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The Story of Timun Mas

Intro (Pembukaan)
Hello, everyone. Good morning/afternoon.

My full name is Torres Wguen Javas Wistara, my nickname is Torres. I am in the first
grade of 7C class. Today, I will tell you a story that is very famous from Java. I am
sure you know this story. Are you ready?

Ok, so this is The Story of Timun Mas…

Content (Isi)

Once upon a time, there was a widow named Mbok Randa. She wanted to have a
chil. One night when she prayed, suddenly a giant named Buto Ijo appeared and

“I can give you a child, but you must give the child back to me when she is seventeen years

“You can give me a child? Really? I want it…” Mbok Randa said it happily.

“Plant these seeds. Don’t forget to always water it. When it’s the time for harvest, take the
biggest cucumber. Got it?”

On the next day, Mbok Randa planted the seeds. Mbok Randa harvest the cucumbers in 1
week because the cucumber plant grew so fast. She saw so many cucumbers, then she
saw the biggest cucumber. That was a huge and golden cucumber. Then she carefully
sliced the golden cucumber. She was so surprised, because there was a baby girl inside the
golden cucumber. She was so happy. Mbok Randa named her Timun Mas.

16 years later, Timun Mas became a very beautiful and lovely girl. She was also smart and
kind. Mbok Randa was so happy to have a daughter like Timun Mas. She will be 17 years
old next week. But, suddenly she remembered her promise with Buto Ijo, and she was
scared to think about it.

At night, Mbok Randa dreamed. In her dream, she met a holy man. That holy man said:
“If you want to save your daughter, meet me on Mount Gundul as soon as possible.”

On the next morning, Mbok Randa went to Mount Gundul. She said to Timun Mas: “Timun,
Mbok will go to somewhere for several days. Please take care and lock the door…!

“Where will you go, Mbok? Is everything ok?” Timun Mas was so worry to Mbok Randa.

“There were some things to do. Don’t worry. Remember to lock the door, ok?”

“Okay, Mbok… Be careful, please…”

Then, Mbok Randa went to Mount Gundul. She needed 3 days. 3 days later, she met the
holy man and he gave 4 little bags to Mbok Randa. The holy man said:

“Give these little bags to your daughter. Use it when she is in danger by opening it one by

3 days later, she arrived home in the evening. She was so surprised to see Buto Ijo in front
of her house. Buto Ijo saw her and said:

“Mbok Randa… It’s been almost 17 years. Do you remember your promise?”

“I remember, Buto Ijo. But, my daughter is still 16…”

“It’s just one day… I am so hungry now. Can you give your daughter to me now?”

“No. As promised, so you have to go now.”

“Ok, then I will come here tomorrow morning.”

Then, Mbok Randa went inside the house and she saw Timun Mas. She hugged her. Then,
Mbok Randa told Timun Mas everything about the promise, Buto Ijo, and the 4 little bag.
Mbok Randa and Timun Mas decide that Timun Mas must go tomorrow at dawn before
Buto Ijo wake up.

At dawn, Mbok Randa and Timun Mas woke up. Timun Mas prepared to go. Before that,
Mbok Randa gave her 4 little bags, that contained cucumber seeds, needles, salt, and
shrimp paste.
Suddenly, Buto Ijo called Mbok Randa in front of the house. Mbok Randa and Timun Mas
was so surprised. After that, Mbok Randa told Timun Mas to run from the back door, while
Mbok Randa went out to meet Buto Ijo. Buto Ijo was so angry because Mbok Randa lied to
him. Then, Buto Ijo chased Timun Mas in forest.

Buto Ijo was so fast that he got closer and closer to Timun Mas. Then Timun Mas opened
the first bag. It was the cucumber seeds. She threw the cucumber seeds and instantly they
grew into the huge cucumber fields. The giant ate them all. But, Buto Ijo got more strength to
chase Timun Mas.

Timun Mas opened the second bag. It was needles. The needles instantly turned into
bamboo trees. Buto Ijo’s foot were bled. But, Buto Ijo still could chase Timun Mas.

Timun Mas opened the third and fourth bag. It was salt and shrimp paste. The salt instantly
turned into a deep sea. And the shrimp paste turned into mud. Finally, the mud drowned
Buto Ijo. Timun Mas came back to her home and live happily ever after with Mbok Randa.

Closing (Penutupan)

Ok, everyone. So, do you know the moral value of this story?

“Think carefully before making a promise to someone.”

That’s all from me. Thank you for listening to my story.

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