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Prometheus Gives Fire to Man - Reading Comprehension

1. What does paragraph 5 show us about Prometheus?

A. That Prometheus is man’s foe and not to be trusted.

B. That Prometheus is man’s friend but should not be trusted.
C. That Prometheus is a kind creator and benefactor to mankind by teaching them.
D. That Prometheus is a cruel creator who withholds important knowledge from man.

2. What does the author most likely mean by saying, “Men’s lives would never be the same again” in
paragraph 4?

A. That because of fire life would now be horrible as there would be many house fires.
B. That because Prometheus gave man fire their lives would now be easier.
C. That because Prometheus gave man fire they would have to fear Zeus’s wrath.
D. That because Prometheus gave man fire they could now make pizza at home.

3. What does the word pleaded mean in paragraph 6. “Prometheus pleaded for the race of men…”

A. refused
B. punished
C. defended
D. argued

4. Why was Zeus afraid of men having fire?

A. He didn’t want them to burn down their houses.

B. He didn’t want the lights from their fires to keep him up at night.
C. He was afraid that they would use it to eventually overthrow the gods.
D. He was never good at sharing and didn’t want others playing with his stuff.

5. Why did Prometheus most likely disobey Zeus and give man fire?

A. Prometheus was jealous of Zeus and wanted man to worship him as their god.
B. Prometheus wanted to keep the peace and knew this would help make things even.
C. Prometheus feared what Zeus would do if he kept all the fire.
D. Prometheus knew that man couldn’t survive or advance without fire.

6. Why do you think Hephaestus didn’t want to help punish Prometheus?

A. Prometheus was kind, good, and admired by the other gods.

B. Hephaestus wanted Prometheus to be the king of the gods.
C. Prometheus was stronger than Zeus and Hephaestus was afraid to cross him.
D. Hephaestus was Prometheus’s brother.
7. What does Prometheus warn his brother Epimetheus about?

A. Prometheus warns Epimetheus not to give man fire.

B. Prometheus warns Epimetheus not to trust Hephaestus.
C. Prometheus warns Epimetheus not to trust Zeus.
D. Prometheus warns Epimetheus not to make Mr. Rovente angry.

8. What is the meaning of foe in paragraph 8?

A. friend
B. enemy
C. brother
d. benefactor

9. Who are Zeus’s two servants?

A. Epimetheus & Prometheus

B. Epimetheus & Bia
C. Bia & Aetna
D. Kratos & Bia

10. How does the author feel, or what is the author’s tone, regarding Prometheus?

A. You can tell the author has a positive tone towards Prometheus.
B. You can tell the author has a negative tone towards Prometheus.
C. You can tell the author has a neutral tone towards Prometheus.
D. I have no idea what tone means.

Bonus: Reread paragraph 10 & 11. What does the first sentence truly tell us about Prometheus? ANSWER

“Prometheus, alone as no one has ever been alone since the creation of the world, had foreseen the price he’d
have to pay for his generosity and kindness.”








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