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Software Requirement Speci cation


Submitted by :- Abhinav Kumar Singh

Registration No :- 12206613
Subject :- CSE 374
Section :- K22WB
Roll No :- 11

In partial ful lment for the requirements of the award of the

degree of
“Bachelor of Technology [B.Tech] “
“School Of Computer Science & Engineering”
Lovely Professional
University Phagwara, Punjab.


1 Title Page 1
2 Index 2
3 Introduction 3-6
4 Overall Description 6-12
5 Specific Requirements 12-20
6 Other Requirements 20-25
7 Appendices 25-26
The purpose of MATLAB, an abbreviation for "MATrix LABoratory," is
multifaceted, reflecting its diverse capabilities in technical computing,
data analysis, and algorithm development. Here are the main points
highlighting the purposes and applications of MATLAB:
• Mathematics and Numerical Computation: MATLAB provides a
powerful environment for performing mathematical computations, including
linear algebra, calculus, differential equations, and optimisation. It offers a vast
array of built-in functions and tools for numerical analysis and simulation.
• Data Analysis and Visualisation: MATLAB is widely used for analysing
and visualising data from various sources, including experimental measurements,
sensor data, and simulation outputs. It offers extensive plotting and visualisation
capabilities, enabling users to create custom plots, charts, and graphical user
interfaces (GUIs) for data exploration and presentation.
• Algorithm Development and Prototyping: MATLAB serves as a versatile
platform for developing and prototyping algorithms across diverse domains such
as signal processing, image processing, control systems, machine learning, and
computer vision. It provides a rich library of functions and toolboxes for
implementing and testing algorithms efficiently.
• Modelling and Simulation: MATLAB supports modelling and simulation
tasks in engineering, science, and other fields. Users can build mathematical
models of complex systems, simulate their behaviour, and analyse the results.
MATLAB's Simulink tool extends its capabilities for modelling dynamic systems
and designing control systems.
• Application Deployment: MATLAB enables users to deploy their
algorithms and applications to various platforms, including desktop computers,
embedded systems, and the cloud. It offers deployment options such as standalone
executables, web applications, and mobile apps, allowing users to share their work
with others and deploy solutions in real-world environments.
• Educational and Research Purposes: MATLAB is widely used in
academia for teaching and research across disciplines such as engineering,
mathematics, physics, biology, and finance. Its user-friendly interface, extensive
documentation, and broad range of functionalities make it a popular choice for
educational institutions and research organisations worldwide.
• Interdisciplinary Applications: MATLAB finds applications in a wide
range of interdisciplinary fields, including finance, bioinformatics, computational
biology, geosciences, and econometrics. Its flexibility and versatility make it
suitable for addressing complex challenges and solving problems in diverse
The scope of MATLAB, an abbreviation for "MATrix LABoratory," is
broad and encompasses a wide range of functionalities and applications
in the field of technical computing, data analysis, algorithm
development, and simulation. Here's an overview of the scope of
Mathematics and Numerical Computation:
• MATLAB provides a rich set of mathematical functions and operators for
performing basic and advanced mathematical operations, including arithmetic,
linear algebra, calculus, differential equations, and numerical optimisation.
• Users can solve mathematical problems symbolically using MATLAB's Symbolic
Math Toolbox, enabling tasks such as calculus, algebra, and equation solving.
• MATLAB supports matrix and vector operations, making it particularly suitable for
numerical computations and scientific computing tasks.
Data Analysis and Visualisation:
• MATLAB offers powerful tools for importing, analysing, and visualising data from
various sources, including spreadsheets, databases, text files, and external devices.
• Users can perform statistical analysis, curve fitting, interpolation, filtering, and
data preprocessing tasks using MATLAB's extensive library of functions.
• MATLAB provides flexible plotting and visualisation capabilities, allowing users to
create custom plots, charts, graphs, and 3D visualisations to explore and present
their data effectively.
Algorithm Development and Prototyping:
• MATLAB serves as a versatile platform for developing, testing, and prototyping
algorithms across diverse domains such as signal processing, image processing,
control systems, machine learning, and computer vision.
• Users can leverage MATLAB's built-in functions, toolboxes, and libraries to
implement algorithms efficiently, enabling rapid prototyping and experimentation.
• MATLAB supports various programming paradigms, including procedural
programming, object-oriented programming (OOP), and functional programming,
providing flexibility for algorithm development.
Modeling and Simulation:
• MATLAB facilitates modelling and simulation tasks in engineering, science, and
other disciplines, allowing users to build mathematical models of complex systems
and simulate their behaviour.
• MATLAB's Simulink tool extends its capabilities for modelling dynamic systems,
designing control systems, and simulating multi-domain physical systems.
• Users can simulate and analyse the performance of systems, circuits, processes,
and algorithms using MATLAB's simulation tools and libraries.

Application Deployment:
• MATLAB enables users to deploy their algorithms and applications to various
platforms, including desktop computers, embedded systems, and the cloud.
• Users can create standalone executables, web applications, and mobile apps using
MATLAB's deployment options, allowing them to share their work with others and
deploy solutions in real-world environments.
• MATLAB Compiler and MATLAB Coder facilitate the conversion of MATLAB code
into executable binaries, C/C++ code, or deployable components for integration
with external systems.
Education and Research:
• MATLAB is widely used in academia for teaching, learning, and research across
disciplines such as engineering, mathematics, physics, biology, finance, and
• MATLAB's user-friendly interface, extensive documentation, and broad range of
functionalities make it a popular choice for educational institutions and research
organisations worldwide.

Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations

• MATLAB: MATrix LABoratory, a high-level programming language and interactive
environment for numerical computation, visualisation, and algorithm development.
• Script: A MATLAB le containing a sequence of MATLAB commands or functions
to be executed sequentially.
• Function: A MATLAB le containing a collection of MATLAB commands that can
be called with arguments.
• Toolbox: A collection of MATLAB functions, scripts, and data les designed to
solve speci c types of problems or provide specialised functionality.
• Workspace: The collection of variables currently de ned and accessible within
the MATLAB environment.
• GUI: Graphical User Interface, a visual interface allowing users to interact with
MATLAB using graphical elements such as buttons, menus, and sliders.
Acronyms and Abbreviations
• GUI: Graphical User Interface
• CLI: Command-Line Interface
• IDE: Integrated Development Environment
• OOP: Object-Oriented Programming
• FFT: Fast Fourier Transform
• ODE: Ordinary Di erential Equation
• GUI: Graphical User Interface
• API: Application Programming Interface
• CSV: Comma-Separated Values
• XML: Extensible Markup Language

Overall Description
Product Perspective
Stand-Alone Environment:
• MATLAB is a stand-alone software product developed and maintained by
• It operates as an integrated development environment (IDE) providing a unified
platform for numerical computation, data analysis, visualisation, and algorithm
• MATLAB is designed to interact with other software tools and systems, facilitating
data exchange and integration.
• It supports interoperability with various programming languages such as C/C++,
Python, Java, and Fortran through language interfaces and APIs.
Integration with Toolboxes:
• MATLAB offers a modular architecture with support for additional toolboxes and
• Users can extend MATLAB's functionality by integrating specialised toolboxes for
domains such as signal processing, image processing, control systems, machine
learning, and optimisation.
Complementary Products:
• MATLAB is complemented by other MathWorks products such as Simulink,
Stateflow, and Simscape for modelling, simulation, and control system design.
• These products extend MATLAB's capabilities for modelling and simulating
dynamic systems, developing embedded software, and designing control
Customisation and Extensibility:
• MATLAB provides customisation options allowing users to tailor the environment
to their specific needs and preferences.
• Users can create custom functions, scripts, and graphical user interfaces (GUIs)
using MATLAB's programming language and GUI design tools.
Deployment Options:
• MATLAB supports various deployment options for deploying MATLAB
applications and algorithms to different platforms.
• Users can create standalone executables, web applications, and mobile apps using
MATLAB Compiler and MATLAB Web App Server.
Community and Ecosystem:
• MATLAB has a thriving user community and ecosystem consisting of users,
developers, educators, and researchers worldwide.
• The MATLAB Central community provides access to user-contributed code,
toolboxes, forums, and resources for sharing knowledge and collaborating on
Continuous Improvement:
• MATLAB undergoes continuous development and improvement with regular
updates, releases, and new features.
• MathWorks actively engages with users to gather feedback, address issues, and
incorporate new technologies and advancements into future versions of MATLAB.

Product Functions
Matlab (MATrix LABoratory) is a powerful software tool used primarily
for numerical computation, data analysis, visualisation, and algorithm
development. It offers a wide range of functions and capabilities across
various domains. Some of the key functions of Matlab include:
• Matrix Manipulation: Matlab's core functionality revolves around matrix
manipulation. It allows you to create, manipulate, and perform operations on
matrices and arrays efficiently.
• Numerical Computing: Matlab provides a comprehensive set of mathematical
functions for numerical computation, including linear algebra, optimisation,
integration, interpolation, and differential equations.
• Data Analysis and Statistics: Matlab offers extensive tools for data analysis and
statistics, including descriptive statistics, hypothesis testing, curve fitting, and
regression analysis.
• Plotting and Visualisation: Matlab provides powerful plotting functions to
create various types of 2D and 3D plots, such as line plots, scatter plots,
histograms, bar graphs, contour plots, and surface plots. It also supports
interactive plotting and customisation of plots.
• Signal Processing: Matlab includes functions for signal processing tasks such as
filtering, Fourier analysis, spectral analysis, signal generation, and audio
• Image Processing: Matlab offers a rich set of functions for image processing and
computer vision tasks, including image enhancement, segmentation, feature
extraction, object detection, and image registration.
• Control System Design and Analysis: Matlab provides tools for designing,
simulating, and analysing control systems, including linear and nonlinear control
systems, PID controllers, state-space models, and frequency domain analysis.
• Machine Learning and Deep Learning: Matlab includes toolboxes for
machine learning and deep learning, offering algorithms for classification,
regression, clustering, dimensionality reduction, neural networks, and
reinforcement learning.
• Symbolic Mathematics: Matlab's Symbolic Math Toolbox allows you to perform
symbolic computations, including algebraic manipulation, calculus, equation
solving, and symbolic integration.
• Simulink: Simulink is a companion product to Matlab that provides a graphical
environment for modelling, simulating, and analysing dynamic systems. It is
widely used for modelling and simulation of control systems, signal processing
systems, and other dynamic systems.
• Code Generation: Matlab supports code generation for deploying algorithms
and models to embedded systems, FPGAs, and other hardware platforms. It allows
you to generate C/C++ code, CUDA code, and HDL code from Matlab algorithms.
• Parallel Computing: Matlab includes parallel computing capabilities for
accelerating computations using multicore processors, GPUs, and distributed
computing resources.

User Classes and Characteristics

• Object-Oriented Programming (OOP): MATLAB supports object-oriented
programming paradigms, allowing users to define classes, create objects, and
interact with them using methods and properties.
• Encapsulation: User classes in MATLAB allow encapsulation of data and
functionality within objects, providing a way to organise and manage complex
systems or data structures.
• Properties: User classes can have properties, which are attributes that define the
state of an object. These properties can be initialised, accessed, and modified using
appropriate methods.
• Methods: Methods are functions associated with a class that operate on its data or
perform specific tasks related to the class. Users can define methods to manipulate
object properties or perform computations.
• Inheritance: MATLAB supports inheritance, allowing users to create new classes
that inherit properties and methods from existing classes. This enables code reuse
and promotes modularity.
• Polymorphism: Polymorphism allows different classes to implement methods
with the same name but with different behaviours. MATLAB supports method
overriding and method overloading, facilitating polymorphic behaviour.
• Access Control: User classes can specify access control for properties and
methods, allowing users to define public, private, or protected access levels to
encapsulate implementation details and enforce data integrity.
• Constructors and Destructors: MATLAB classes can define constructors and
destructors, which are special methods used for object initialisation and cleanup,
respectively. Constructors initialise object properties, while destructors perform
cleanup tasks when an object is destroyed.
• Handle and Value Classes: MATLAB supports both handle and value classes.
Handle classes are reference-based, meaning that variables of handle class store
references to objects, while value classes are copied when assigned to variables.
• Custom Events and Callbacks: User classes can define custom events and
callbacks to enable communication between objects or to trigger actions based on
certain conditions or events.

Operating Environment
The operating environment of MATLAB refers to the software's
surroundings and the resources available to it during execution. It
encompasses various components and settings that influence how
MATLAB operates and interacts with the underlying system. The key
aspects of the operating environment of MATLAB:
• Desktop Environment: MATLAB provides a graphical user interface (GUI)
known as the MATLAB Desktop. It includes tools for editing and running scripts
and functions, managing variables, exploring data, and visualising results. The
Desktop also provides access to documentation, help resources, and other utilities.
• Command Line Interface (CLI): MATLAB can be used interactively through
its command line interface, allowing users to enter commands and execute them
immediately. The command line interface provides a quick and flexible way to
perform calculations, explore data, and run scripts.
• Editor and Debugger: MATLAB includes an integrated development
environment (IDE) with a built-in editor for writing and editing scripts and
functions. The editor provides syntax highlighting, code folding, and other features
to aid in code development. Additionally, MATLAB's debugger allows users to step
through code, inspect variables, and diagnose errors during execution.
• Workspace: MATLAB maintains a workspace that stores variables and their
values during a session. Users can view and manipulate variables in the workspace
using the MATLAB Desktop or command line interface. The workspace is
persistent across sessions, allowing variables to be saved and loaded from disk.
• File System Access: MATLAB can read and write files from the underlying file
system, allowing users to import data from external sources, save results, and
interact with files on disk. It supports various file formats, including text files,
spreadsheets, images, audio files, and more.
• Mathematics and Computational Libraries: MATLAB includes a
comprehensive set of mathematical and computational libraries for numerical
computation, linear algebra, optimisation, signal processing, image processing,
statistics, and more. These libraries provide functions and algorithms for
performing a wide range of tasks efficiently.
• Hardware Support: MATLAB supports interfacing with external hardware
devices such as data acquisition devices, instruments, and sensors. Users can
connect to hardware devices using standard communication protocols (e.g., serial,
USB) and control them directly from MATLAB.
• Parallel and Distributed Computing: MATLAB provides support for parallel
and distributed computing, allowing users to accelerate computations by
leveraging multicore processors, GPUs, and clusters. Parallel computing tools
enable users to distribute computations across multiple processors and execute
them in parallel for improved performance.
• Integration with Other Tools: MATLAB can be integrated with other software
tools and languages, allowing users to leverage existing code and libraries. It
supports interoperability with languages such as C, C++, Java, Python, and .NET,
as well as integration with external software packages and toolboxes.
• Platform Independence: MATLAB is available on multiple platforms, including
Windows, macOS, and Linux, allowing users to run their code on different
operating systems without modification.

Design and Implementation Constraints

MATLAB is a powerful and versatile tool for numerical computation,
data analysis, and algorithm development, it also has certain design and
implementation constraints that users should be aware of. These
constraints may impact the performance, scalability, and flexibility of
MATLAB-based solutions. Here are some common design and
implementation constraints of MATLAB:
• Memory Limitations: MATLAB's memory usage is limited by the amount of
available RAM on the system. Large datasets or computations that require a
significant amount of memory may exceed these limits, leading to out-of-memory
errors or degraded performance.
• Single-threaded Execution: By default, MATLAB executes code in a single-
threaded fashion, which may limit performance on multi-core processors. While
MATLAB provides tools for parallel and distributed computing, parallelisation may
require additional effort from the user and may not always result in linear speedup.
• Interpreter Overhead: MATLAB code is interpreted rather than compiled,
which can introduce overhead compared to compiled languages. This overhead
may impact the performance of computationally intensive algorithms or real-time
• Scalability: While MATLAB is suitable for prototyping and small to medium-
sized problems, it may not scale well to very large datasets or computations.
Managing memory usage, optimising algorithms, and parallelising computations
are necessary for achieving scalability in MATLAB-based solutions.
• Toolbox Dependencies: MATLAB's functionality is extended through toolboxes,
which provide specialised functions and algorithms for various domains. However,
dependencies on specific toolboxes may limit the portability and distribution of
MATLAB code, especially if users do not have access to the required toolboxes.
• License Costs: MATLAB is a commercial software package, and users are
required to purchase licenses to use it. The cost of MATLAB licenses and toolboxes
may be prohibitive for some users or organisations, especially when deploying
MATLAB-based solutions on multiple systems.
• Vendor Lock-In: MATLAB's proprietary nature may lead to vendor lock-in,
where users become dependent on MATLAB and its ecosystem. Porting MATLAB
code to other platforms or languages may require significant effort, making it
challenging to migrate away from MATLAB in the future.
• Limited Language Features: While MATLAB is a high-level language
optimised for numerical computation, it may lack some advanced language
features found in other programming languages. For example, MATLAB's support
for object-oriented programming is not as robust as languages like Python or Java.
• Limited GUI Development: While MATLAB provides tools for creating
graphical user interfaces (GUIs), the capabilities and flexibility of MATLAB's GUI
development tools may be limited compared to dedicated GUI frameworks or
development environments.
• Integration Challenges: Integrating MATLAB code with external systems or
software tools may require additional effort, especially when interoperability with
other programming languages or data formats is involved. MATLAB's integration
capabilities may be constrained by its proprietary nature and compatibility issues
with external systems.

Assumptions and Dependencies
Working with MATLAB, there are certain assumptions and
dependencies that users should be aware of. These assumptions and
dependencies can influence how MATLAB behaves and how users
interact with the software. Here are some common assumptions and
dependencies of MATLAB:
• Matrix-Based Computation: MATLAB is based on matrix and array operations.
Many of its functions and algorithms assume that data is organised in matrices or
arrays. While MATLAB can handle scalar values, it is optimised for matrix
operations, and users are encouraged to leverage this capability for efficient
• Numeric Computation: MATLAB is primarily designed for numerical
computation and analysis. While it does support other data types such as strings
and cells, its core functionality revolves around numeric data types (e.g., double,
single, integer).
• Linear Algebra Operations: MATLAB includes a wide range of linear algebra
functions and algorithms. Many built-in functions assume that the input data
represents vectors, matrices, or tensors, and perform operations based on linear
algebra principles.
• Toolbox Dependencies: MATLAB's functionality is extended through toolboxes,
which provide specialised functions and algorithms for various domains such as
signal processing, image processing, control systems, and statistics. Users may
depend on specific toolboxes to access certain features or capabilities.
• MATLAB Language Syntax: MATLAB has its own syntax and language
constructs, which may differ from other programming languages. Users should
familiarise themselves with MATLAB's syntax, rules, and conventions to write
effective and readable code.
• Interpreter Environment: MATLAB code is interpreted rather than compiled,
which affects its execution speed and performance. Users should consider the
overhead associated with MATLAB's interpreter when developing computationally
intensive algorithms or real-time applications.
• Memory Management: MATLAB manages memory automatically, but users
should be mindful of memory usage, especially when working with large datasets
or computations. MATLAB's memory management may impact performance and
scalability, and users may need to optimise memory usage for efficiency.
• Platform Compatibility: While MATLAB is available on multiple platforms
(e.g., Windows, macOS, Linux), there may be subtle differences in behaviour or
performance across platforms. Users should test their code on different platforms
to ensure compatibility and consistency.
• License Requirements: MATLAB is a commercial software package, and users
are required to purchase licenses to use it. Users should ensure compliance with
license agreements and consider licensing costs when deploying MATLAB-based
• Third-Party Libraries and Tools: Users may rely on third-party libraries or
tools for specific tasks or functionalities not provided by MATLAB's core
functionality. Integration with external libraries or tools may introduce additional
dependencies and considerations.

Specific Requirements

External Interface Requirements.

MATLAB, while primarily a computational tool, often interacts with external
systems and interfaces. These interactions can vary widely depending on the
specific application. Here are some common external interface requirements
for MATLAB-based systems:
User Interfaces (UI):
• MATLAB provides various options for creating user interfaces, including GUIs
(Graphical User Interfaces) using tools like GUIDE (Graphical User Interface
Development Environment) or App Designer.
• UIs can be designed to interact with users, input data, display results, and control
the execution of MATLAB algorithms.
• UI elements such as buttons, sliders, text inputs, plots, and menus can be utilised
to create intuitive interfaces for end-users.
Hardware Interfaces:
• MATLAB can interface with a wide range of hardware devices for data acquisition,
control, and communication.
• This includes sensors, actuators, microcontrollers, data acquisition cards, cameras,
and other devices connected via various interfaces such as serial (RS-232), USB,
Ethernet, or GPIB (General Purpose Interface Bus).
• MATLAB provides support for hardware interfacing through specialised toolboxes
such as Data Acquisition Toolbox, Instrument Control Toolbox, and Image
Acquisition Toolbox.
Software Interfaces:
• MATLAB can interface with external software systems and libraries through
various mechanisms.
• MATLAB supports interoperability with other programming languages such as C,
C++, Java, and Python through built-in functions or external libraries.
• MATLAB can call external functions or scripts written in other languages using
MEX files (MATLAB Executables) or by leveraging MATLAB Compiler SDK.
• MATLAB can also interface with external software tools and libraries for specific
tasks such as optimisation, simulation, database access, or communication with
other applications.
Communication Interfaces:
• MATLAB can communicate with external systems and devices over various
communication protocols.
• This includes network communication using TCP/IP (Transmission Control
Protocol/Internet Protocol), UDP (User Datagram Protocol), HTTP (Hypertext
Transfer Protocol), or custom protocols.
• MATLAB can also communicate with external processes or software components
through inter-process communication (IPC) mechanisms such as pipes, sockets, or
shared memory.
Data Exchange Formats:
• MATLAB supports various data exchange formats for interoperability with external
systems and software.
• Common formats include text files (e.g., CSV, TXT), spreadsheet formats (e.g.,
Excel), XML (Extensible Markup Language), JSON (JavaScript Object Notation),
HDF5 (Hierarchical Data Format version 5), and industry-standard formats for
scientific data interchange.
Web Interfaces:
• MATLAB can serve web-based user interfaces and applications using tools like
MATLAB Web App Server or by integrating with web development frameworks
such as Flask or Django in Python.
• This allows users to access MATLAB-based applications through web browsers,
enabling remote access and collaboration.

Functional Requirements
Functional Requirements of MATLAB:
• Numerical Computation: MATLAB must be able to perform arithmetic
operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division), exponentiation, and
other mathematical functions accurately.
• Data Analysis: MATLAB should provide functions for statistical analysis, data
manipulation, and visualisation, including descriptive statistics, hypothesis testing,
regression analysis, and plotting.
• Algorithm Development: MATLAB must support the development and
implementation of algorithms for various tasks, such as signal processing, image
processing, optimisation, and machine learning.
• File I/O Operations: MATLAB should allow users to read and write data from/to
files in various formats, including text files, spreadsheets, images, audio files, and
HDF5 files.
• Graphical User Interface (GUI) Development: MATLAB must support the
creation of graphical user interfaces (GUIs) for user interaction, data input/output,
and result visualisation.
• Integration with External Systems: MATLAB should provide mechanisms for
interfacing with external software systems, libraries, and hardware devices for data
exchange, communication, and control.
• Parallel and Distributed Computing: MATLAB must support parallel and
distributed computing for accelerating computations on multicore processors,
GPUs, and clusters.

Performance Requirements
Performance Requirements of MATLAB:
• Speed: MATLAB should execute computations efficiently to minimise processing
time for numerical calculations, data analysis, and algorithm execution.
• Response Time: MATLAB's user interface should respond promptly to user
inputs and commands, providing a smooth and interactive user experience.
• Memory Usage: MATLAB should manage memory efficiently to minimise
memory usage and avoid out-of-memory errors, especially when working with
large datasets or computations.
• Reliability: MATLAB should be reliable and stable, ensuring that calculations are
performed accurately and consistently without crashes or errors.
• Scalability: MATLAB should scale well to handle increasingly complex
computations and larger datasets, maintaining performance as the problem size
• Resource Utilisation: MATLAB should utilise system resources (CPU, memory,
disk I/O) effectively to maximise performance and minimise resource contention.
• Error Handling: MATLAB should provide robust error handling mechanisms to
detect and handle errors gracefully, providing informative error messages and
recovery options when errors occur.
• Interoperability: MATLAB should ensure compatibility and interoperability
with external systems, formats, and languages, allowing seamless integration with
other software tools and environments.

Design Constraints
Design constraints in MATLAB refer to limitations or restrictions
imposed by the MATLAB environment that may affect the design and
implementation of software solutions. These constraints can impact
various aspects of development, including performance, scalability,
functionality, and interoperability. Some common design constraints of
MATLAB include:
• Memory Limitations: MATLAB's memory usage is constrained by the available
RAM on the system. Large datasets or computations that require significant
memory may exceed these limits, leading to out-of-memory errors or degraded
• Single-threaded Execution: By default, MATLAB executes code in a single-
threaded manner, which may limit performance on multi-core processors.
Although parallel computing capabilities are available, parallelising code may
require additional effort and may not always result in linear speedup.
• Interpreted Language: MATLAB code is interpreted rather than compiled,
which can introduce overhead compared to compiled languages. This may impact
the performance of computationally intensive algorithms or real-time applications.
• Toolbox Dependencies: MATLAB's functionality is extended through toolboxes,
which provide specialised functions and algorithms for various domains. However,
dependencies on specific toolboxes may limit the portability and distribution of
MATLAB code, especially if users do not have access to the required toolboxes.
• License Costs: MATLAB is a commercial software package, and users are
required to purchase licenses to use it. The cost of MATLAB licenses and toolboxes
may be prohibitive for some users or organisations, especially when deploying
MATLAB-based solutions on multiple systems.
• Vendor Lock-In: MATLAB's proprietary nature may lead to vendor lock-in,
where users become dependent on MATLAB and its ecosystem. Porting MATLAB
code to other platforms or languages may require significant effort, making it
challenging to migrate away from MATLAB in the future.
• Limited Language Features: While MATLAB is a high-level language
optimised for numerical computation, it may lack some advanced language
features found in other programming languages. For example, MATLAB's support
for object-oriented programming is not as robust as languages like Python or Java.
• GUI Development Constraints: While MATLAB provides tools for creating
graphical user interfaces (GUIs), the capabilities and flexibility of MATLAB's GUI
development tools may be limited compared to dedicated GUI frameworks or
development environments.
• Integration Challenges: Integrating MATLAB code with external systems or
software tools may require additional effort, especially when interoperability with
other programming languages or data formats is involved. MATLAB's integration
capabilities may be constrained by its proprietary nature and compatibility issues
with external systems.
• Performance Trade-offs: MATLAB's ease of use and rapid prototyping
capabilities may come at the expense of performance optimisation. Achieving
optimal performance in MATLAB often requires careful algorithm design, memory
management, and performance profiling.

Quality Attributes
Quality attributes are important characteristics of software that determine its
overall quality and effectiveness in meeting user needs and requirements.
When it comes to MATLAB, several key quality attributes contribute to its
usefulness and reliability in various applications:
• Usability: MATLAB offers a user-friendly environment with an intuitive interface
and extensive documentation. Its interactive nature allows users to explore data,
prototype algorithms, and visualise results efficiently. Additionally, MATLAB's
GUI development tools enable users to create custom interfaces for their
• Reliability: MATLAB is known for its robustness and reliability in numerical
computation and data analysis. It provides built-in error checking and debugging
tools to help identify and resolve issues. Moreover, MATLAB's extensive testing
and validation processes ensure the accuracy and consistency of its functions and
• Performance: MATLAB is optimised for performance in numerical computation
tasks. It leverages optimised libraries and algorithms to deliver high-speed
execution of mathematical operations, making it suitable for handling large
datasets and complex computations.
• Scalability: MATLAB's scalability allows it to handle a wide range of problem
sizes and complexities. It can efficiently scale from small-scale exploratory analysis
to large-scale simulations or computations, leveraging parallel computing and
distributed computing capabilities when necessary.
• Interoperability: MATLAB supports interoperability with various programming
languages, data formats, and external systems. It provides tools for importing and
exporting data in different formats, interfacing with external software and
hardware, and integrating with other programming languages such as C, C++,
Java, and Python.
• Maintainability: MATLAB code is easy to maintain and refactor due to its
modular and structured nature. It supports functions, scripts, and user-defined
classes, allowing developers to organise code into reusable components. MATLAB's
built-in version control integration further facilitates collaborative development
and code management.
• Security: MATLAB provides security features to protect sensitive data and
prevent unauthorised access. It supports file encryption, user authentication, and
access control mechanisms to safeguard data and ensure compliance with security
• Portability: MATLAB is available on multiple platforms, including Windows,
macOS, and Linux, ensuring portability and compatibility across different
operating systems. MATLAB code can be easily migrated between platforms
without modification, allowing users to leverage MATLAB's capabilities across
diverse environments.
• Documentation and Support: MATLAB offers comprehensive documentation,
including help files, examples, tutorials, and online resources. Additionally,
MATLAB's active user community and technical support services provide
assistance and guidance to users, ensuring effective utilisation of MATLAB's
features and capabilities.

System Features
Feature 1: Importing Data from a CSV File
Description: This feature allows users to import data from a CSV (Comma-Separated
Values) file into MATLAB for analysis and processing.
• File path: Path to the CSV file containing the data.
• Optional parameters: Delimiter character, column headers presence indicator, etc.
• Open the CSV file specified by the file path.
• Parse the data according to the specified delimiter and handle any formatting
• If column headers are present, interpret them accordingly.
• Convert the data into MATLAB-compatible format (e.g., numeric arrays, cell
arrays, tables).
• Handle any exceptions, such as missing or invalid data.
• MATLAB variables containing the imported data, suitable for further analysis or
• FileNotFoundError: If the specified file path does not exist.
• FormatError: If there are formatting issues with the CSV file.
• IOError: If there are issues with reading the file.
• DataError: If there are issues with the data itself (e.g., missing values, invalid

Feature 2: Plotting a Line Graph

Description: This feature allows users to plot a line graph of one or more datasets in
• X data: Vector or array containing the x-axis data points.
• Y data: Vector or array containing the y-axis data points.
• Optional parameters: Line style, colour, markers, axis labels, title, etc.
• Validate the input data to ensure compatibility and consistency.
• Plot the line graph using the specified data and parameters.
• Customise the appearance of the plot according to the optional parameters.
• Add axis labels, title, legend, gridlines, etc., if specified.
• Handle any exceptions, such as invalid input data or parameters.
• Line graph displayed in the MATLAB figure window or saved to a file (depending
on user preferences).
• ValueError: If the input data is not compatible or inconsistent.
• PlottingError: If there are issues with plotting the graph (e.g., invalid parameters).
• IOError: If there are issues with saving the plot to a file.
Non-Functional Requirements
Non-functional requirements specify the criteria that a system must meet in
terms of qualities or attributes, rather than specific behaviours or functions.
Some non-functional requirements relevant to MATLAB:
• Performance: MATLAB should provide efficient and responsive performance for
numerical computation, data analysis, and visualisation tasks. This includes
requirements for speed, response time, and scalability to handle large datasets and
complex computations.
• Reliability: MATLAB should be reliable and robust, ensuring accurate results and
stable operation under normal and exceptional conditions. This includes
requirements for error handling, fault tolerance, and recovery mechanisms to
minimise downtime and data loss.
• Usability: MATLAB should be user-friendly and easy to use, catering to users with
varying levels of expertise and familiarity with the software. This includes
requirements for intuitive interfaces, clear documentation, and accessible help
resources to support user productivity and effectiveness.
• Interoperability: MATLAB should support interoperability with external
systems, software, and data formats to facilitate seamless integration with other
tools and environments. This includes requirements for compatibility with
industry standards, APIs, and protocols for data exchange and communication.
• Security: MATLAB should ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of
sensitive data and resources. This includes requirements for data encryption,
access control, user authentication, and secure communication to protect against
unauthorised access, data breaches, and malicious attacks.
• Scalability: MATLAB should scale effectively to handle increasing workloads,
larger datasets, and higher computational demands. This includes requirements
for efficient resource utilisation, parallel computing, and distributed processing to
maintain performance as system requirements grow.
• Maintainability: MATLAB code should be easy to maintain, extend, and refactor
to accommodate changes and updates over time. This includes requirements for
modular design, clear documentation, coding standards, and version control to
support collaborative development and code management.
• Portability: MATLAB solutions should be portable across different platforms and
environments, allowing users to run their code on various operating systems and
hardware configurations. This includes requirements for platform independence,
compatibility testing, and support for deployment across diverse computing
• Resource Efficiency: MATLAB should utilise system resources (CPU, memory,
disk I/O) efficiently to minimise energy consumption, optimise performance, and
reduce operational costs. This includes requirements for resource monitoring,
optimisation algorithms, and eco-friendly computing practices to promote
• Compliance: MATLAB should comply with relevant legal, regulatory, and
industry standards, guidelines, and best practices. This includes requirements for
data privacy, intellectual property rights, accessibility, and ethical considerations
to ensure responsible and lawful use of the software.

Other Requirements
Documentation Requirements
Documentation plays a crucial role in ensuring that users can effectively
utilise MATLAB and its features. Here are some documentation
requirements relevant to MATLAB:
• User Manuals: Comprehensive user manuals should be provided to guide users
on how to install, configure, and use MATLAB. These manuals should cover basic
operations, such as running scripts, executing commands, and navigating the
MATLAB environment, as well as more advanced topics, including data analysis,
visualisation, and programming techniques.
• Function Reference: A detailed reference manual should be available to provide
information about MATLAB functions, including their syntax, usage, parameters,
and return values. This reference should include both built-in MATLAB functions
and functions from additional toolboxes.
• Programming Guides: Programming guides should be provided to help users
learn how to write MATLAB code effectively. These guides should cover topics such
as basic programming concepts, control flow structures, data types, array
manipulation, and debugging techniques.
• Toolbox Documentation: Documentation for each toolbox should be available,
providing information about the functions, classes, and algorithms included in the
toolbox. This documentation should include usage examples, tutorials, and
reference material to assist users in leveraging the toolbox's capabilities.
• Examples and Tutorials: A collection of examples and tutorials should be
provided to illustrate how to solve common problems and perform specific tasks
using MATLAB. These examples should cover a wide range of domains, including
mathematics, engineering, science, finance, and data analysis.
• Release Notes: Release notes should be published for each version of MATLAB,
highlighting new features, enhancements, bug fixes, and compatibility issues.
These release notes help users understand changes between versions and plan for
upgrades accordingly.
• Online Help: Online help resources, such as context-sensitive help within the
MATLAB environment and online documentation on the MathWorks website,
should be available to provide quick access to information and assistance while
using MATLAB.
• Community Forums and Support: Community forums, discussion boards,
and technical support channels should be available to allow users to seek help, ask
questions, and share knowledge and experiences with other MATLAB users and
• Training Materials: Training materials, such as webinars, workshops, and
online courses, should be provided to help users learn how to use MATLAB
effectively and efficiently. These training materials can be tailored to different skill
levels and specific application domains.
• Best Practices and Guidelines: Best practices, coding guidelines, and design
patterns should be documented to help users write clean, maintainable, and
efficient MATLAB code. These guidelines should cover topics such as code
organisation, documentation standards, error handling, and performance

Training Requirements
Training requirements for MATLAB encompass the skills and
knowledge necessary for users to effectively utilise the software for
various tasks, including numerical computation, data analysis,
visualisation, and algorithm development. Here are some training
requirements relevant to MATLAB:
• Basic MATLAB Fundamentals: Users should receive training on fundamental
concepts and features of MATLAB, including the MATLAB environment, syntax,
variables, arrays, and basic operations. This training provides a solid foundation
for using MATLAB effectively.
• Data Analysis and Visualisation: Training should cover techniques for
importing, manipulating, and analysing data in MATLAB. This includes topics such
as data preprocessing, statistical analysis, curve fitting, plotting, and visualisation
techniques using MATLAB's built-in functions and toolboxes.
• Programming and Scripting: Users should be trained on MATLAB
programming and scripting techniques, including control flow structures,
functions, scripts, and debugging. This training enables users to write custom
MATLAB code to automate tasks, implement algorithms, and solve complex
• Toolbox Usage: Training should cover the usage of specialised toolboxes
available in MATLAB for specific domains such as signal processing, image
processing, control systems, optimisation, and machine learning. Users should
learn how to leverage toolbox functions and algorithms to solve domain-specific
problems efficiently.
• Parallel and Distributed Computing: Users should be trained on parallel and
distributed computing techniques in MATLAB to leverage multicore processors,
GPUs, and clusters for accelerating computations. This training includes topics
such as parallel loops, distributed arrays, and parallel toolbox functions.
• GUI Development: Training should cover GUI development in MATLAB using
tools such as GUIDE (Graphical User Interface Development Environment) or App
Designer. Users should learn how to design and implement custom GUIs for user
interaction, data input/output, and result visualisation.
• Advanced Topics: Users with more advanced skills may require training on
topics such as advanced data analysis techniques, algorithm optimisation,
performance tuning, object-oriented programming, and integration with external
systems and languages.
• Best Practices and Workflow: Training should emphasise best practices and
workflow guidelines for efficient and effective use of MATLAB. This includes topics
such as code organisation, documentation standards, version control, testing, and
debugging practices.
• Domain-Specific Applications: Users in specific domains such as engineering,
science, finance, and academia may require domain-specific training on applying
MATLAB to solve domain-specific problems and tasks effectively.
• Continuing Education and Updates: Users should receive ongoing training
and education to keep up with new features, updates, and best practices in
MATLAB. This can include attending workshops, webinars, conferences, and
online courses offered by MathWorks and other training providers.

Installation and Deployment Requirements

Installation and deployment requirements for MATLAB involve
considerations for setting up the software on individual machines or across
networks, as well as distributing MATLAB-based applications to end-users.
Some typical requirements:
System Compatibility:
• Ensure that the target system meets the minimum hardware and software
requirements specified by MathWorks for running MATLAB.
• Verify compatibility with the operating system (e.g., Windows, macOS, Linux) and
architecture (32-bit or 64-bit).
• Obtain valid MATLAB licenses for each installation. Licenses may be individual,
networked, or concurrent depending on the deployment scenario and
organisation's needs.
Installation Media:
• Acquire the MATLAB installation media or download the installer from the
MathWorks website. Installation options may include physical DVDs, ISO images,
or online downloads.
Installation Procedure:
• Follow the installation instructions provided by MathWorks to install MATLAB on
each target machine.
• Configure installation settings such as installation directory, license type, and
toolbox selection based on user requirements.
Network Deployment:
• For networked installations, set up a license server to manage MATLAB licenses
and distribute them to client machines.
• Configure network access and firewall settings to ensure communication between
MATLAB instances and the license server.
• Activate MATLAB licenses using valid license keys obtained from MathWorks.
• Configure license manager settings on client machines to point to the license
Toolbox Installation:
• Install additional toolboxes and add-ons as needed for specific applications or
functionality. Toolboxes can be installed during the initial setup or added later
through the MATLAB Add-On Explorer.
Updates and Patches:
• Regularly update MATLAB installations with the latest patches, updates, and bug
fixes released by MathWorks to ensure security and stability.
Deployment Tools:
• Utilize deployment tools such as MATLAB Compiler, MATLAB Compiler SDK, or
MATLAB Production Server to package MATLAB applications and deploy them as
standalone executables, web applications, or web services.
Documentation and Training:
• Provide documentation and training resources to users to help them install,
configure, and use MATLAB effectively. This may include installation guides,
tutorials, online help, and technical support channels.
• Activate MATLAB licenses on each machine using MathWorks' activation process,
which typically involves providing the license key and activating it online or
through a manual process.
End-User Support:
• Offer technical support and assistance to end-users to troubleshoot installation
issues, resolve licensing problems, and address any other concerns related to
MATLAB deployment.

Legal and Regulatory Requirements

As with any software, there are legal and regulatory considerations that users
and organisations must adhere to when using MATLAB. Here are some
important legal and regulatory requirements:
• Licensing Agreement: Users must comply with the terms and conditions of the
MATLAB licensing agreement provided by MathWorks. This includes restrictions
on copying, distributing, and modifying the software, as well as limitations on
usage based on the type of license (e.g., individual, academic, commercial).
• Intellectual Property Rights: Users must respect the intellectual property
rights of MathWorks and third parties when using MATLAB. This includes
complying with copyright laws and licensing agreements for any third-party
software libraries, toolboxes, or add-ons used in conjunction with MATLAB.
• Export Controls: Users must comply with export control regulations that govern
the export, re-export, and transfer of MATLAB software and related technology.
This includes restrictions on exporting MATLAB to embargoed countries or
entities, as well as complying with import/export regulations of relevant
• Data Privacy and Security: Users must adhere to data privacy and security
regulations when using MATLAB to process, analyse, or store sensitive data. This
includes compliance with regulations such as the General Data Protection
Regulation (GDPR), Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA),
and Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), as applicable.
• Accessibility Requirements: Users must ensure that MATLAB-based
applications and solutions comply with accessibility standards and regulations,
such as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Web Content Accessibility
Guidelines (WCAG), to ensure equal access for individuals with disabilities.
• Regulatory Compliance: Users in regulated industries (e.g., healthcare, finance,
aerospace) must ensure that MATLAB-based solutions comply with industry-
specific regulations and standards, such as FDA regulations for medical devices,
SEC regulations for financial services, and FAA regulations for aerospace systems.
• Data Retention and Disposal: Users must establish policies and procedures for
the retention and disposal of data processed or generated using MATLAB, in
compliance with legal requirements and organisational policies. This includes
ensuring the secure deletion of data when it is no longer needed.
• Ethical Considerations: Users must consider ethical implications when using
MATLAB for research, analysis, or decision-making. This includes ensuring the
integrity, fairness, and transparency of algorithms and models developed using
MATLAB, as well as respecting the rights and dignity of individuals affected by
MATLAB-based solutions.
• Liability and Indemnification: Users must understand their liability and
indemnification obligations when using MATLAB, particularly in cases where
MATLAB-based solutions are deployed in commercial or critical applications. This
includes understanding any limitations of liability and warranties provided by
• Compliance Training: Organisations should provide training and awareness
programs to educate users about legal and regulatory requirements related to
MATLAB usage and deployment. This includes training on licensing, intellectual
property rights, data privacy, security, and ethical considerations.

Supporting Information
Supporting information, such as diagrams and mockups, can be beneficial for
various aspects of using MATLAB, including system design, algorithm
development, and user interface design. Here are some examples of
supporting information commonly used in conjunction with MATLAB:
System Architecture Diagrams:
• High-level architecture diagrams can illustrate the components, modules, and
interactions within a MATLAB-based system. These diagrams help stakeholders
understand the system's structure and flow of data and operations.
Flowcharts and Process Diagrams:
• Flowcharts and process diagrams can depict the sequence of steps involved in data
processing, algorithm execution, or system operation within MATLAB. These
diagrams aid in visualising workflows and logic flows.
UML Diagrams:
• Unified Modelling Language (UML) diagrams, such as class diagrams, sequence
diagrams, and activity diagrams, can provide detailed insights into the structure
and behaviour of MATLAB-based systems. UML diagrams help in modelling
classes, relationships, interactions, and processes.
Mockups and Wireframes:
• Mockups and wireframes visually represent the layout, structure, and functionality
of user interfaces (UIs) developed using MATLAB's GUI design tools. These visual
representations help designers and stakeholders review and refine UI designs
before implementation.
Data Flow Diagrams:
• Data flow diagrams (DFDs) illustrate the flow of data within MATLAB-based
systems, showing how data is input, processed, and output. DFDs help in
understanding data dependencies and transformations.
State Diagrams:
• State diagrams depict the different states and transitions of a system or component
over time. In MATLAB, state diagrams can model the behaviour of finite-state
machines or control systems.
Algorithm Flowcharts:
• Flowcharts can be used to document the logic and steps involved in algorithms
developed using MATLAB. These flowcharts provide a visual representation of
algorithmic workflows and decision-making processes.
GUI Prototypes:
• GUI prototypes created using MATLAB's GUI design tools, such as App Designer,
provide interactive representations of user interfaces. GUI prototypes allow users
and stakeholders to interact with and evaluate the functionality and usability of
MATLAB-based applications.
Data Models:
• Data models describe the structure and relationships of data entities within
MATLAB-based systems. These models help in designing databases, organizing
data storage, and defining data manipulation operations.
Performance Analysis Charts:
• Performance analysis charts, such as runtime profiles, memory usage graphs, and
computational complexity plots, can visualise the performance characteristics of
MATLAB algorithms and code segments. These charts aid in identifying
bottlenecks and optimising performance.

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