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‘use the secre ‘foods “perfec er” into EREE! “Embarrassingly Simple Secret Instantly Unleashes The Explosive Power Hidden In Your Tee Shots... Without Adding A SINGLE Thing To Your Swing!” Best part: It will take you just ONE SOLID PRACTICE SWING. to add another 50-to-70 super-accurate yards to your drives... doing absolutely nothing to your basic swing. Too good to be true? Check it out for yourself - without risking a penny... Tuesday, 7:30 am, Dear Friend, Have you ever seen a professional boxer land a solid right hook? If it connects, it’s game over. Too much power in that punch for a normal man to sustain BUT... did you know that almost NONE of that power comes from the muscles of the right arm? It’s true. Most pro boxers can’t even bench-press their own weight. Nope. The root of the power in their punch comes from. Their FEET. ‘What's this got to do with you? How about. Instant “Professional Golfer” Power And Distance Off The Te ‘This is huge news for golfers, It's the overlooked secret behind ALL the great professional golfers, from Sam Snead to Tiger Woods. You don’t see it, because it’s hidden. But it's there. ‘And the best partis, t's amazingly easy to adopt yourself. Here's the cold, hard facts: ¥ Not one golfer in a thousand understands where the power comes from in great, 300 yard-plus tee shots.-Most guys-think the power is in-the-aeme-Cwhich-guarantees-a-horrible slice-or snap- hook)... or in the torque from yout pivot (which offers a little more distance, but still only a fraction of what you should be getting). Y This is because... you cannot SEE the source of power when you watch a great golfer tee off. It LOOKS like they're getting power from the whip action of their follow-through — but they’re not. ‘The source of their jaw-dropping power is INVISIBLE to anyone watching them. You have to FEEL it to believe it. ¥ Right now, you're getting maybe 5% of the potential power out of your swing. The professionals suck 90% of the potential from their swing. That’s how they hit such long, accurate drives, every time... even though they're completely relaxed all through the swing. Not an ounce of tension in their entire body, So just imagine... if you could suddenly find even 25% of your potential... it would be FIVE TIMES. the power you're getting now! That wouldn’t be half bad, now, would it. Well, guess what? You can get FIVE TIMES the power you've got fast it will make your head spin, That's because... all that awesome power is... ALREADY Cocked And Loaded Inside Your Swing! Yes, the same swing you had the last time out, What’s more... It doesn’t matter if you're a small guy with stringy muscles... --or a big ghy with a beer gut the size of a basketball... OF Way past your prime, or out of shape, or a complete duffer on the course. ‘There's a snarling beast hiding inside you. The professionals understand where this hidden payload of power ‘comes from... but almost NO amateur golfers have a clue. And get this: You can learn this astonishing secret. Without Risking APenny! Here's the story: As you probably already know, Bobby Schaeffer is famous among pro’s as “the hotshot with the longest shot”, because of his ability to hit long, accurate, towering drives... with money on the fine. Bobby is also perhaps the most famous “underground” pro teacher in the world. No one playing the game knows more about the physics and math of the golf swing. No one knows more about the true souree of power in your body. And when you finally discover this hidden power yourself. teaching methods... 1g Bobby’s amazing “shortcut” It Will Be The Biggest “Doht” Experience Of Your Life! It was for me, anyway. I felt like Homer Simpson. One day I was on the range, feeling like everything was just right in my s\ was swinging on plane, my wrists aligned at impact, transferring weight atthe right time... swinging about as perfectly as I'm able. I thought sure I'd been launching howitzer shots, But when I saw my balls lying out on the range, there wasn’t a one further out than 230. Jeez Enter Bobby, with his infuriatingly-accurate advice. According to him, 1 was ignoring 95% of the power available to me. Ignoring it. Simple fix, too Result: My very shot ¢ 300 straight and true and gorgeous And it’s so simple... | was actually embarrassed! I mean... it seems like cheating. Listen: Wouldn't you love to just go out on the course and start hitting the longest drives of your life? Without any agonizing lessons... without long, boring, frustrating practice sessions... and... Without Changing A Thing In Your Swing? ‘That's why so many golfers are bouncing off the walls over this new power secret that Bobby has discovered. It’s the secret that propelled Sam Snead’s towering blasts... and it’s the secret behind Tiger Woods" greatest tee shots. ‘You've got to FEEL it to believe it. You can’t see it.. but the very first time you fee! it, you'll understand. P'm serious. You will add FIVE TIMES the power you have now. With a simple secret that uses the same source of power all “power” athletes rely on — the awesome oomph that can only come from your lower body. No hocus-pocus, no gimmicks, no need for any change whatsoever in your physical swing. ‘You merely “re-focus” your attention to the correct place. If I tried to explain it, you'd be tempted to lock me up — it can sound like a cross between Zen and astrophysics. But it’s really just plain old-fashioned sports science. ‘The pros already understand it. Not one amateur in a thousand has a clue. Best part: You can get your power pumped up 500% above what its now without risking a penny. And... you can HAVE the seeret behind Tiger Woods’ “upper level” super-power... Page 2 No-Way! You're Getting $10 off PLUS the FREE “sand Play” Video For FREE! Heere’s the deal: This is Bobd)y Schaeffer's most sought-after lesson. Golfers pay thousands to flyin, hang with Bobby, and pick this secret up\{rst-hand. You're free to do that, to9, of course. Or... you can take me up on this “shortcut” offer $39 Just order his new video (it's only $325... spend 69 minutes watching it...and then go out and hit 2 tee shot with your new knowledge. Jf you. do ot hit that shot at least 50 vards further than you honestly believe you ate capable of hitting a tee sho. then send the video back for @ complete and fat refund, No questions asked. 1's that simple. You have a 100% guarantee of satisfaction, And there's no time limit — you ean wait a year, or five years, or fly years (wel stil be here). Whenever you get around to checking out the poster this “amazing secret can burn into your body... that's when you decide, So you don’t risk a single penny. But weit, 1 will also send you a hot new report that reveals an easy way to DOUBLE the power available to you. Almost overnight. This is Tiger's big secret; He knows exactly how to use a litle Gny bit of intense training... to get more raw power than any of his opponents can muster. And... you can KEEP this report, as my gift to you, even if you later decide to return Bobby's video for complete refund This means... no matter what you do... you Will end Up With the seeret to massive Bolfing power. For FREE, if you choose. Here's what to do now: Just call my office at 1-800-316-5871 and tell whoever answers you want Bobby Schaeffer's “Explosive Power Secrets” video. You can use your credit card, r, if you prefer to pay by check or money order (payable to OHP), just fill out the enclosed yellow Priority Order Card, and mail it with your payment in the postage-paid envelope. Either way, 1 will make sure your package is rush-shipped by return mail. You'll have it in a few days. ‘And you can see what all the fuss is about for yourself Just keep this one thing in mind: You Are About To Hit ‘The Longest Tee Shots Of Your Life... From Here ‘On Outt You think I'm exaggerating? You think your situation is different. and you can’t get the results I've promised? “Then check out what these guys discovered. They're all over the map physically and in ability — some are ‘overweight, some are rank rookies who wet themselves when they hit a good shot, most aren’t anywhere near their peak of fitness... and all they have in common is their love for golf. Listen to what they're saying: 2) “Asvesome!_With Baby's simple techniques applied to-my-swing, ('ve added incredible, accurate distance to all my shots. An easy 60 yards to my tee shots, occasionally flirting with 300-yard drives three or four times per round. Man, it feels good”! ~ Jake Harris, Senior account Executive © “I've never experienced such explosive power in my swing ever! I can’t believe the distance | instantly tapped into, from my driver to my wedge... it's amazing! My 230-yard drives are now well over 280, yards... 5U extra yards. It happened fast and was so simple. ‘Thanks again! ” = Jerry 0. Donovan, Southern Cal.. “WOW! Absolutely amazing... All my shots, even mid and long irons are now longer, unbelievably accurate and my swing is completely repeatable. This is clearly the most solid instructional golf product ever.” ~ Mac K. Patricks, San Gabriel Valley $L feel like a totally different golfer, a more powerful, more confident, completé player overnight! 1 ‘worked with one of Bobby’s ideas for 0 minutes on the range and went out and shot an incredible 76 with 2 three putts. My drives were on autopilot, dead center and Tong!” ~Johony Thomson, Overland Park Page 3 =>] can't believe how far I'm smacking all my shots now! It's simple, quick to learn, easy to do time after time, This is the fastest way to infuse your golf swing with maximum power.” ~ Thomas Gerald, Installation Supervisor *>*My last round was a thing of beauty ~ pounding tee-shots 40 and 50 yards past my playing partners. And you know I wasn’t talking, my lips are seafed on this secret! In just minutes you'll see how purely simple and easy this js. It's awesome! You should see for yourself, Thank you.” -- 8. Tim Murphy, Seattle WA "1 worked with Bobby's program for FIVE minutes at home... and the next day at the range 1 blasted ball afier ball, 20 to be exact, into the fence well over 300-yards away. Give me a break, it’s too simple— Uve added a coo! 75-extra yards to my tee-shots. My last round was unbelievable! Shot 74 with an eagle and 3 birdies. Thanks Bobby, you're the Man!” -- LM. Long, Quality Controller Sound good? No matter where your game is at right now... with Bobby's immediate help, you too can ¥ Start hitting humongous drives 60... 70... even 80 yards farther than you ever dreamed possible! ¥ Put professional-level “controlled power” into every swing you make, from tee shots down to gentle pitches! ¥ Slash a dozen strokes off your score the very nexi time you play! ¥ And... finally get some real respect on the tee box! I's all waiting here for you. No risk. Every penny back, promptly, if you're not happy, no need to explain, no questions asked. And... you get to KEEP the secret to pumping your power up to “super” levels (just like Tiger). There's just one tiny catch: 1 only have enough videos here to send out to the first 80 guys who get back to me. [had over 200 in stock up to yesterday... but when word got out that Bobby was revealing this secret for s0 cheap a price, the videos just flew out of here. So... you need to call right now, while this letter is stil in your hands, Don’t wait.. ifyou do, there may be a delay before I can get more videos duped. And you don’t want to wait fo see this secret. This is golfing paradise territory. An honest-to-God shortcut to launching the longest and most accurate drives of your life. Call right now. I've got staff waiting for your call. 1-800-316-5871 Sincerely, sds i P.S. Remember... I'm also sending’ou the Secret report on how to DOUBLE your available power in the shortest time humanly possible. It’s yours free, to keep no matter what you deeide to do later. But you must hnunty to be among the lucky first 80 guys. 7 bribe”, you're getting the PPS. Plu, aw pout of my “shameless : canaying $49 “Sands Play” Video absolutely ERE! ee Page 4

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