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Q1: Kubernetes uses _____________ to connect to ouath 2 providers to offload the

authentication to external services.?

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

c OpenID Connect Tokens

d Webhook Token Authentication

e Authentication Proxy

f Keystone Password

Q2: How can you edit a WordPress comment??

a You can edit WordPress comment using the profile. From the panel, under the
Comments option, select edit to edit a comment.

b None

c You can edit WordPress comment using the dashboard. From the panel, under the
Comments option, select edit to edit a comment.

d None

e None

f You can edit WordPress comment using the command. From the panel, under the
Comments option, select edit to edit a comment.

Q3: MySQL comes with a standard client libraries for:?

a Java Only

b None

c C Only

d PHP And C

e None

f Perl, Java And C

Q4: What language is an Ansible playbooks are written in by default??

a None

b HTML format

c JSON format

d YAML format

e None

f XML format

Q5: What is an internal command??

a Every command which comes with the default installation of Linux is called
internal command with some small exceptions like really old commands.

b Shell built in commands are called as internal commands.

c Every command which has been developed by the new generation of Linux is
considered an internal command.

d Shell commands which are executed on the local machine are called internal

e None

f None

Q6: Choose the correct HTML element for the largest heading:?

a <heading>

b <h6>

c <head>

d None

e None

f <h1>
Q7: How can we find the process name from its process id? Assume the Proccess ID is 1?

a None

b ps –p 1

c get 1

d None

e find 1

f top 1

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