Houses had thatch roofs over wood beams, floor sunk 2-3
Banpo Village (5000 BC)
feet into the ground
circular in plan with a hearth at thecenter
Confucianism Not a religion, more of a philosophy of belief
SHANG DYNASTY (1523 - 1928 BC)
Shang Dynasty Common people lived in small wooden and mud houses
A period of great building Roads were built, canals
QIN (CH'IN) DYNASTY (221 - 206 BC)
across territories for flood control
Qin Shi Huang (Qin Shi Huangdi) first emperor in CHINA
took 39 years and 700,000 workers to complete; containing mod-
Tomb of Qin Shi Huang
els of 8,000 terra cotta warriors
Buddhism was introduced to China by Buddhist monks from
Han Dynasty India
The first ancient Chinese seismograph was invented
Seismograph used to measure the magnitude of earthquake
Buddhism became a vehicle of foreign influences - pagodas,
Three Kingdoms and Six Dynasties Period
monasteries, and grottoes/cave temples
The Great Wall was repaired and lengthened •
Sui Dynasty
"The World's Largest Cemetery"
During sui dynasty it was constructed which connected the Yellow
Grand Canal
River in the north and the Yangzi River in the south
Tang Dynasty Construction of the Forbidden City in Beijing started
Yingzhao Fashi (song dynasty) Construction of the Forbidden City in Beijing started

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Modular building blocks/buo na tapos pagsasama-samahin
Mongols ruled China from Beijing
Yuan Dynasty
Paper banknotes were introduced
most famous fifth Great Khan of the Mongol Empire and the
Kublai Khan
founder of the Yuan Dynasty in China.
The Great Wall was completed- Took its present form after watch-
Ming Dynasty towers along with guardhouses, armories, beacons, and cannons
were added
Forbidden City planned imperial city as the emperor's palace (ming dynasty)
The Forbidden City was completed
Qing Dynasty The last imperial dynasty in China succeeded by the Republic of
China, founded by Sun Yat-Sen
One of the most distinct characteristics or components of Chinese
Roof Architecture
Chief feature of Chinese Architecture
Number of Roof Levels determined the social status
Clay tiles that is Good for Chinese climate (Color was based on
Roof material
the hierarchy of the building)
Fei Yan Flying eaves
Protecting the walls
Flying Eaves
Introducing natural light into the interiors
can move under earthquake conditions
Mortises and Tenons
Type of construction joint not using any nails/adhesives
used as screens for windows and partitions to prevent direct
penetration of light and wind
used to support roof beams. project the eaves outward, and sup-
Dougong port the interior ceiling
chinese equivalent of Classical Capitals (Doric, Ionic, Corinthian)
1. Raised Platforms
3 Components of Chinese Architecture 2. Walls
3. Roof
Shanghai Longest City in China
Usually a walled city that contains buildings that were zoned
Imperial Architecture
according to their functions and importance
a structured bay as a standard unit to construct
to prevent weathering and insect infestation and to
Painting Wooden Buildings
achieve decorative effects
Siheyuan highly influenced by Confucianism's rite.
Temples Small courtyard where incense and paper offerings are burnt
Types of temples that is Least noisy, colorful, and lively of all
Confucian Temples
Chinese temples
Most colorful and stylish. The main gates are painted with fierce
Taoist Temple
looking mythical heroes to scare off evil spirits
Usually contain the same combination of fairly recognizable im-
Buddhist Temple
portant deities
Pagoda Derived from the Indian Stupa (Indian Burial Mounds)
Monumental gateways having a trabeated form of stone or wood
Pailou/Paifang construction with one, three or five openings and often bold pro-
jecting roofs

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often confusing and dense, dominated by huge rock-piles and a
Chinese Garden great number of buildings all squeezed into innumerable, often
very small spaces
one of the most famous gardens in the whole world, very different
Garden of Versailles
to Chinese Gardens
Yangtze River longest river in asia
Forbidden City World's Largest Imperial Palace
The most important of Beijing's imperial temples, where emperors
Temple of Heaven of the Ming and Qing dynasties worshipped the god of heaven and
prayed for good harvests
Special Dark Blue Clay Tiles Representing heaven with the use of paint for anti thermites
a smooth circular wall surrounding the vault that can transmit
echo wall / whispering wall
sounds even on large distances
Principal house (facing to south mostly) Head of the family
Eastern-wing house Eldest son
Western-wing house younger son/daughter
Spinster-daughter/ divorced
daughter/ widowed daughter-in-
Opposite house
law who had never given birth to
a son
Black color of heaven
representing the
nature or purity, brightness, and fullness
Red good fortune and joy
Yellow Color of the center, symbolizing the color of the earth
Green/Blue Spring when everything is brimming with vigor and vitality
Gold Completeness, wealth, metal, God


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