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So what will happen after you start implementing these five techniques or a combination of

these five
techniques or just one or two of these techniques?
First thing is, you'll have unshakable confidence.
You now know that you are an eternal spiritual soul and nothing can harm you or hurt you.
Because this physical may pass, but you are eternal, so nothing energetically can hold you
Standing your confidence in your truth and in your power.
And these five techniques can help you do that.
Also, you will become empowered to take back your own energy and to project the
energies that you want.
Because as you do those through thought, through words, through actions, you'll receive
the same.
Like energy begets like energy and the way you treat others and yourself will allow those
people that
want to be treated the same or like minded to enter into your now space.
That's a beautiful thing.
Also, as a result of using these five techniques, you'll be able to use them to help others, to
others, to take back their energies and to recognize those things that are keeping them in
low vibrations.
And another result is you'll create a positive environment for yourself.
And that in itself is a force field that will rebound any negative energies that are trying to
in, any energy vampires or any experiences that no longer serve you for your highest good.

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