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Graduate Program, Universitas Lancang Kuning

Department of Management

Instructor : Dr. Adi Rahmat, S.E., M.M.

Classes (Room) : XV-B

Textbook: Greenberg, J. (2011). Behavior in Organizations. Essex, England: Pearson

Education Limited.

Course Description:
Organizational behavior is a course that studies human behavior in organizations with an interdisciplinary
approach, namely psychology, anthropology, economics, political science, and management science.
Organizational behavior has 3 basic levels of analysis namely individual, group, and organization.
Organizational behavior is oriented towards research and application on how to shape behavior in
organizations by systematically studying individual, group, and organizational processes that occur within
an organization so that it can be realized together both the high effectiveness of the organization and
high satisfaction from members of the organization.

Course Objectives:
• Students know human behavior in organizations with an interdisciplinary approach.
• Students can know how to manage individual behavior effectively.
• Students can know how to manage group behavior and social processes effectively.
• Students can know how to manage organizational behavior processes and problems effectively.
• Students have managerial skills to realize organizational effectiveness through others and
continuous improvement.
• Students have managerial skills to realize organizational members' satisfaction, such as individuals,
groups, and organizations.
• Students have managerial skills to manage the organization to realize high organization
performance and high employee satisfaction.

Your final grade will be based on the following:
Deliverable Percentage
Attendance 10%
Written Report 25%
Course Participation 30%
Final Exam 35%
Total 100%


1 The field of organizational behavior Case: “Floyd's Barbershop: A Cut
(Chapter 1/Greenberg, 2011) Above the Rest”
(Page: 64)
2 Organizational justice, ethics, and corporate social Case: “HP = Hidden Pretexting?
responsibility What Did in Dunn?”
(Chapter 2/Greenberg, 2011) (Page: 99)
3 Perception and learning: understanding and Case: “Smiling Might Not Be Such a
adaption to the work environment. Safe Way to Treat Safeway
(Chapter 3/Greenberg, 2011) Customers”
(Page: 138)
4 Individual difference: personality, skill, and abilities. Case: “Howard Schultz: The
(Chapter 4/Greenberg, 2011) Personality Behind Starbucks”
(Page: 171-172)
5 Coping with organizational life: emotion and stress. Case: “A Basketball Court Judge
(Chapter 5/Greenberg, 2011) Faces a Federal Court Judge”
(Page: 203-204)
6 Work-related attitudes: prejudice, job satisfaction, Case: “Domino’s Pizza Takes a Bite
and organizational commitment. Out of Turnover”
(Chapter 6/Greenberg, 2011) (Page: 240-241)
7 Motivation in the organization. Case: “Google: Searching for a Better
(Chapter 7/Greenberg, 2011) Way to Work”
(Page: 276-277)
8 Mid-term Exam
9 Group dynamics and work team. Case: “Inside the Peloton: Social
(Chapter 8/Greenberg, 2011) Dynamics of the Tour de France”
(Page: 318-319)
10 Communication in organizations. Case: “ARM’s Virtual Success Story”
(Chapter 9/Greenberg, 2011) (Page: 361)
11 Decision making in organizations. Case: “Coca-Cola: Deciding on the
(Chapter 10/Greenberg, 2011) Look”
(Page: 402-403)
12 Interpersonal behavior at work: conflict, Case: “Southwest Airlines: Profit from
cooperation, trust, and deviance. People”
(Chapter 11/Greenberg, 2011) (Page: 440)
13 Powers: its uses and abuses in organizations. Case: “The Smith Brothers’ Low-Key
(Chapter 12/Greenberg, 2011) Approach to Organizational Power”
(Page: 473-474)
14 Leadership in organizations. Case: “A New Era for Network”
(Chapter 13/Greenberg, 2011) (Page: 507)
15 Organizational culture, creativity, and innovation Case: “ Innovation via
(Chapter 14/Greenberg, 2011) the ‘two-pizza team’”
(Page: 544-545)
16 Final Exam

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