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A Day in the Park ( past tense )

Text: Yesterday, Tom went to the park. He walked through the gate and saw
children playing on the swings. Tom smiled and waved at them. Then, he sat on
a bench and read a book. After reading for a while, Tom decided to play catch
with his dog, Max. Max chased the ball and brought it back to Tom. They played
until Max got tired and lay down in the shade. Later, Tom met his friend Ben at
the park. They talked and laughed together. Then, they went for a walk around
the pond. They saw ducks swimming and turtles sunbathing on rocks .As the
sun started to set, Tom and Ben left the park and walked home together.

Where did Tom go yesterday?

What did Tom see children doing at the park?

What did Tom do after sitting on the bench?

Who did Tom play catch with?

What did Tom and Ben see around the pond?

Did Max get tired after playing catch?

Who did Tom meet at the park?

What did Tom and Ben do after talking and laughing?

Did Tom and Ben stay at the park until it got dark?

How did Tom and Ben go home?

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