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Channels of Distribution

Hershey’s Chocolate Bar & Apple iPhone 14


ASSIGNMENT: Choose two different branded products and create a chart to show their (i)
Channel of Distribution (ii) For each product explain (a) the type (level) of Distribution
(intensive/selective/exclusive) - and (b) the Channel or path the good will take. You MUST
provide the reasoning behind your decision.


Apple iPhone 14
Channel of Distribution Level of Distribution The Path of the Product
Channel A manufacturer/ producer directly to Apple employs a selective distribution Apple creates the majority of its
the consumer. Selling products at the production strategy, which includes some products in California, but the
site. Apple offers its goods directly to customers exclusivity and may reduce market remainder is manufactured all
through Apple Stores. Stores are essential for the penetration. This indicates that Apple over the world. Apple has to
customer experience, supporting the service only has approved shops who are able to
collaborate with numerous
industry, and enabling large-scale branding. To sell their items. Despite the wide variety
reach its target customers and consumers, Apple of retailers previously mentioned, Apple
manufacturers all around the
uses a variety of distribution methods, including is picky in its distribution, refusing to world since its devices have a lot
direct and semi-direct, company-owned stores permit well-known retailers like Sears & of intricate components and it
and other authorized partners. This means that Beyond to sell their products. Apple has would be challenging for one
Apple views its business strategy through the significantly focused on its distribution company to build them all.
prisms of its iPhone sales when making channels & the result is seen with the Foxconn and Pegatron, two major
decisions. And Apple's stores are the best venues evident success as decisions related to assemblers in China, receive
showcasing its technology. distribution makes the products available components created by experts in
to the consumers at accessible locations each part from all over the world
thereby creating value. These retailers and assemble into the finished
are specifically left out since they don't
product. Due to China's lower
reach specified customers. Thus ensuring
“The right product at the right price
cost of living and labour,
available in the right place to be bought significantly lowers Apple's cost
by. of goods. The products are
subsequently distributed through
various channels to people all
around the world. This is how
Apple is able to generate huge
amounts of sales through direct
and indirect distribution channels

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