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I believe that the movie 8 Mile released in 2002 can represent the world

we live in today.
In this slightly biographical movie, we follow the rise of a young rapper
named B-Rabbit (played by Eminem) in the tough world of hip-hop. During
a “rap battle”, B-Rabbit is faced with terrible stage fright and couldn't get
to the microphone. He is humiliated and booed by the crowd; however, he
regains his courage and finally is winning the price.
As a movie about rap, which is one of the most appreciated music genres
nowadays, 8 Mile depicts the themes of perseverance and pursuit of
success facing adversity. It’s also about the inequality, common in our
society, between two individuals: as B-Rabbit (Eminem) grew up in a
working-class family and his opponent Papa Doc in a privileged one.
Moreover, we can witness discrimination based on skin colour: dominated
by black people, the hip-hop/rap environment couldn’t accept B-Rabbit
(Eminem), and he encountered difficulties to assert himself as a white
person in Detroit.
Finaly, “Lose Yourself”, which was written for the movie, has now become
a symbol of the city of Detroit giving hope to the population facing youth
violence and poverty.

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