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NAME:___________________________________ DATE:______________________


For questions 1-10 below you need to choose the relevant section (A-D) where the information can be found.
The sections may be chosen more than once.

In which section does the writer mention:

1 that Velveth found it difficult to give up her unhealthy diet? ______

2 the negative effects of forcing people to lose weight? ______
3 that Velveth wasn’t always overweight? ______
4 that Velveth wouldn’t be able to afford eating the same way where she was from? ______
5 additional benefits of Velveth’s weight loss? ______
6 that people usually live very far from each other in Oklahoma? ______
7 something that happened causing the city to tackle the obesity problem? ______
8 that Velveth’s job made it easy to eat an unhealthy diet? ______
9 that the residents were taking responsibility for their own weight loss? ______
10 that people rarely used to walk anywhere in Oklahoma? ______
The Fat City
Velveth Monterroso went from a healthy weight to obese during her time living in Oklahoma.
Oklahoma is a city that covers six hundred and twenty square miles, but has a population of just over
half a million. This means that the residents are all spread out across the city making it nearly
impossible to go about your daily life without using a car. As a result, people tend to do very little
exercise, which has contributed to Oklahoma being known as one of the fattest cities in the United
States. Velveth Monterroso was a victim of the city’s reputation after she arrived from her hometown of
Guatemala. She initially weighed a healthy sixty three kilograms, but after ten years her weight went
up by over thirty kilograms.
Velveth noticed the difference from her hometown of Guatemala immediately. She commented that in
Guatemala people would usually eat a diet consisting mainly of vegetables as meat was so expensive.
In Oklahoma, however, it was much more common to eat fast food on a daily basis. She soon found
herself eating the typical diet of the city at the time. She worked long hours, starting at eight in the
morning and not finishing until eleven at night. This made it difficult for her to find the time or energy to
prepare healthy meals. Working all day as a cook, she found herself constantly snacking on burgers,
chips and pizza throughout the day and would usually get a takeaway on the way home after a long
day at work.
Even after stopping work to look after her second child, she was still addicted to the junk food that had
caused her health to decline. She was finding it difficult to make any meaningful changes. By now, the
city knew that there was a serious problem going on, and decided to declare a war on fat which was
started by the Mayor, Mick Cornett. He found out that his own weight increase had made him clinically
obese just as his hometown was identified by a magazine as one of America’s most overweight cities.
One of the changes made in the war on fat was a special programme to reduce obesity that was
offered to people who were overweight. It was thanks to this programme that Velveth managed to
change her life. Now she eats fast food just once a week, cooks more vegetables, has smaller portions
and exercises daily by walking up and down stairs for twenty minutes. Although she is still overweight,
in just four months she has lost nearly ten of the kilograms gained since moving to Oklahoma.
All her friends were impressed not only with the weight loss but also with the amount of energy she
now has. Velveth wasn’t the only one who benefited from the city’s remarkable attempt to tackle
obesity. Many more have taken advantage of new plans implemented by the city including the creation
of parks, bike lanes, gyms and various walking trails across the city. Overweight people throughout the
city are being targeted at home and at work to change their lifestyles. Rather than making residents
change their habits by banning sugary snacks and drinks, the campaign is focused on educating
people so they can make the choice to change. This approach appears to result in more people
maintaining a healthy lifestyle instead of just losing a few pounds and then going back to old habits.

EXERCISE 1 Complete the dialogue with the past simple or present perfect of the verb in brackets.

A: How long (1)______________________________ Matt? (know)

B: Oh, forever! We (2) ______________________________ to school together. (go)
A: I met him last week. He seems nice. Yesterday I (3)
______________________________ him if he wants to join us for dinner next week.
A: Oh, I wish you hadn’t. He’s a very fussy eater, he
(4)______________________________ a vegetable in his life! (never / eat)
B: Oh, he told me, but he said he (5)______________________________ lots of new food lately. (try)
A: Really? When we were boys he (6) ______________________________ pasta! (not / even / eat)
B: Oh no! That’s what I was going to cook. What should I do? I (7) ______________________________ him
already. (invite)
A: Why don’t you make something out of that cookbook I (8) ______________________________ you last
year? He’s the one who
recommended it to me. (buy)
B: Nice! I’ll have a look. (9) ______________________________ if you’re coming yet? (decide)
A: Sorry, I can’t. I (10) ______________________________ that I have to visit my sister next week. Have fun,
though! (forget)

EXERCISE 2 Add the words yet, just or already in the gaps in the sentences.
1 I haven’t done my homework ___________ . I should really go home and do it now.
2 You have ___________ run 10km. I think you should rest.
3 Jake has finished his assignment ___________ . I’ll never get mine done in
4 Have you cleaned the bathroom ___________ ? I asked you to do it two
days ago.
5 He’s ___________ come back from Florence but he’s already talking about
going again.
6 Your bike is fixed, right? No, not ___________ . I’ll do it next week.
7 Haven’t I ___________ told you not to touch the wall? The paint is still wet!
8 I’ve told you ___________ . I’m not here next week. I’m visiting my parents.
9 My dream is to travel to every country in Europe. I’ve ___________ visited seven!
10 You can’t possibly be hungry again. You have ___________ had breakfast!
EXERCISE 3 Complete the sentences with the correct comparative and superlative forms of the words given in
bold. You will need to use more than one word for each gap.

1 If you submit your assignment (1) _________________________________ 3pm you will be penalised, so
remember to try and submit it by 2:30pm at (2) _________________________________ . (late)

2 I can’t think of a city (3) _________________________________ this one. It’s quite possibly (4)
_________________________________ city I’ve ever visited. (lively)

3 Why do you think this project is (5) _________________________________ last year’s? I thought that one
was (6) _________________________________ project I’d ever had to work on. (stressful)

4 I didn’t think I’d ever see a cat (7) _________________________________ than mine, but that is by far the (8)
_________________________________ cat I’ve ever seen in my life. (fat)

5 I missed the train, and what’s even (9) _________________________________ that is that the next one is in
three hours. This is (10) _________________________________ day ever! (bad).
EXERCISE 4 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.


1 I’m really ____________________ with Frank. I lent him £20 last week and he’s still not paid it back.
2 Sheila is ____________________ in herself. She was hoping to get an A but she only got a B.
3 Don’t be so ____________________ about the test, I’m sure you’ll do great.
4 I was ____________________ when I heard about Phil. I just couldn’t believe he was really moving to
5 Thank you for the invite. I’m ____________________ to be here!
6 You should apologise to Dominic. He seemed really ____________________ . He rushed out of the room and
his eyes were all red.


EXERCISE 5 Complete the paragraphs using the correct form of the words and phrases in the box.



I’ve been trying to (1) ____________________ my petrol costs, so I started (2) ____________________ of all
the trips I did in my car. I realised that I was (3) ____________________ it: I used to drive to school, to work,
even to the supermarket! I
invested in a bicycle and although my legs were (4) ____________________ a lot at the beginning, I am (5)
____________________ at how much I am saving these days. My wife was (6) ____________________ when I
told her. She couldn’t believe it!
At this (7) ____________________ , if I (8) ____________________ the good work, I’ll have saved £500 by the
end of the year.
And I even lost some weight, which is good because I admit I used to be a bit (9) ____________________ !
Now I just need to make sure I don’t get injured! I would be really (10) ____________________ .

For Questions 1-8, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals to form a word that fits in the gap.
There is an example at the beginning.

An Incredible Vegetable

Garlic, a member of the Lilliaceae family which also includes onions, is (0) ...commonly...... (COMMON) used in

cooking all around the world. China is currently the largest (1) ............................... (PRODUCT) of garlic, which is

particularly associated with the dishes of northern Africa and southern Europe.

It is native to central Asia and has long had a history as a health-giving food, used both to prevent and

cure (2) ............................... (ILL).

In ancient Egypt, workers building the pyramids were given garlic to keep them strong, while Olympic athletes

in Greece ate it to increase their resistance to infection. The forefather of antibiotic medicine, Louis Pasteur,

claimed garlic was as (3) ............................... (EFFECT) as penicillin in treating infections.

Modern-day (4) ............................... (SCIENCE) have proved that garlic can indeed kill bacteria and even some

viruses, so it can be very useful for people who have coughs and colds.

In (5) ............................... (ADD), some doctors believe that garlic can reduce blood (6) ........................... (PRESS)

The only (7) ............................... (ADVANTAGE) to this truly amazing food is that the strong and

rather (8) ............................... (SPICE) smell of garlic is not the most pleasant!

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