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Projects History of G. K. Md.


Project No: 01
Project Title(Thesis): Comparative Machine Learning & Deep Learning Approaches To
Predict Household Electric Power Consumption
Project Description:
• Applied a deep learning architecture model that combines Conv-LSTM and GRU layers
to capture both spatial and temporal patterns in the electric power consumption data.
• Each sequence consisted of a fixed number of time steps (previous hours or days of
consumption) and the corresponding target value (future consumption).
• Evaluated the model's performance on unseen data, the most recent data points were used
for testing. Compared to ARIMA, SARIMA, and LSTM, my proposed model was able to
learn complex patterns in the data, resulting in accurate power consumption predictions
with minimized forecasting errors.
• This work fulfilled the thesis supervisor’s expectations, led to an A in the thesis course.
Also, thesis outputs are under review process for publication by the supervisor.

Project No: 02
Project Title : Blood cell cancer classification
Used Tools : NumPy, pandas, PyTorch, Torchvision,TensorFlow,PIL
Project Description:
● Various deep learning models (VGG19,DenseNet201,ResNeXt50,Vision Transformer
etc. )implemented and evaluated to classify blood cell images and aid in the diagnosis of
Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL).
● Dataset used in this project comprises 3242 peripheral blood smear (PBS) images
collected from 89 patients suspected of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia .
● Applied Random cropping and horizontal flipping to the training dataset to increase its
diversity and improve model generalization.
● All the models are capable of accurately classifying (with more than 94% accuracy)
blood cell images into benign and malignant categories, with further classification of
malignant lymphoblast subtypes (Early Pre-B, Pre-B, and Pro-B ALL).
Fig : confusion matrix for VGG19BN(Best model in this project)

Github Link :

Project No: 03
Project Title: Arduino and OpenCV based follower System (Personal Project)
Used Tools: * PySerial * OpenCV for Python * Arduino Uno * Chassis * Webcam * Motor
Project Description:
• Applied Haar Cascade Classifier to detect humans by detecting faces using the OpenCV
library and Python. The hardware is built around an Arduino microcontroller and an
external webcam, linked via an intermediate personal computer where all image
processing occurs. The Arduino and the webcam are both housed in a chassis.
• Signals from the computer are serially communicated to the Arduino based on the
position and size of the detected human face.

Impact: The face detection feature of this project was implemented at the entrance of a
residential flat for surveillance purposes.

Github link: kibu3058data

Project No: 04
Project Title: Face Detection and Gesture Control (Computer Vision with Arduino)
Used Tools: OpenCV, Arduino Board, Potentiometers,LEDs
Project Description:

• Used OpenCV, an open-source computer vision library, to develop the face detection
algorithm. OpenCV's capabilities allowed the system to identify human faces within
video frames. webcam continuously captured video frames, providing the input for the
face detection algorithm.
• When a face was detected, my Python script took charge and initiated communication
with the Arduino board.
• The Arduino board seamlessly controlled the LED in this project, orchestrating the blink
as a visual response to the face detection event. LED provided users with immediate and
intuitive feedback, indicating that their faces had been successfully detected.
• For the gesture control project, the Arduino board was used because it served as the
central controller, interfacing with both the computer vision system and the
potentiometers. Potentiometers, also known as variable resistors, were used to capture
analog input from physical gestures.
• A webcam continuously captured video frames, OpenCV was used to allow the system to
identify and interpret hand gestures from video input.

Github link: Face Detection and Gesture Control (ComputerVision with Arduino)

Awards from the Project:

• 2nd Runner Up in Project Competition, Technocracy (RUET) 2020

Project No: 05
Project Title: Tweet Prediction Using BERT Model
Used Tools:

NLTK (Natural Language Toolkit),TensorFlow and Keras,Transformers,NumPy and Pandas

Project Description:
• Applied BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) architecture,
specifically the "bert-large-uncased" variant, for predicting whether a given
tweet(message/post shared on social media) is about a real disaster or not.
• The text data was tokenized using the BERT tokenizer to convert the text into a format
suitable for BERT input.

• On top of the BERT model, additional layers were added for fine-tuning. Dropout layers
were included to prevent overfitting and dense layers for classification.

Github Link : Tweet prediction

Project No: 06
Project Title: Pneumonia Detection Model using Chest X-ray Images (Personal Project)
Used Tools: NumPy, pandas,
Project Description:
• The Inception V3 architecture was used to develop a transfer learning model that was
built on a dataset of X-ray scans of the chest for the binary classification task .
• Used transfer learning with the Inception V3 architecture pre-trained on
ImageNet.Additional layers were added on top of the Inception V3 base model, including
Flatten, Dense, BatchNormalization, and a final Dense layer with a sigmoid activation
• Techniques such as Ben Graham's Method and ColorJitter were used to balance data. The
dataset was divided into two parts: training and testing. For both the training and testing
sets, data augmentation is performed with Keras' ImageDataGenerator.
• On the test dataset, the trained model was used to make predictions. A 0.5 threshold was
used to categorize predictions as "normal" or "pneumonia." On the test dataset, the model
achieves an accuracy of around 96%.
Github Link : Pneumonia Detection Model using Chest X-ray Images
Project No: 07
Project Title: Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) using PyTorch Lightning for a wildfire
image classification task (Personal Project)
Used Tools/Libraries:

PyTorch and PyTorch Lightning,NumPy,Pandas,scikit-learn (sklearn),PIL (Python Imaging



• Developed a customized CNN model consists of three convolutional layers with three
input channels, 6 output channels, and three three-dimensional kernels, followed by a
second layer with 6 input channels, 16 output channels, and three three-dimensional
• For classification, the model employs four fully connected (linear) layers.
• The CNN model is trained and tested on a dataset of 'fire' and 'nofire' images, and
classification performance is measured using industry-standard metrics.

Github link :CNN model for Wildfire Detection

Project No: 08
Project Title: Orchid plant Classifier using the CNN (Personal Project)
Used Tools/Libraries:

Keras with TensorFlow Backend,Pandas,Scikit-Learn


• Applied a pre trained model (ResNet-50) that can classify images from the orchid genera
Cattleya, Dendrobium, Oncidium, Phalaenopsis, and Vanda.
• 4000 train data (800 image/genus) without background+ augmentation, 2500 test data
(500 image/genus).185 internet test results (25 cattleya and 40 other genus).
• K-Fold Cross Validation is used during the training stage, and the Confusion Matrix is
used to evaluate the CNN model after testing.Test accuracy score of 90%.

Github Link: Orchid plant Classifier using the CNN

Project No: 09
Project Title: GPS tracker for real-time location
Used Tools: ESP 8266, Neo-M8N-0-10
• Developed accurate real-time location tracking device, which is an ideal solution for asset
tracking and vehicle monitoring services.
• The Neo-M8N-0-10 GPS module was used by our team to acquire GPS data, including
latitude and longitude. The ESP8266 microcontroller reads the GPS data and establishes a
Wi-Fi connection. GPS data is transmitted to a central platform created on Google
Impact : A renowned vehicle rental company in Bangladesh called 'Jatri' implemented the IoT
device on their registered vehicles and could access a web-based interface or a mobile app to
view the real-time location on a map.

Github link : GPS tracker for real-time location

Image of the Prototype model :

Project No: 11
Project Title: Robo-Soccer (Competition).
Used Tools: Arduino Mega, Motor driver
shield, DC motors with wheels, ultrasonic
sensors, Chassis.
Project Description:

• Developed a Robot using Arduino Mega with Ultrasonic sensors.

Competition Result:
• 1st Runner Up in Robo Soccer, Mecceleration, IUT, 2018.

Github Link : Robo-Soccer

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