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A Battlefleet Gothic Discord project
Author and rules editor of this document: horizon

Rules & Concept by Italianmoose, Alpharisus, Will the Great,

Kel’narn, IFoldlyGo, DreadCassowary, Grifftofer, NateHA-
Flybywire, Alwar, Fr05ty, Ethan RUSH’ McKinney,
DoublebaseFanatic and horizon

Ship images provided by Battlefleet Galaxy, Soulforge Studios,

Keiler and Italianmoose

Sector map by Tom ‘Warcaster’ Williams

Background stories by horizon

Editing and text improvements by Ethan ‘RUSH’ McKinney
Editing and text improvement on the story of Vil Egenius X by

Version 1.0
The Story Of Dark Magos Vil Egenius X chance to test his latest creations, he beseeched best to stay one step ahead of the bizarre
the Changer of the Ways, Lord Tzeentch himself, monstrosities, however they were ever at their
The saga of Magos Vil Egenius X began in the dark for a break in the warpstorms so that his dark fleet heels.
and treacherous days of the Horus Heresy. Long is might once again ply the cold space between stars.
the litany of his vile deeds, indeed far too many to With his acolytes chanting prayers to the true gods, With every passing hour his fleet’s cogitators filled
recount in this grim tome, however his fall from he ordered his fleet to make the jump. Perhaps that with readings on the twisted geometries and dark
grace and the depths to which he plunged left scars most fickle of chaos gods chose to ignore his pleas, energies of this strange place, which he eagerly
on many a loyalist world that can never truly heal. or more likely, had some other foul plot in store for applied to ever more insane and forbidden
the fallen Magos. Whichever the case, his fleet scientific creations. After what seemed like an age
After the fall of the traitorous Warmaster Horus found itself becalmed in a realm quite unlike any fighting this constant battle against the denizens of
and the retreat of the traitor legions into the Eye of other – the viewscreens of his ships awash with the deep, his navigators were no closer to finding a
Terror, Dark Magos Vil Egenius X and his ragtag ripples of strange energy, the roiling currents way out of this hellish realm.
fleet of explorator vessels joined the survivors in churned violently with the passing of unknowable
that hellish realm. For many centuries he studied monsters. Despite his many discoveries and breakthroughs,
the arcane and sinister arts of warpcraft, binding his attempts to break out of this pocket universe
the Immaterium's unholy energies with the Seeing this new realm for the opportunity it was, were thwarted at every turn. In his furious
forbidden technologies of the Dark Mechanicum. the cackling Magos shrieked at his bridge crew to desperation, Vil Egenius both cursed and thanked
take any and all readings they could; no data was the Dark Pantheon for giving him these boons,
Tirelessly he toiled, twisting once proud ships into to be lost and nothing of note missed. Even as his while at the same time denying him the
warp-infused harbingers of doom and madness. fleet was beset by gargantuan nightmares made opportunity to escape and put them to the test.
Where time and tide allowed, he led his fleet on flesh, the Magos did not waver in his quest for
numerous realspace raids outside the Eye, ever knowledge. As his augurs took scans of every
hungry for new raw materials. Restless for the minutae of the struggle, his navigators did their

Of Ghosts and Death As those thoughts tumbled through his feverish an alien projecting it’s filthy xenos thoughts into
mind, thoughts of a different and much more alien his mind was anathema to him, he withstood the
Whether through a fortuitous twist of fate or the origin intruded on his deliberations. The Eldar ordeal long enough to make contact with the ship’s
work of the fickle gods, a localized energy flare were trying to communicate. Although the idea of captain, a Starfarer by the name of Taria Tunirien.
within his flagship’s sensor range heralded the assembled fleet. While it was clear the Eldar found the communion
arrival of another vessel in what the Magos had no less distasteful, she wasted no time in imparting
come to view as his prison. Amidst the eddies and Despite its age, the eerie light that pulsed from the what little she knew about their current situation.
ripples of its entry, the Magos picked up an many gemstones that dotted its upper surface Her vessel had been tracking his fleet for quite
unknown and distorted signal. Ever curious, he set made it clear that this was no long-lost hulk. Aside some time it seemed, however the spirits residing
the surviving ships on an intercept course and, from the ghost lights and power emanating from in the soulstones all over her ship had become
despite the strange sensor echoes that were rife in the ship, there were no other signs of life from restless and agitated, and when it was clear that
such an unpredictable and treacherous place, his within. What was most curious to the Magos the Magos’ fleet was being pulled into this nether-
navigators finally tracked down his illusive prey. however, was that the creatures that had been realm she had done all she could to change course,
As the main bridge viewscreen crackled to life, hounding his ship doggedly for so long seemed to yet the soulstones had taken control of her vessel
give the Eldar ship a wide birth, as if fearful of this through the infinity circuit and dragged the ship
Vil Egenius was treated to the grainy image of a new arrival. and her crew in after them.
truly ancient starship, old beyond even the
standards of its venerable creators. While his first thought was to board and strip the The soulstones had established a mysterious
ship of everything worth taking, a nagging thought connection with the energies of this tormented
A sleek warship, almost organic in its graceful at the back of his mind stayed his hand – what if realm, or as the Eldar called it: the Dead Universe.
curves, with vast solar sails sweeping out from its this ship represented his only chance at escaping With the spirits of their kindred now bound here,
dorsal and lateral hull, lay immobile before the this cage? the living Eldar

aboard their ship had no recourse but to pool their As the pandemonium on his bridge subsided, Vil into its cold embrace. He was back in the real, and
resources with their hated prey and find a way out. Egenius X blurted a burst of scrapcode at his no matter the year or even millennium, the lackeys
It was their hope that between the advanced bridge crew, threatening them with nothing short of the false god would know his name and come to
technologies of the Eldar and the crude warp of dismemberment if they didn’t get the fear him once more. With a self-satisfied wave of
drives of the chaos fleet, they could somehow viewscreen up and running. As he limped his tarnished mechadendrites, he ordered his dark
punch a whole in the barrier between the realms impatiently across the deck towards them, hand fleet coreward…
and tear their way back through. After explaining already straying to the holster at his side, the
her plan, the Starfarer Captain disdainfully broke blizzard of static covering the viewscreen flickered
the link and the Magos was left alone with his and then receded, revealing a sight the Magos had FLEETS OF THE DARK MECHANICUM
thoughts. Could they be trusted? Of course not. But almost given up hope of ever seeing again. Stars.
what other choice did he have? He would work The inky blackness of space. They had done it! For millennia, the Dark Mechanicum has
with the alien, but he would have a few safeguards With that realization came another thought – desecrated old and obsolete vessels by infusing
in place should the Eldar show their true colours. where were the warp-damned Eldar?! Yelling at his them with dark technology and daemonic energies
After the necessary changes to the fleet’s warp augur servitors to begin full sweeps, he ordered from the warp, creating new classes forged in the
drives had been made, he signalled to the Xenos the ordnance officer to ready all weapons. Seconds hellfire of the Immaterium. A Dark Magos intent
cruiser that they were ready to jump. ticked by as the augurs swept the immediate area upon seeking ever more knowledge and power will
around the fleet. Nothing. The venerable Eldar ship have many a mighty and twisted vessel at their
had vanished. Ordering continuous sweeps to be disposal, whose damned crews are ever ready to
sure they were alone; he had his comms officer cut a bloody path across the stars in search of the
relay orders to the other vessels. Not all of the fleet arcane and forbidden, and woe betide anyone who
had survived the crossing, but no matter; there stands in their way…
At the very edge of the system, a dull flash in the were more than enough ships left to achieve his
void lasting less than an instant went unnoticed by goals. The Dark Magos strolled purposefully over
the system’s guardians. to his oil-slicked command throne and sank back

Special Rules
of the Dark Mechanicum
Warp Rift Cannon: Boarding and Hit & Run attacks
Leadership The Cannon fires a Warp Rift singularity through The Dark Mechanicum, unlike the regular Chaos
The Dark Mechanicum adds a +1 modifier when space and time causing horrendous effects. list, has no bonus for Boarding Actions.
rolling for leadership on the standard table. • The cannon fires in a straight line (parallel to
the heading, not in the complete front arc) using Escort Automatons
Dark Mechanicum ship upgrades: the nova cannon template. Move the template With the use of arcane automatons and
• Each capital ship gains +1 turret to their basic along the bearing, out to 90cm. As soon as the reprogrammed servitors the smallest vessels of the
profile. (Already included in the profiles on the base of a ship is touched by the template the Dark Mechanicum fleet have several benefits when
following pages). singularity strikes. Create a Warp Rift (with its near a capital ship of the Dark Mechanicum.
centre on the stem of the ship being hit) on the
• The Dark Mechanicum exclusively uses Dark table with a width of D6+4 cm. The standard Any Iconoclast squadron receives a +1 bonus to its
Matter torpedoes. These follow the rules for the rules for Warp Rift apply and the hit ship must leadership when at least one vessel is within 30cm
Short Burn Torpedoes as found in the rulebook immediately take the test (note; defender of a dark Mechanicum capital ship.
(e.g., speed 40cm, going out on a ‘6’). repositions ship). The Warp Rift stays in place However, if the range to the nearest friendly capital
for the remainder of the game. ship is above 30cm the Iconoclast squadron suffers
• Each capital ship rolls a 2D6 on the Dark Gifts • After firing the ship must successfully pass the a -1 Leadership modifier.
table Reload Ordnance special order in the following
turn. If the test is 3 or lower the cannon If no capital ships are selected in the fleet assume
Dark Warp Matter Short Burn Torpedoes explodes and a warp rift is created centered that the escorts are under direct control and above
These are the Dark Mechanicum’s variant of the upon the ship itself. rule does not apply.
regular short burn torpedoes: • The Warp Rift Cannon cannot be used when on
• For each 6 rolled when successfully hitting a Brace for Impact, All Ahead Full, Burn Retros or Attack Rating
ship the player being hit must make a Come to New Heading orders. The Dark Mechanicum has an attack rating of 3.
Leadership test on a 3D6. If failed the ship
suffers a -1 Leadership modifier next turn as After firing the ship must successfully pass the
tiny warp holes jam communication through the Reload Ordnance special order. If the test is 3 or
ship. lower the cannon explodes and a warp rift is
created upon the ship itself.
Dark Gifts Table 7. Temporal augurs: the ship may re-roll any single (any dice being relevant to this ship!) dice
every turn, but every time you do so, the ship suffers a hit and run attempt by the tzeentch
demons (see the remastered fleetbook on page x)
1. Omnissiah Unleashed: the ship unlocks ancient conductors within its core
unleashing archaic Omnissiah programming. With technology beyond wildest
8. Predatory intelligence: the ship may make a free 45 degree turn at the beginning of its
imagination the Dark Mechanicum player may attempt to give orders to a ship of
movement phase instead of its normal turn after 10cm but must always do so towards the
his opponent! At the start of the opposing player the Dark Mechanicum player
nearest damaged enemy ship and must always attempt to board it if maximum movement
nominates a single ship of his opponent within a range of 30cm; now the
distance allows it to move into contact.
opposing player must take a test on 3D6 - Leadership and the Dark
Mechanicum player on a 2D6 - Leadership. The player who rolls the lowest score
9. Malefic factorum: the ship automatically reloads all ordnance at the beginning of the Dark
will win. If the Dark Mechanicum player wins he may move and shoot with the
Mechanicum players turn (except when on Brace for Impact). If the ship is unable to launch
‘hacked’ ship (but no issue Special Orders); a capital ship will break squadron
ordnance due to any circumstances such as hitting ordnance limit or being boarded it suffers a
rules if this occurs.
critical hit; roll a D6 per launch bay on the critical hit chart
2. Dark Matter infused drives: the ship’s speed is increased by +5cm and gains
10. Psycho-reactive Shields: Increase the ship's shield value by 2; it also can move through blast
+1D6 when on All Ahead Full Special Orders. However, the vessel cannot move
markers and stellar phenomena without suffering movement penalties. If you ever fail a brace
slower than maximum speed!
for impact save on this vessel the ship suffers a Shields destroyed critical hit
3. Fickle Sorcery Gun Batteries: All weapon batteries on the ship gain +15cm
11. Daemon Ex Machina: This vessel becomes a daemon ship with all the benefits as described in
range (with a maximum of 75cm!) and have no right shift above 30cm however
the rulebook with the added benefit that it can start the game on the board instead of in the
if the vessel is on Lock On Special Orders, it will suffer a critical hit to its weapon
warp. Should this vessel ever be reduced to 2 damage it will attempt to disengage every round
armament firing.
until destroyed or successful.
When firing with Lance batteries a double hit is scored on a 6, but it will also
receive a critical hit itself when rolling a 6!
12. Abominable Intelligence: Reduce the vessels leadership by 2, it automatically passes all
target priority leadership checks and ignores all column shifts for celestial phenomena or
4. At the whim of the immaterium: the ship may shift 5cm in any direction
distance. However, should this vessel ever fail a leadership check on a double, it will
(keeping the same heading) at the end of its movement phase. But it must test
immediately suffer D6 critical hits as the AI goes rogue and tries to kill the crew.
for Brace for Impact and disengaging at with a -1 negative leadership modifier.
13. Immaterium Imaginaerium: through various Mechanicum upgraded arrays the vessel can
5. Immaterial submunition ammo: When shooting at an enemy vessel treat the
create a whirling and destructive Vortex (see template (10cm) at the back)! Once per turn, in
enemy armour value as 1 point worse, however on a roll of 1 the hit occurs on
the shooting phase, the Dark Mechanicum player may place the template anywhere within
the firing ship itself.
30cm of the Dark Mechanicum vessel (measure from stem to furthest most edge of the
template). Any Ship base being under the vortex has its energy systems drained. It will lose
6. Heretek reactor core: every time a blast marker is placed in contact with the
D3+1 shields (place the green blastmarkers per usual) and next turn the ship may only move at
ship, roll D6. On a roll of 4+ the blast is removed. However, the ship must roll
half speed maximum and will have its weapon systems at 50% (loaded ordnance may not be
3D6 when trying to shoot on a target not being the closest and furthermore it
fired!). The Vortex generator must be reloaded before it can be used again.
must re-roll successful Special-Order rolls.
Who wonders what the Magi of the Dark
Mechanicum have unraveled within the Eye of
Terror? Who can tell how many horrible
experiments they executed? What might they have
done to once proud vessels of the Imperium?
The Planet Killer of the Despoiler during the
Gothic War was one such vessel of horrific
capabilities, but stories are told of other almost
mythical vessels roaming within the Eye… and
Type/Hits Speed Turns Shields Armour Turrets sometimes they venture into the realm of mortal
mankind: the dark and twisted super battleships of
Battleship/14 15cm 45º 4 5+ 5 the Dark Mechanicum!
Armament Range/Speed Firepower/Str Fire Arc
One such vessel is the Darkness of Void. A vessel
Port Weapon Batteries 60cm 10 Left adorned with heavy gunnery emplacements, but it
Starboard Weapon Batteries 60cm 10 Right is mostly feared because of its devastating Warp
Cannon is what brings fear into the ranks of the
Port Lance Battery 45cm 2 Left Navy and Magii of Mars. As such, not much
Starboard Lance Battery 45cm 2 Right credence is given to rumours of its existence.
A Warp Cannon creating holes within the universe
Dorsal Lance Battery 60cm 3 Left/Front/Right
that suck entire ships back into the warp is not for
Prow Warp Rift Cannon Special 1 Front the faint of heart…
May not use Come to New Heading Special Orders.
Warp Rift Cannon, see the rules section.

Serving as the flagship for the Warmaster Heinrich
Bale, the battleship Treacherous was the first of a
new class that emerged during the Gothic War.
The Desecrator-class was the first new Chaos
battleship design recorded by the Imperium in a
millennium. Based on the Desolator-class
battleship, the Desecrators replaced its forward
lance batteries with attack craft hangers and
added weapons battery turrets to the dorsal spine.
Type/Hits Speed Turns Shields Armour Turrets
The retrofit proved to be a successful combination
Battleship/12 25cm 45º 4 5+ 5 and the Dark Mechanicum has altered a few other
Desolator Battleships into Desecrators.
Armament Range/Speed Firepower/Str Fire Arc
Dorsal Weapon Batteries 60cm 9 Left/Front/Right One of these vessels, the Eye of the Beholder, has
Port Lance Battery 60cm 2 Left been serving as a mainstay vessel of Dark Magos
Vil Egenius X lost fleet.
Starboard Lance Battery 60cm 2 Right
Swiftdeath: 30cm
Port Launch Bays Doomfire: 20cm 2 -
Dreadclaw: 30cm
Swiftdeath: 30cm
Starboard Launch Bays Doomfire: 20cm 2 -
Dreadclaw: 30cm

Prow Dark Matter Torpedo 40cm 9 Front

May not use Come to New Heading Special Orders.

The Desolator class battleship dates back to the
very founding of the Imperium and utilises
technology long since lost to the Adeptus
Mechanicus. None now remain in Imperial service,
but it is known that at least five Desolators
defected from the Emperor's light between the
31st and the 34th millennium.

One of the ancient vessels, the Torment, older still

Type/Hits Speed Turns Shields Armour Turrets than the infamous Eternity of Pain, was captured
by renegade pirates during the Spartan War, after
Battleship/12 25cm 45º 4 5+ 5 its engines were destroyed and it drifted helplessly
into a mined asteroid field. The Magii of the Dark
Armament Range/Speed Firepower/Str Fire Arc
Mechanicum were instrumental in repairing this
Dorsal Weapon Batteries 60cm 6 Left/Front/Right vessel. As such, Seventy-eight years after its
Port Lance Battery 60cm 4 Left capture, the Torment was instrumental in
obliterating the orbital defences of Ghori VI,
Starboard Lance Battery 60cm 4 Right prior to that planet's invasion by Eldar pirates.
Prow Dark Matter Torpedo 40cm 9 Front
The Torment has been spotted as far afield as the
Ultima Segmentum and even participated in an
May not use Come to New Heading Special Orders.
attack on an Imperial convoy in the Jobe Sector
on the northern rim.

As most of the Dark Mechanicum retreated into the
Eye of the Terror they also lost the resources of
their massive shipyards. While the eye gave them
new opportunities to upgrade their vessels, they
quickly realized the need to have repair facilities
available when venturing into the mortal realm in
search for resources.

As such several grand cruisers were rebuilt into

Type/Hits Speed Turns Shields Armour Turrets large repair ships. Harbouring unique weapon
systems to defend itself and providing repair
Cruiser/10 20cm 45º 3 5+ 4 facilities to other ships in the fleet.
Armament Range/Speed Firepower/Str Fire Arc
Prow Launch Bay Swiftdeath: 3ocm 3 -
Port Dark Matter Torpedo 40cm 4 Left/Front
Starboard Dark Matter Torp. 40cm 4 Right/Front
Port Weapon Batteries 45cm 3 Left
Starboard Weapon Batteries 45cm 3 Right
Notes: Once per turn, this vessel may add a +1D6 to a single vessel attempting to repair
critical hits if it is within 15cm; or +2D6 if it is in base contact.
In a campaign this vessel adds +1 repair point per battle, whether it was present at the
battle or not .
The ship is armed on port and starboard only with Dark Matter Short Burn Torpedoes.
The waves of port and starboard cannot be combined into a single wave.
Repair vessels are eligible for Dark Gifts, rolling normally.

The Retaliator class was part of the Galan V
garrison fleet that mutinied against Imperial rule
in M35. After a two-day pitched battle around the
planet’s three moons which saw four of the traitor
vessels destroyed, taking three Imperial cruisers
with them, the rebel squadron disengaged, fled out
of the system and made the jump into the Warp,
led by the squadron command vessel, Foebane.

Type/Hits Speed Turns Shields Armour Turrets Since the Treachery of Galan, the squadron (which
has now taken its command ship’s name) has been
Cruiser/10 20cm 45º 3 5+ 4 identified as part of the raiding fleets of three
renegade Warmasters, and has been involved in
Armament Range/Speed Firepower/Str Fire Arc
fleet actions in Segmentum Obscurus, Segmentum
Port Weapon Batteries 30cm 6 Left Solar and Ultima Segmentum. The Foebane and
Starboard Weapon Batteries 30cm 6 Right her sister ships were last positively identified
during the Raid on Magdellan Prime, now over 100
Swiftdeath: 30cm
Port Launch Bays Doomfire: 20cm 2 - years ago, which destroyed fifty percent of the
Dreadclaw: 30cm planet’s orbital defences.
Swiftdeath: 30cm
Starboard Launch Bays Doomfire: 20cm 2 - The Magii of the Dark Mechanicum made it their
Dreadclaw: 30cm prerogative to keep these old warships running for
Port Lance Battery 45cm 2 Left their resilience and versatility. With the addition of
the Dark Matter Torpedo array the Retaliator
Starboard Lance Battery 45cm 2 Right
became an even more devastating ship on the
Dorsal Dark Matter Torpedo 40cm 3 Left/Front/Right battlefield.
Notes: Critical hits affecting the prow are ignored and discarded.

The Vengeance class straddles the line between
earlier and later Imperial ship design. The ship can
be seen with the beginnings of the characteristic
armoured prow, although yet the extra armour had
not been added.

Vengeances have also been identified as part of

Traitor fleets, dating back to the mass mutiny that
split the Imperial fleet in half during the Great
Type/Hits Speed Turns Shields Armour Turrets Betrayal. Since then, Imperial ship design has
slowly evolved, but within the warp, where time
Cruiser/10 20cm 45º 3 5+ 4 does not follow a linear path, ships can survive
untold millennia as if it were only yesterday.
Armament Range/Speed Firepower/Str Fire Arc
Port Weapon Batteries 60cm 10 Left Several patrolling squadrons of Vengeance's have,
Starboard Weapon Batteries 60cm 10 Right whilst engaged in routine duties, strayed into the
Eye itself, either lured there in pursuit of raiders or
Port Lance Battery 45cm 2 Left caught in a sudden and unpredictable flare or
Starboard Lance Battery 45cm 2 Right expansion. Such patrols are never seen again,
although reports of Vengeance class grand cruisers
Dorsal Dark Matter Torpedo 40cm 3 Left/Front/Right
supporting renegade raids, Dark Mechanicum
Notes: Critical hits affecting the prow are ignored and discarded. fleets and even Black Crusades have been on the

The Chaos Devastation-class Cruiser is a popular
fleet support carrier amongst many Renegade and
Chaos warfleets.

The vessel was capable of operating in long range

patrols with minimal escort. Faster than the
similarly equipped classes of ship produced in the
Segmentum Solar, the Devastation also found use
as an escort vessel for supply trains whose
Type/Hits Speed Turns Shields Armour Turrets destinations were considered critical, and time
Cruiser/8 25cm 45º 2 5+ 3
When the Warmaster’s treachery split the Galaxy,
Armament Range/Speed Firepower/Str Fire Arc
many Devastations became piratical banes to both
Port Lance Battery 60cm 2 Left Traitor and Loyalist shipping, as their speed and
Starboard Lance Battery 60cm 2 Right load out suited them perfectly to lighting raids.
Swiftdeath: 30cm
Port Launch Bays Doomfire: 20cm 2 - Within the fleets of the Dark Mechanicum the
Dreadclaw: 30cm Devastation also took its place as a worthy vessel
Swiftdeath: 30cm for any Magos operating in Imperial space.
Starboard Launch Bays Doomfire: 20cm 2 -
Dreadclaw: 30cm

Prow Weapon Batteries 30cm 6 Left/Front/Right

Dorsal Dark Matter Torpedo 40cm 3 Left/Front/Right

The Carnage class cruisers were designed as fleet
support vessels, utilising their long-range guns to
stand off and provide supporting fire for other
ships. It was to be an ill-fated design, marred by
the technical difficulties of powering such long-
ranged weapons and the cause of much division
within the Battlefleet Obscura.

As the Carnage class vessels fell to the powers of

Type/Hits Speed Turns Shields Armour Turrets Chaos the Dark Mechanicum set it as a priority to
keep the powerful batteries up and running. As it
Cruiser/8 25cm 45º 2 5+ 3 appeared to turn into the mainstay cruiser of many
Chaos warbands and Dark Magos raiding fleets.
Armament Range/Speed Firepower/Str Fire Arc
Port Weapon Batteries 45cm 6 Left
Starboard Weapon Batteries 45cm 6 Right
Port Weapon Batteries 60cm 4 Left
Starboard Weapon Batteries 60cm 4 Right
Prow Weapon Batteries 60cm 6 Left/Front/Right
Dorsal Dark Matter Torpedo 40cm 3 Left/Front/Right

The Inferno is believed to be an early design and a
later counterpart of the Carnage. However, it was
marred by technical difficulties and not entirely
successful in overcoming many of the
shortcomings experienced by the Carnage in
maintaining and powering its long-range batteries.

The Inferno was quickly supplanted in front line

units by more modern types. Even the Bastion
Type/Hits Speed Turns Shields Armour Turrets fleets have not had an example of this class for
many centuries, though several were known to be
Cruiser/8 25cm 45º 2 5+ 3 maintained by the Adeptus Mechanicus as
experimental platforms and other such uses. A
Armament Range/Speed Firepower/Str Fire Arc
small number were known to turn renegade before
Port Lance Battery 45cm 2 Left the class was entirely removed from service by
Starboard Lance Battery 45cm 2 Right M35.
Port Weapon Batteries 45cm 4 Left Several Dark Magos created more vessels of this
Starboard Weapon Batteries 45cm 4 Right class as it’s variety in weaponry was had proven to
be a valuable asset in their search of knowledge.
Prow Weapon Batteries 60cm 6 Left/Front/Right
Dorsal Dark Matter Torpedo 40cm 3 Left/Front/Right

Before being replaced by Lunar class cruisers, the
Murder class cruiser was the mainstay of
Battlefleet Obscurus. Almost five hundred were
built between the 33rd and 37th millennia but a
proportionate number turned renegade, joining
the forces of Chaos. Armed with several decks of
the best plasma cannon batteries ever produced by
the Adeptus Mechanicus, this class is a formidable
opponent at long range, with engines powerful
Type/Hits Speed Turns Shields Armour Turrets enough to keep out of range of lesser armed enemy
ships. Several of these vessels combined can
Cruiser/8 25cm 45º 2 5+ 3 cripple the largest battleships and it was a force
formed from the Doombringer, Steel Fang and
Armament Range/Speed Firepower/Str Fire Arc
Monstrous that destroyed the Imperial
Port Weapon Batteries 45cm 10 Left battleship Relentless Persecution (brought in from
Starboard Weapon Batteries 45cm 10 Right the Ardekka Sector) during the closing
actions of the Gothic War.
Prow Lance Battery 60cm 2 Front
Dorsal Dark Matter Torpedo 40cm 3 Left/Front/Right This common and easy to maintain vessel
remained to be an asset to the fleets of the Dark
Mechanicum as well.

Seeing the need for fast resources claiming the
Dark Mechanicum developed the Hellbringer
Assault vessel; heretical in nature to follow the
path of the Imperial Dauntless light cruiser

Arriving at unsuspecting systems, these vessels

can launch overwhelming attacks from both their
shipboard weaponry as well as via multitude of
Type/Hits Speed Turns Shields Armour Turrets assault craft. Once the surface is bombarded into
near submission, the skies are filled with landing
Cruiser/6 30cm 90º 1 5+ 3 boats, quickly overwhelming any opposition as
they round up captives for the slave market,
Armament Range/Speed Firepower/Str Fire Arc
looting any valuables for later trade, and then
Prow Bombardment Cannon 30cm 3 Front departing before help can arrive. It is rarer but not
Dorsal Weapon Batteries 30cm 4 Left/Front/Right unheard of for them to attack void installations
they find undefended, bringing such destruction
Swiftdeath: 30cm
Port Launch Bays Doomfire: 20cm 1 - that the gutted stations are generally left as hulks.
Dreadclaw: 30cm No matter the target, the arrival of a Hellbringer
Swiftdeath: 30cm can only spell doom.
Starboard Launch Bays Doomfire: 20cm 1 -
Dreadclaw: 30cm

In Planetary Assault Scenarios Hellbringers score 2 instead of 1 Assault Point per turn.

The enigmatic Koronus Class is a recent
appearance. Named after the Koronus Expanse as
the first Dark Mechanicum vessels of this class
were believed to be a pair of Dauntless Class light
cruisers which mysteriously disappeared within
the expanse.

The first Koronus Class to build an infamous name

for itself was the DarkFate; this ship has been the
Type/Hits Speed Turns Shields Armour Turrets cause of untold millions of deaths raiding an
Imperial convoy carrying desperately-needed
Cruiser/6 30cm 90º 1 5+ 3 medicaments to a plague world.
Armament Range/Speed Firepower/Str Fire Arc
Rogue Traders report sightings of this vessel at an
Prow Dark Matter Torpedoes 40cm 4 Front ever-increasing pace, leading some to believe that
Port Weapon Batteries 30cm 6 Left these are no longer the original two vessels.
Rather, they hold that this class is expanding in
Starboard Weapon Batteries 30cm 6 Right frightful numbers.
The Koronus Class adds +1D6 when on All Ahead Full Special Orders.

If it was not for Imperial scholar Marcin writing
the much-sought-after ‘Book of Nemesis,’ the
history of the Schismatic would most likely be

Fast, swift and elegant, the Schismatic class cruiser,

although often considered under-gunned, proved
itself a very successful vessel—at first. A few ships
were built in the 36th Millennium as a fast torpedo
Type/Hits Speed Turns Shields Armour Turrets boat and raider. Due to ill fate, and most likely bad
omens, most Schismatics were lost in the Warp
Cruiser/6 30cm 90º 1 5+ 3 storm that destroyed the armada sent against
Sebastian Thors' forces. At the same time, the
Armament Range/Speed Firepower/Str Fire Arc
technology attributed to agents of the Dark
Prow Dark Matter Torpedoes 40cm 4 Front Mechanicum which allows its construction was
Port Lance Battery 30cm 2 Left lost in the disarray of those times of unrest.

Starboard Lance Battery 30cm 2 Right Now, the Schismatic has become a common sight
Notes: amongst the fleets of the Dark Mechanicum.
The Schismatic Class adds +1D6 when on All Ahead Full Special Orders.

The Idolator class raider is something of an
enigma. Little is known of the whereabouts of its
construction, though rumour has it that they are
built on the excommunicated forge world of Xana
II near the Eye of Terror.

Idolators incorporate many systems and features

which are of obviously non-human origin,
probably bought or stolen from other space-faring
Type/Hits Speed Turns Shields Armour Turrets races, such as the Kroot mercenaries and the Fra'al
raiders. They show remarkable gunnery at long
Escort/1 25cm 90º 1 5+ 2 range, and it is speculated that they benefit from
improved targeting system which cannot be widely
Armament Range/Speed Firepower/Str Fire Arc
replicated by the Adeptus Mechanicus. A token of
Weapon Batteries 45cm 2 Left/Front/Right craftmanship of the Dark Mechanicum!
Lance Battery 30cm 1 Front
Squadrons of Idolators are a constant menace to
Notes: shipping near the Eye of Terror and it is not
The Idolator Class does not suffer a right column shift when firing over 30cm. uncommon for three or four of these vessels to slip
through the blockade of the Cadian Gate and wreak
havoc on Imperial convoys before escaping
back into the depths of the void.

Roving squadrons of Iconoclast class destroyers
have been a constant peril to shipping.
Mainly used by pirates and other lawless bands,
the Iconoclast is similar in design to a variety of
small escort ships turned out by almost every
shipyard. And as such these are also regularly seen
among the fleets of the Dark Mechanicum

Although compact, they carry a fearsome amount

Type/Hits Speed Turns Shields Armour Turrets of firepower for their size and when encountered
in numbers can be a threat to even a capital ship.
Escort/1 30cm 90º 1 4+ 1 In fleet actions, they mainly engage enemy escorts,
gun down attack craft and destroy incoming
Armament Range/Speed Firepower/Str Fire Arc
Weapon Batteries 30cm 3 Left/Front/Right
Notes: In a Dark Mechanicum fleet with capital ships the Iconoclast uses the Escort
Automatons rules as described on page 6.



The Magos must be assigned to a particular ship. Battleships The following escorts may be chosen
which receives benefit from the Dark Gifts table. For every three (grand-, light) cruisers you may Idolators 45 Points
Roll 2D6 per usual, but you may add or subtract up take one Battleship. Iconoclasts 30 Points
to 2 from the result and receive that single gift. For 0-1 Void Destroyer 475 Points
example, a roll of 3 gives access to gifts 1, 2, 3, 4 0-1 Desecrator 365 Points
and 5. 0-1 Desolator 315 Points RESERVES AND ALLIES
The Dark Mechanicum may take reserves from the
Overlord Magos 50 Points Grand Cruisers Chaos Incursion list. The general rules on how
+1 Leadership For every two (light) cruisers you may take one Marks of Chaos may combine still apply.
Dark Magos 75 Points Grand Cruiser.
+2 Leadership 0-1 Repair vessel 250 Points Using Dark Mechanicum in a campaign:
Vengeance 260 Points Each Dark Magos has its own area of dark
In addition, you may buy up to three re-rolls for Retaliator 295 Points specialism. When creating the fleet roster, select
your fleet: one special order as the Dark Specialism.
One re-roll 50 Points The following cruisers may be chosen:
Two re-rolls 75 Points Cruisers 0-6 Whenever the Dark Magos is present in a game all
Three re-rolls 100 Points Devastation 230 Points ships in its fleet receive a +2-leadership modifier
Carnage 215 Points for the selected special order. However, all other
Deity infused: A Magos may add one of the Chaos Inferno 215 Points special orders receive a -1 Leadership modifier.
Marks as written in the remastered fleetbook. Murder 205 Points
(page 224).
Light Cruisers 0-6
Schismatic 125 Points
Koronus 125 Points
Hellbringer 145 Points

The Balefleets

Rules: Grifftofer, Italianmoose and horizon

Ark of Omen image: Soulforge Studios
ARK OF OMEN 750 Points

ARK OF OMEN [Playable edition] 750 Points
Type/Hits Speed Turns Shields Armour Turrets
All Subsection Characteristics With only a few faltering obstacles standing
between Abaddon the Despoiler and supremacy
Defence/16 10cm Special 4 4+ 6
over the entire Imperium Nihilus, the forces of
Chaos are nearing their goal.
Armament Range/Speed Firepower/Str Fire Arc
Prow Weaponry When the enigmatic daemon mechanic Vashtorr
Prow Weapon Batteries 45cm 12 Front
the Arkifane appears, he brings Abaddon an offer
… and an opportunity. The fiendish forge-master
Prow Lance Battery 30cm 4 Front turns his specialty in corrupt machines and insane
Prow Torpedoes 30cm 6 Front innovation to constructing the Balefleets – swarms
of heretic warships, reinforced by the mighty Arks
Port Weaponry of Omen.
Port Weapon Batteries 45cm 12 Left
Colossal Black Legion void craft built around the
Port Torpedoes 30cm 6 Left
cavernous bodies of Space Hulks, the Arks of Omen
Swiftdeath: 30cm are heavily weaponised and augmented with the
Port Launch Bays Doomfire: 20cm 4 -
Dreadclaw: 30cm means to steer them through the stars. Abaddon
the Despoiler awards each to a favoured Warband
Starboard Weaponry – seeded, naturally, with loyal enforcers and
Starboard Weapon Batteries 45cm 12 Right informants – and he dispatches the Arks to claim
artefacts of mysterious provenance.
Starboard Torpedoes 30cm 6 Right
Swiftdeath: 30cm No one knows the Despoiler’s ultimate plan for
Starboard Launch Bays Doomfire: 20cm 4 -
Dreadclaw: 30cm these vast warships and the artefacts they seek. As
for Vashtorr’s dark desires, every offer comes with
Spine Weaponry a price …
Mawcannon 30cm / 90cm 8 All around
Aft Weaponry
Aft Weapon Batteries 45cm 12 Rear
ARK OF OMEN [Maniac Edition] 2500 Points
Type/Hits Speed Turns Shields Armour Turrets
All Subsection Characteristics With only a few faltering obstacles standing
between Abaddon the Despoiler and supremacy
Defence/48 5cm Special 2 4+ 6
over the entire Imperium Nihilus, the forces of
Chaos are nearing their goal.
Armament Range/Speed Firepower/Str Fire Arc
Prow Weaponry When the enigmatic daemon mechanic Vashtorr
Prow Weapon Batteries 45cm 48 Front
the Arkifane appears, he brings Abaddon an offer
… and an opportunity. The fiendish forge-master
Prow Lance Battery 30cm 8 Front turns his specialty in corrupt machines and insane
Prow Torpedoes 30cm 12 Front innovation to constructing the Balefleets – swarms
of heretic warships, reinforced by the mighty Arks
Port Weaponry of Omen.
Port Weapon Batteries 45cm 48 Left
Colossal Black Legion void craft built around the
Port Torpedoes 30cm 10 Left
cavernous bodies of Space Hulks, the Arks of Omen
Swiftdeath: 30cm are heavily weaponised and augmented with the
Port Launch Bays Doomfire: 20cm 12 -
Dreadclaw: 30cm means to steer them through the stars. Abaddon
the Despoiler awards each to a favoured Warband
Starboard Weaponry – seeded, naturally, with loyal enforcers and
Starboard Weapon Batteries 45cm 48 Right informants – and he dispatches the Arks to claim
artefacts of mysterious provenance.
Starboard Torpedoes 30cm 10 Right
Swiftdeath: 30cm No one knows the Despoiler’s ultimate plan for
Starboard Launch Bays Doomfire: 20cm 12 -
Dreadclaw: 30cm these vast warships and the artefacts they seek. As
for Vashtorr’s dark desires, every offer comes with
Spine Weaponry a price …
Mawcannon 30cm / 90cm 12 All around
Aft Weaponry
Aft Weapon Batteries 45cm 32 Rear
Special Rules Movement Sub Sections
Arks of Omen must move their Speed in a straight Arks of Omen are so large that their weapons, hits
Ark of Omen line each turn, no more, no less. Arks of Omen and defences are divided up into four
never have their speed reduced by blast markers ‘Subsections’: Prow, Port, Starboard and Aft.
Arks of Omen are so massive compared to other or damage. Any other effects that would cause the
star-ships that they require several special rules. Ark of Omen to have reduced Speed take affect as When the Ark of Omen is fired upon, determine
However, an Ark of Omen must still follow all the normal. which Subsection the attack will hit by tracing a
usual rules for ships in your fleet, except where its straight line from the stem of the firing ship to the
special rules explicitly state otherwise. Turning centre of the Ark.
An Ark of Omen may turn up to 45° in every
Arks of Omen should be placed on a base that is at second movement phase. This turn must be taken Likewise, ordnance hits are only resolved against
least 60mm, but no more than 90mm, in diameter. at the end of the Ark’s move. the first Subsection contacted by the marker. If an
However, should a game include opposing Arks of attack traces its line to either the Port or Starboard
Omen they should be mounted on the same size of Gravity Wells Subsection, the Ark is counted as Abeam; if it
base in order to keep things as fair as possible. If an Ark is within the gravity well of a planet or traces to the Prow Subsection the Ark is counted as
moon at the end of its movement, it can make a Closing and if it traces to the Aft Subsection the
Ark of Omen Special Orders single 45° turn towards the planet or moon, Ark counts as Moving Away.
An Ark of Omen acts as a single entity for the regardless of whether it turned in its last
purposes of special orders (with all Subsections be movement phase. Remember, an Ark of Omen is counts as a defence
affected by those orders as normal) and may not and as such that column on the gunnery table is
use the Burn Retros or Come to New Heading Also, the enormous size and mass of an Ark of used.
special orders. Omen means that it creates its own gravity well
extending 5 cm from the edges of its base. This Shields and Blastmarkers
Ramming affects other ships in the same way as a planetary Each Subsection has its own shields; when blast
For the purposes of ramming an Ark of Omen is gravity well and means that other ships can take markers are placed, put them in contact with the
considered a defence and as such cannot initiate a up a stationary orbit around the hulk. appropriate edge of the Ark’s base.
ramming action. Objects orbiting the Ark are moved along with it
until such time as they break orbit. A ship deciding
An Ark of Omen that is rammed rolls dice equal to to break orbit must do so before the Ark of Omen
half the total starting hits of all it’s Subsections. moves. In other words, no free moves!
Damage and Critical Hits most under the centre hole of the marker when it Furthermore, an Ark of Omen is filled with
All damage and critical hits only affect the hits. If a direct hit is rolled on the scatter-dice then horrifying Daemon Engines and as such has a
Subsection that they are inflicted against unless the Nova Cannon directly hits only the Subsection boarding modifier of +2.
specifically noted otherwise. Subsections can be facing the attacking ship.
crippled as normal, however only the crippled Should the Armageddon Gun hit an Ark of Omen, Hit & Run Attacks
Subsection has its weapons/capabilities affected, then only the Subsection facing the firing vessel is Hit-and-run raids are resolved only against the
and the Ark’s Leadership is unaffected by the hit, unless the struck Subsection is destroyed by Subsection they are directed at and will not affect
crippling of any Subsection(s). Once a Subsection’s the damage caused by the Armageddon Gun. If this other Subsections. Enemy ships that launch a
hits are reduced to 0, any further hits plough into happens them the Armageddon Gun will strike the teleport attack against the Ark of Omen may target
the drifting wreckage and do no further damage. opposite Subsection as well (Port - Starboard, any Subsection.
Should the Aft Subsection be destroyed, reduce the Prow - Aft). Arks of Omen contain numerous teleport
speed of the Ark of Omen by half (round down). chambers, both for dispatching troops to other
The same procedure applies to the Blackstone vessels in the fleet and delivering them into
Damage Control Fortress. When the mega death shot is being used combat, be it on a nearby planet or as a
Damage control is also undertaken individually. To only one quadrant is fully destroyed. The others devastating hit-and-run attack against enemy
all intents and purposes the four Subsections take D6 hits (no shields). vessels. Each Subsection that is not destroyed
function as individual ships placed ‘back to back’. allows the Ark of Omen to launch one teleport hit-
Boarding and-run attack.
Due the Dark Mechanicum improvements the Ark Enemy ships may board any Subsection that they
of Omen receives always one extra dice when make it into contact with. The following boarding These teleport attacks are conducted by mighty
attempting to repair. action is resolved as normal, with only the targeted daemon engines and give a +1 on the result of the
Subsection being involved in the boarding action. D6 roll.
The Ark of Omen itself is only destroyed once all Any resulting hits or critical hits against the Ark of
four Subsections are reduced to 0 hits, at which Omen are likewise only applied to that Subsection. Attack Craft
point a single roll on the catastrophic damage table When launching attack craft an Ark of Omen may
must be made. Blast markers only affect the If an Ark of Omen initiates a boarding action only form waves out of squadrons launched from
Subsection(s) that they are in contact with. against an enemy ship, it may choose how many of the same launch bay. Squadrons launched from
its Subsections will be involved in the boarding separate launch bays (e.g., another section) may
Nova Cannon, Armageddon Gun and Warpcannon action, only counting their remaining hits for its not be combined to form a single wave.
Nova cannons and other template weapons can boarding value. Subsections not involved in the
only score a ‘full on’ hit against the Subsection boarding action may fire their weapons normally.
The Spine Using Arks of Omen Arks of Omen in a campaign
The central command and control facility of an Ark If taken, it must serve as the flagship. It may not be A player may never have more than one Ark of
of Omen is a heavily armed and armoured redoubt taken in a fleet that has the Planet Killer, an Omen in their fleet-list and if it is destroyed then
capable of withstanding almost any attack. The Activated Blackstone Fortress or ships that must it’s gone, you cannot replace it as you would any
Spine cannot be targeted separately by enemy be used as flagships such as the Terminus Est. other vessel.
attacks and is only destroyed when the rest of the It may not take any Chaos Marks, but other ships Rather than using the standard Reinforcements
Ark of Omen is reduced to zero hits. In rare still can. Appeal, in order to add an Ark of Omen to your
instances, if the spine would take damage (such as fleet-list you must successfully make a “Praise
from its own ordnance exploding due to critical There is no minimum point requirement or ship Abaddon” Appeal, for only he has the authority to
hits, etc.), the opposing player distributes this prerequisite for fielding an Ark of Omen! dispatch an Ark of Omen to a particular conflict.
damage between any remaining Subsections. If desired, it may even be taken by itself or only
with escorts. This Appeal requires a 5+ to be rolled in order to
Daemon infused Spine weaponry: Mawcannon be granted and you may only attempt this Appeal
Retrieved from the warp by the daemon Vashtorr Victory Points once per campaign turn (Do not disturb the
an Ark of Omen becomes infused with daemonic Arks of Omen use the following table to determine Despoiler to often!).
energies. The Mawcannon is a terrible Warp- how many victory points they are worth to
based energy weapon which unleashes different opponents:
types of lethal Warp energies through the spinal • An Ark of Omen that disengages with no damage
weapon emplacements. When firing the player whatsoever counts as 10% destroyed.
may choose one of the following attacks: • An Ark of Omen that disengages with any damage
at all counts as 25% destroyed. The Ark of Omen rules as described on the
• Baleful Torrent: this burning Warpfire engulfs • An Ark of Omen that has two Subsections previous pages are for based on the Battlefleet
enemy ships in ethereal energy: Target an destroyed, or all four Subsections crippled, counts Gothic Dreadnought rules by Grifftofer as can be
enemy vessel within 30cm. Treat the attack as a as 50% destroyed. found here:
regular strength 8 lance attack with the • An Ark of Omen that is destroyed counts as 100%
exception critical hits are inflicted on a 4+. destroyed.
• Phlegm Bombardment: masses of mutating
phlegm are hurled at enemy ships: Target an Only a few points have been changed to reflect the
enemy vessel within 90cm. This ship is hit by 8 Ark of Omen being based on a Space Hulk and
hits. These roll versus armour and each having involvement of a daemon, instead of a big
successful hit cause one critical hit (roll on chart battleship.
per usual).
Arks of Omen Critical Hits Table
2D6 Extra Damage Result

“Target high energy systems!” The attacker focuses on destroying areas of the Arks' power distribution network. The attacker chooses one of the
following (applicable) options:
2–3 +0 • Reduce targeted Subsection’s Turrets value by 1.
• Reduce targeted Subsection’s Shields value by 1.
• Reduce the strength of a Lance-type or Nova Cannon weapon in the targeted Subsection by half (round down).
“Target weapons clusters!” The attacker focuses on neutralizing banks of weapons across the Arks' surface. The attacker chooses one of the
following (applicable) options:
4–5 +0 • Reduce the firepower of a gunnery weapon in the targeted Subsection by half (round down).
• Reduce the strength of a torpedo salvo in the targeted Subsection by half (round down).
• Reduce the launch capacity of any launch bay in the targeted Subsection by half (round down).
“Target thruster assemblies!” The attacker focuses on demolishing the Ark’s manoeuvring systems. Make a note each time the Ark of Omen suffers
this result. Each time the Ark of Omen wishes to turn, it must roll higher on a D6 than the number of thruster assembly critical hits it has suffered
6 +1 during the course of the battle. This does not include the free turn it may make when it is within a planet’s gravity well. An Ark of Omen may suffer a
maximum of 6 thruster assembly hits (if this result cannot be applied, roll for a different result). This critical hit may only be repaired by the Damage
Control rolls of the Aft Subsection.

Fire! Oxygen lines are broken, leading to fires in many compartments. Roll to repair (extinguish) the fire in the End phase, if the fire is not put out it
7 +0
causes 1 point of extra damage and keeps burning.

8 +1 Hull breach. A huge gash is torn in the Subsection’s hull, causing carnage among the crew.

Command Tower Struck. A command tower on the spine is torn away. The Ark’s Leadership value is reduced by -2 points. This damage may not be
9 +0

Shields Collapse. The shield generators overload and burn out, leaving the Subsection virtually defenceless. The Subsection’s shield strength is
10 +0
reduced to 0. This damage may not be repaired.

Citadel penetrated! The main citadel is struck, causing immense destruction as the ordnance stored there explodes and wreaks havoc. All
11 +1
Subsections suffer +1 damage and the Spine weapons are lost.

Reactor Struck! The central plasma reactor at the heart of the Ark of Omen is struck, all four Subsections suffer an extra D3 hits from the resulting
12 +D3
power surges and leaking plasma. Roll another critical damage result immediately and apply that to the Subsection struck.
Arks of Omen Catastrophic Damage Table
D6 Extra Blast Result
Wrecked. The Ark of Omen simply ceases to function. Venting gases and debris block line of sight across the Ark, and movement through it counts as
1–2 0 moving through an asteroid field in all respects. The Ark’s wreck continues to move its Speed, in a straight line directly forwards, at the end each of
the controlling player’s Movement Phases.
“Structural collapse. The Ark falls apart and pieces drift away, filling the area with huge chunks of wreckage. Replace the model with a 15cm
3 0 diameter asteroid field. This asteroid field moves the Ark’s Speed along the same heading as the Dreadnought was on, when it was destroyed, at the
end of each of the controlling player’s Movement Phases.
Hyper-plasma meltdown. The Ark’s main reactor goes critical in spectacular style. Resolve twelve lance shots against all ships within 4D6cm, and
4 2D6 remove all ordnance within that range. Everything else remaining on the table suffers the effect of a solar flare centred on the Ark of Omen. Then,
replace the Ark of Omen with 2D6 blast markers.

Daemon Soul Unleashed! As the Ark of Omen explodes the daemonic soul bound within it unleashes its energies as it breaks from the superstructure:
5 0
All ships within 4D6cm receive D6 critical hits (roll per ship). Ordnance is automatically removed.

Warp field implosion. The Ark of Omen instantly vanishes as its warp field collapses, leaving behind a vast hole in the fabric of space. Resolve twelve
lance shots against all ships and ordnance within 4D6cm, then replace the station with a warp rift. All ships and ordnance markers remaining on the
6 0
table are then drawn 15cm directly towards the centre of the rift. Objects that pass into the rift will be affected normally as described in the Celestial
Phenomena rules.


You can only include a Chaos Warmaster in your For every two cruisers you may take one Grand The following escorts may be chosen
fleet if it includes any capital ships. He must be Cruiser. Idolators 45 Points
assigned to the most expensive ship and improves Vengeance 230 Points Infidels 40 Points
its rolled Leadership by +2, to a maximum of 9. Retaliator 260 Points Iconoclasts 30 Points
Repulsive 230 Points
Warmaster 100 Points Executor 210 Points
+2 Leadership, including one re-roll RESERVES AND ALLIES
Heavy Cruisers The Ark of Omen fleet list may take reserves from
In addition, you may buy up to two more re-rolls For every two cruisers you may take one Heavy the Dark Mechanicum fleet list. This being the
for your fleet: Cruiser. option to take any cruiser from the Dark
One re-roll 50 Points Styx 260 Points Mechanicum fleet list instead of a Heavy Cruiser
Two re-rolls 100 Points Hades 200 Points from the Ark of Omen fleet list.

Marks of Chaos: A Warmaster may add one of the Cruisers 0-12 The general rules on how Marks of Chaos may
Chaos Marks as written in the remastered Devastation 190 Points combine still apply.
fleetbook. (page 224). When an Ark of Omen is Carnage 180 Points
present no Mark of Chaos may be taken. Inferno 180 Points Using Arks of Omen in a campaign:
Murder 170 Points This fleet list follows the regular Chaos campaign
CAPITAL SHIPS Slaughter 165 Points rules.
Ark of Omen
You may include up to one Space Hulk in the Note: above are the regular Chaos vessels and as
fleet. See it’s special rules for restrictions and how such they do not benefit from any Dark
to include it. Mechanicum upgrades or benefits as described in
0-1 Ark of Omen 750/2500 Points the rules on pages 6-7.


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