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PLEASE READ THIS : FIRST! Hi, My name is Tom O'Leary - I’m the father of or Make O'Leary, who rune the golf company OHP. Now, Mike's a nice son and all that... but some- times he just pisses me off so much T can feel my blood pressure going through the roof, You see, we golf together about twice a week I'm 64 years old, and a Little worse for the wear after working hard all my life, Mike, the little so} is still a pipsqueak, in my eyes - a young pup of only 38. So 1 HATE, it when he plays @ better game of golf than 1 do. I’ve lost some “juice” over the years cn ny drives... and I guess I sort of panicked. Because T started reading the golf magazines and ~ big mistake ~ I started taking their advice seriously. For about ten years, the magazines have been telling golfers to “tighten up” your body - no hip rotation, tight grip with the left hand, control, control, control. It sure looked good on paper, T'1) tell you what. But on the links, all that “control” cost me distance and accuracy. For years, I just thought a 200 yard drive off the tee was all I was gonna get enynore a Meanwhile, my son the big shot was Working with all these “insiders”-in the PGR... and learnsng What REALLY works for professional golfers. Now, Mike has never tried to keep this stugé secret’ fron me... but it’s hard to take advice from a Bid who was in diapers just a few years ago. Besides, he never shuts up with the advice. This time, however, I listened. And it changed my lige. In just 3 minutes, Mike explained what this guy Gregg Nckatton (nice Irish-sounding name) was teacl ing all the “elite, privileged” insiders in the pr fessional ranks about loosening up their swings Three midutes! ¥ tell you, it’s like magic, it really is. T’ve always hated having to “control” my body so d tightly in my swing... and I always suspected all that control was actually robbing me of distance and accuracy, and not helping at all. And who was T to question the “experts” in the magazines. But this guy McHatton is really on to something. And it's so easy. Basically, with 211 of 3 minutes worth of advice, I was able to finally loosen up, allow my hips to rotate the way they’ve always wanted to... and I felt this great “natural swing” suddenly happen. the result? I immediately started driving 280~ yards off the tee... straight down the fairway! I was out-driving my 38-year-old son by ten yards! Hah! That put the little tyrant in his place for a while. And the thing is... if T can do this, at a rickety 64 (I'm not a big man and I’m not in top shape)... then you can too. Maybe you won’t add 80 clean years like I did... but you will finally allow the “naturally powerful” swing hidden inside you to come out. You'll see more yardage, that’s for sure. Maybe more than I did. It/ll change your golf game fdrever. Consistent distance, awesome accuracy... and the “look” and “feel” of a real golfer. It’s great. I feel a renewed ‘ove for the game, and new enthusiasm to go out and kick my son’s ass on the course. Read the letter Mike wrote ~ it’s got the big headline and all the fancy type. Plus, he’s got a way for you to see all this for FREE. It’S worth a look, X tell you. Don’t miss out on this. Sincerely, ce jew “I ” Is Lil F Seat At “Insider Summit” " PLUS: Win A Free “Easyair-T” Guaranteed-Distance Driver! “In Just 22 minutes And 17 Seconds, You Can Learn For FREE What 400 Privi ileged ‘Elite’ Golfers Will Pay Thousands Of Dollars To See This Year... And NO Other Golfers Will Ever Hear About!” To: John Carlton From: Dr. Mike O’Leary Dear John, Tuesday, 9:35 am. Today, I’ve just done the equivalent of breaking into Fort Knox and making off with all the gold. And I'm gonna share'it with you. For free, if you want. Here’s what’s going on: Take 2 look at the testimonials in the box to theright. Go on, read them, Pay close attention to who's doing the talking, Did you read them? You've gota National PGA ‘Teacher of the Year... a Ryder Cup team mem- ber... atwo-time Canadian PGA Teach of the fear... a famous sports medicine researcher... and a famous Austrian PGA pro. (Austriais, of course, the international “Golf Mecea” for teachers —if you're a big banana in Austria, you know your stuff.) ‘Maybe you’ ve heard of some of these guys. Cortainly, most ofthe names pop up every now and thenin the golf magazines. But ’ll bt my bottom dollar you've never heard ofthe guy they're talking about. Gregg McHlatton, That's because... Gregg McHatton Is Simply The Best-Kept Secret In Professional Golf! Greggiisthe Albert Einstein of golf. Only the ‘most privileged (and, because his fees are so outrageous, the most well-off) golfers ever hear | | i | | | | 28 pt al ho very best He Here’s what golfers who have had the luxury of Gregg’s private teachings say: "Greg Netto’ isis and understanding ofthe gol sing fo sacand 6 none. He's had profound nfueree on g i E i i (Say hs te pues wa a es frog ace up Oyen | jes Pavaa Toone Sel POA Teacher othe Yor “crags postvey the best incur Ne aver worked wih, Yost awe. give Geng fl ed frase aecompsshnents” Perry Curston i e i 8 & g f 3 I # "Bimechancaly, Grog Mall's swing i 2 sti in ‘pec ad fn, You could el fm 9 6 2en Hoge Br. John Sreensat ‘Orthopedic Surgeon & Sports Bio-echanics Researcher “Alex essrs wh Gregg, ve gore and shot sae ot fe bes gat ee my WH Gan yu Jos gare the ro oe Sern, Aonton POA Poesions | about him... and there's a‘wo-vear waiting period to get lessons from him. His students include some ‘of the hottest pro’sin the business. And they all get to Gregg through a mysterious “back door” process that makes sure average golfers like you and me never, ever, ever find out about him. The guys who can afford to go to Gregg. .. and whose careers and games depend on him... simply do not want anyone else to get “in” on what this guy knows. They never mention him, never admit going t0 him. Even the golf magazines are ignorant of Gregg, ‘Though he’s been the featured guest speaker at four byper-secret PGA Summit meetings — which is unheard of in the golfing world, where the next ‘most-popular speaker has only been invited twice —-Gregg gets zero mention in the press. He likes itthat way. He’s well-paid to stay inthe shadows, and likes the anonymity of being “the guy behind the curtis So what's the big deal, hub? What's so great about what Gregg offers that makes grown men act like CIA operatives trying to protect state secrets? Ie’sthis: In less time than it takes to order and eat a meal at most restaurants, Gregg can show you.. How To Instantly Feed “Pro Level” Power, Distance And Accuracy Into Your Golf Game! Yeah, yeah, [know. You've heard this before. You can’t watch a golf match on tv without being bombarded with commercials bragging about how fast they can turn you into Jack Nickolaus, (The young Jack, thatis.) It sounds like bull... and, mostly, itis. Butnot his time. This time, you really do have a chance to see the REAL THING, Not only that... but... with this new “Free View” deal I’ve cooked up, you can see ital for FREE ifyou choose. Plus, just for taking your “Free View”, you’ ll havea chance to win a hot new $300 driver. (And you'll ike your odds of winning, too... because there are only a handful of guys like you in thisrafile!) 'lltell youabout this new driver in justa second. Still with me? Good. Winning your new driver would be fun and all... but it's what Gregg has to show you that’s really important. No true-blue golfer would dare risk missing out on this Holy Grail of golf, And you're about to be rewarded for your trust with the most exciting half-hour of your life. Yousec... what Gregg teaches is... How To Shuck Off The Crap That's Ruining Your Swing... And Allow The Natural Mechanies Of The Best Swing You're Humanly Capable Of To Just Take Ov That sounds like alot of work... butit isn’t. That’s the really good news. The other good news is that... he entire process of shedding” all your bad habits and the muck that is ruining your swing... is incredibly easy (once you know what to do). ‘And thea, if’s the simplest thing in the world to “allow” the natural power and grace and accuracy ~Page2- that’s been hiding inside you all along to come out. And stay with you forever. You can do it fast literally just a few swings at the driving range is all you need to “get it”. It’s all in knowing what to do. ‘You're gonnareally like this. In just over22 minutes, you will: ¥ Finally /ook like a real golfer.. ¥ Feel fabulous with every swing.. ¥ Control your if by magic... ¥ And start launching long-distance, super-aecurate drives that would make ‘Tiger Woods catch his breath. ‘You'll understand immediately why everybody is clamoring to get close to Gregg and his secrets ‘when you sce this new videotape we've made. “Because... while all the idiots teaching golt atte lower level ~the kind of teachers Youn ae {forced to deal with if we ever shell out for lessons anywhere —want to burden you with nonsense and 2 ‘thousand things to remember on every swing.... Gregg knows the TRUTH is much simpler: > You want to move your hips, just like your body has been asking you do from the first time you picked up a club (and against the bad advice of teachers who insist you"'stay still”). > You want to “back-load” all your power into your right leg, just like a home run hitter in baseball (again, counter to the bone-headed adviec most golfers receive)... > And... most important... you want to “loosen up” and slow the heck down! ‘Most golfers— including you, including me ~try to “hit” theball. Huge friggin’ mistake—the worst thing you can do asa golfer. As Gregs points out, if you gripped a baseball as tight as you gripped your gotf club, you'd never be able to throw it within twenty feet of your target. And, afterall is said and done, using a club to hit ball for maximum accuracy and distance isn’t ‘much different than throwing a baseball. You try too hard, you screw up. You relax, use your hips and {et the natural mechanics of your body “whip” up amassive load of power. .. and you're in business, His adviceis.really-very simple though you need to SEE it to.understand_‘Thustheneed forthe video. Basically... Gregg teaches you to “get the club back there, arms close to your body, slide your hips, rotate... and slam the ball.” When you accomplish this, feels like the most natural thing in the world. You're not tight... you’re not trying to fit your body into some ridiculous “one size fits all” swing... and you're not stifling your natural inclination to unload all the power you have at the point of impact. You're tapping into the natural swing that’s been hiding inside youall along ‘When you ita golf ball the right way ~as Gregg is about to reveal to you —it’s like an explosion off the tee. Feels good, looks great, makes your game so much easier. ‘Take my dad, Earl, He's been a die-hard golfer for decades.... and was a victim of the golf on magazines, just like so many of us. He kept trying to become more rigid, more “controlled”, with as Page 3- (continued on next page...) little hip movement as possible (1o avoid making any mistakes). And he hithis driver about 200 yards. But he was “under control.” Well, I introduced him to Grege’s “natural swing”... and it’s been like night and day. Pop: loosened up, allowed his “natural swing” to come out... and now he’s out-driving me off thet (Last round, he was slugging drives around 280 yards every time, as relaxed as can be. Laugig the entire time.) This proves several things about golf you may have forgotten: + You don rneed to be young, or strong, or even in shapeto hit long drives. + You don rneed to struggle at the practice range to get your natural rhythm, + And... youdon tneed to “find” new sources of power and control~because it’sall there in you already... waiting for you to tap into it! Butenough talk already. Letme tell you how to get your “Free View” of this amazing new video. ‘and put your name among just a few others in our cool rafile for the $400 driver. Here's the deal: I got to Gregg through a professional golfer know. (Without this guy, I would havenever known that Gregg even existed.) At first, Gregg wasn’t into making an instructional video— because he was making oo much money giving private (and very secret) lessons to “insiders”. But when he realized I was only letting a few other golfers —like you in on the offer, he agreed to goon tape with everythinghe has. This is ike having God drop by your house to discuss theology. My office has been ‘mysteriously swamped the last two days with calls from other professionals who demand — DEMAND ~ to have this tape sent to them immediately. (I suspect these are the pro’s who haven t been able to get.a private lesson with Gregg before.) I don’t know how they even found out about this tape, but they’re calling, And you know what? J'm not sending them anything. This new video is ONLY for guys like you ‘and my other friends... the guys who — until now —have been locked out of the “Privileged Club” of elite golfers who had access to secrets like Gregg’s. We're in the catbird seat now, you and I. We now have something the “insiders” are dying to possess... and they can't have it! Fun, isn’t it? Screw ‘em. Anyway, here’s how your “Free View” works. | am only gonna send out tapes to guys who are serious, so youhave to show some evidence of being sincere. Therefore, I want you to writea check for the video... But Post-Date It One Month From Today! Mail your posi-dated check tome — with the yellow “Reply Card” — in the envelope I've included with this leter. (The postage has already been paid for you, too.) I'll make sure your video is ‘rushed'o you by return mail. Watch it, and see what all the fuss is about. You have all month. Ifyou’re not absolutely convinced you can quickly and easily and simply apply what Gregg teaches to your own game... tostart hitting massively-powerful drives as accurate as’ guided missile... as well as second shots from the fairway... and gorgeous little chips and pitches with “eyes for the hole”... then send the tape back. And ll mail you back your post-dated check, uncashed. ~Page 4- You've hada... Completely Risk-Free “Free View” Of The Hottest Secrets In Golf! Or if you can’t wait forthe mail, just call my office at 1-800-316-5871 and use your credit card. The “girls” in my office will make sure you get your tape by return mail. ‘Tell them you want Gregg MeHiatton’s video ~there’s only one. You have 100% Money Back Guarantee that you can use anytime... 0 you never actually riska penny whatsoever. Ifyou decide next yea... orthe year after that... or five years down the road... that Gregg really doesn’t have ‘anything to offer you. .. simply send the tape back, and you'll receive a prompt refund. But you don’t get ust one lesson in this tape, Nope. You get EVERYTHING. Gregg has to offer ~ the complete “course” in finding your natural swing! Andall you have to shell outs... $49. Less than the price ofa round at most courses these days. How'd wedo that? Never mind —itinvolved alte “arm twisting” and calling in some favors... and doing a month's worth of talking to Gregg about “helping the little guy”, which he generously agreed to do. Overall its easier for Gregg to make this one tape, and then have us take it out toa Besides... Gregg has his eye on history. He'llsillbe the best-kept secretin gol... but with this ‘ape, his stuffis now preserved forever. Fot future golfers. So that's it. Mail in your post-dated check, or call with your credit card. We'll rush you the tape — its called “Gregg MecHatton’s Power And Distance Secrets”. (Is about an hour, but the “vores o just 22 minutes and 17 seconds long.) Have your“Rree View”, without isk. See what all the noise and thunder is about. If you're not happy, now or anytime inthe future, send the tape back and come ——sutwithout having spentapenay-———— EE Da 7 Butyou'llbehappy. Like my Pop, seventy-two and the proud owmer ofthe most relaxed, natural looking golfswing he’s ever had. Launching drives like ayyoung buck on the Tour. Happy as hell, and loving life again, ‘That's what it’ all about. God, [love golf, and I love “insider” secrets like this that make my Seores drop like lead weights. You're going to be astonished at what you are about to see. Sieerely, LEAORY PS, Oops almost forgot! When you get your tape, you also get a special “Raffle Number” ticket that is yours to keep even if you send the tape back for arefund. On Oct. 5" at noon, we're going to utall the numbers in a hat, and pull one out. The winner gets.a free “Kasyair-T” Guaranteed- Distance driver —that amazing club that’s taking the Senior PGA Tour by storm. (The first winner of 2000, George Archer, used one of these babies to ouf-drive everyone else by a ridiculous amount.) Fans include Billy Casper, Joe Inman, Jerry McGee and Calvin Peete, along with others who discovered they could use this club to make up for all the distance they lost when they got older... and then some. It’s an expensive little bugger at way over $300 “at cost”. ‘You'll Jove this clab, no matter what kind of game you play. It’s got ahilariously-named Big Inflater shaft that is serious technology fora driver. The club feels great in your hands, with all the perfectly-designed bulges and humps and recesses that farce you to keep your swing “on plane”, as they say. {t's also a little longer than most drivers (but feels like an ordinary one), giving youan extra 3-to-4 inches of “arc” extension that automatically increases swing speed. Plus, it’s loaded with all the other gizmos and high-tech whiz-bangs a hot new club should have ~ Zirconiuny/Titanium alloy in the face, big-head size (370cc), super-comfort grip, and more. Result: Unbelievable swing speed, and George Archer says he got an extra 20 yards distance. Accurate as a homing pigeon coming home to nest. Your odds of winning this club are dam good, too. Because there are only a handful of guys other than you involved. Ican’t give youa number until I see how many guys respond to this offer... but can tell you that I don’texpect too many. You're part of.a very small “chib” here with OHP. Anyway, it’s notan official sweepstakes thing or anything like that— just a way for us to add alittle “spice” to the coming golf season. (Have you been out to play yetin this gorgeous spring weather?) It’s like the old “office pools” you used to get in on, Limagine. (Except no one in our office gets to play.) Your ticketis free, and there’s no obligation. Thope you win. Thanks. - Pages - gc 606 East Acequia Visalia, CA 93292 k t wane Mr. John Carlton 316 California Ave., Apt. 114 Reno, NV 89509~1650 S3505+1en0

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