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EREE video aift! Can 15 minutes of simple instruction really add 40 accurate yards to every one of your clubs (and 75 yards to your driver)? You've GOT to see this right away... Why Every Pro Teacher, Magazine Article and Instruction Book On Golf Is Just Dead WRONG About Fixing Your Swing... And How A Simple Adjustment In The Way You Look At Your Hands Will Change Your Game Forever! Best of all, you can see it FREE! Dear John, "You may think T’vé Tost my’iiiind with that Tong headline up there... but Thaven’t. Pim just giddy wih excitement... because I've discovered the “Missing Link” to having a damn-neat perfect golf swing, And in just 15 minutes, you're gonna discover it, too. Here’s what it’s all about: Everybody thinks golf is a physical game. You pull a club out of your bag, stand over the ball, rear back and whack it for all you're worth. And, sure... you need to physically use your body to play the game. No getting around that. You can’t play a round laying in bed (unless youve got Nintendo, | suppose). But it’s a HUGE mistake to think it’s JUST physical. The professionals who make a living at golf understand this... but not always in the right way. A lot of pros will bend your ear talking about how MENTAL the game is. How you gotta get your mind lined up right before you hit the ball, and all that, ‘They have a point, too. You can’t shut your brain off on the first tee and expect to have a very good round. But all this misses a VERY CRITICAL fact that almost everyone misses. And until you understand this “missing link” fact, you will NEVER get good at golf. Never. Listen: You're going to be just as giddy as I am once you see what I’m talking about here. It will change everything about golf for you... and it will: ¥ Eliminate all inconsistency in your game.. “Tistantly correct all er0rs in your swing... ¥ Add 40 yards-plus to EVERY club in your bag. ¥ And literally FORCE your shots to be more precise and accurate! ‘And the best part i It’s So Simple! Have you ever had a dream where you could fly? You know, just flap your arms or jump up, and suddenly you’re soaring over the neighborhood like Superman? As silly as it sounds ~ and believe me, I realize this sounds foo good to be true — this “missing link” secret really is just like suddenly discovering you can do something that no one else seems able to do. ‘That's because this “missing link” to great golf has nothing at all to do with the physical part of your swing... nothing at all to do with the “mental” side of your game.... and nothing at all to do with anything that any regular pro teacher would try to “fix” in your swing. ‘You want to know what this secret “missing link” is? Ofcourse you do, And I’m going to reveal itto you. Right now. Come closer. Closer. Listen: The secret is Your Eyes! ‘That’s right. Forget about all the physical mechanics of your swing.... forget about mental imagery and checklists. and forget all about your breathing and your stance and your backswing and everything else you THOUGHT was important io your game. ‘The plain facts... and this is what separates great golfers from doofus hackers... there’s a very destructive ILLUSION going on between your eyes, your hands and your brain every time you swing aclu. It's visual, Not physical. Not mental, Visual. What you THINK you see is NOT what is actually happening. What you—and me, and every other golfer out there who's ever had trouble with his or her swing ~ don’t realize is that... Your Eyes Are Screwing With You Every Time You Stand Over A Golf Ball Getting past this illusion stuffis ALL that separates the pro golfer from the amateur. And the weird partis... even most ofthe best golfers on the planet don’t KNOW what they*ve done to getpast the illusion! ‘Take two golfers, both just beginners, both equally gifted athletically, Both have decent natural swings, both love the game of golf, both spend hours playing. Let’s call them “Ed” and “Tom”. Ed spends all his time perfecting his physical skills at whacking the ball. He gets his mental game in line. But henever realizes the visual illusion that happens when he stands over the golf ball... and so he never makes the simple correction that will make the illusion moot. Ed, later in life, isa guy you might see on your local links. Good-looking swing, but no lasting consis- tency. He chokes on two or three drives around, several putts, a handful of chips. Enough to ruin an otherwise good round. Ed is an average golfer. ‘Tom, on the other hand, early on senses that there’s something weird in the way he’s SEEING the ball he’s attempting to hit, He may not understand the physics involved, but he makes a simple allowance in the way he hits the ball. Despite the illusion that makes him THINK he's hitting the ball WRONG, he trusts his intuition and does what's right. .. not what LOOKS right. ‘Tom becomes a professional golfer. You never see him on the local links, because he’s off playing Augusta or Pebble Beach. This is NOT a bogus comparison. You CANNOT become great at the game as long as you labor under the illusion that cripples 99% of all golfers right from the get-go. The plain factis... you can have the most awkward-looking swing in the universe (like Furyk, Lehman, Doyle, and yes, even the great Trevino)... and STILL play fabulous golf. But ONLY if you've ‘conquered the illasion Okay, I'm not going to tease you any more, I can’t show you the illusion here in this article, because it’s VISUAL. You've got to SEE it. But once you do, you're golden, -Page2- ‘Therefore... I've arranged for you to see this amazing secret ~ on video — without risk. Itwill take ‘you about an hour to sit and watch the video... but it will only take about 15 minutes for the truth to settle in. (The “meat” of the video is about 10 minutes in.) Then... go out and hit a single bucket of practice balls. And that’s it, You'll have corrected the illusion that is the SOURCE of all your misery on the golf’ course. The result: You’ driver! tantly add 40 yards 1o every club in your bag (and more than 75 to your .- plus... you'll be as consistent as a machine and accurate as a radar-guided missile. Simple. Easy. Fast. And... ifit doesn’t work to change your game forever... you aren’t out a penny. You'll have seen this amazing secret absolutely for. FREE! Piseceeesateecee Be Here's the deal: The man behind it is none other than Bobby Schaeffer — the guy other pro golfers call “the hotshot with the longest shot” in money golf. Bobby, as you probably know, became interna- tionally famous for NOT going on the Tour... because he twice suffered the kind of debilitating injuries that would permanently sideline a lesser man. (Rhomboid tear was the worst 2 years painful recovery.) Bobby getting hurt turned out to be the best thing that ever happened to the rest of us. Because, forced to teach to earn a living, Bobby set about revealing all the secrets of professional golf no one else was willing to share. Thousands of golfers worldwide owe their great games to Bobby. However, this is something Bobby can ? go “public” with in any big way. It’sjusttoo simple... and too “challenging” to the way most people think. See, most people just cannot believe the problems with their game or swing could possibly be a simple illusion between their hands and their brain via their eyes. They would rather spend thousands of dollars on lessons, trying to fix something that isn’t broken, So... Bobby let his friend “Michael” from San Diego in on his little side business he calls Big Drive Productions. .. ustso they could tape simple litte secrets like this... and get it out to the small number of golfers (like you) who realize that the answer to great golf actually CAN be this simple. (“Michael” prefers to remain anonymous for reasons that he assures me have nothing to do with the IRS.) This tape doesn’t waste a lot of time trying to be a big fancy Hollywood-type production. It’s just honest and straight forward. I's not production value you're after... i’s the secrets to great golf. And anyway... all Yourreally need is tobe shiown how to get past the destructive ifision. ‘That requires about 15 minutes of video, and a single bucket of balls. ‘So here's what to do now: Call my office at 1-800-316-5871 and tell whoever answers you want “Bobby Schaeffer's Iilusion Video”. ‘The video costs just $69, and you can use your eredit card... but t that cool “Alpha Zone” video 100% FREE you'll ‘orget, AND dont f you don’t risk a penny of that. Because you have my... oe Personal 100% Money-Back Guarantee! This guarantee gives you a FULL SIX MONTHS to sit on this information, try it out inthe spring and carly summer on the links, and THEN decide if you believe it or not. If you aren’ happy, for any reason ‘whatsoever, just send the video back and I’ll personally make sure you get a fast refiund of your $69. No questions asked. I trust your judgment completely. Ifyou’d rather pay by check or money order (payable to OHP), just fill out the enclosed Order -Page 3- Coupon and mail tin, And that’s all theres to it. Very simple “fix” to everything that’s ever been wrong with your game. Knock massive numbers off your score, launch longer, straighter drives, add 40 accurate yards to every club in your bag. ‘ou don’t see results immediately just retum the tape. You'll be rushed every penny of your purchase price, no questions asked, no hassles what-so-ever. Amazing stuffhere, though. Must-see for any serious golfer. You gotta trust me on this one. IDE. Dr. Mike Q'Yeary/f P.S. One last thing. Ihate to put the rush on you, but you really do have to hurry here. Big Drive Productions only duplicated 99 videos for us on this cycle. I may order more down the line, but not until next year. You dom i want to wait that long. Order your video now, so you'll be sure to have it in time for your next round of golf, You'l start playing the best golf of your life — lower scores, longer drives, as consistent and accurate as a machine. Call right now!

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