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article_volume2020 = df.

article_volume2020.columns = ['ITEM_NAME','volume']

articles_withVolume2020 =
dfTopIndex = articles_withVolume2020.groupby('index_name')

dfTopArticleID =
listTopArticleID = dfTopArticleID.head(5)['article_id'].values

Call Pick Up var vs Target

Test 2 - FPA Analyst - Operations Task

1. Sales per Labour Hour

Based on the graph:
a) What's the area with best performance in Sales per Labour Hour? {Answer: F&V}

b) Considering the first three months, would it be reccomended for the target to be
reviewed? {Answer: Yes}

2. Line Speed
Based on the graph:
a) What's the area with best performance in Speed Line? {Answer: CHILL}

b) Is anyhow the total boxes packed per hour related to the Sales per Labour Hour?
{Answer: For F&V, both metrics follow opposing trends. For Chill & Dry, both
metrics follow same trend.

3. Cost per Drop

Based on the data and graph:

a) What's the rule for defining the target? {Answer: The Target is 6, if the
Budget for the month (or Quarter) is greater than 6, else the Budget value}.

b) What can be observed as a trend in Cost per Drop when analysing the volume of
deliveries and total distribution cost? {Answer:The volume of deliveries and total
distribution cost follow same trend but Total Deliveries falls at fater rate and
Distribution Cost rise faster.Therefore Cost per Drop is always rising except no
previous data.

c) Perform a graph to show the comparison between CY, Target and LY for Q2.
{Answer: DONE}
4. Customer Service
a) Which metric is better performing for the Customer Service team? {Answer:
Call Pick Up}
b) What could be the reason for the variances in the performance? {Answer:
Both metrics degrade over time but E-mails Turnaround target is higher and is
therefore more sensitive to degradation}
c) How could the data and the graph give better insights on the performance and
it's interferences? {Answer: Consider Plotting the trend of 'var vs Target'
graph of both metrics together on one graph AND the metrics absolute values
together on another graph}

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