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Written By
Carol Eisom

2000 Copyright Library Of Congress

(281) 437-2673
1806 Turtle Creek Drive
Missouri City, Texas 77459
c. Copyright, 2000 by Carol Eisom

All rights, including the right if reproduction in whole or in part, in any form, are reserved under
INTERNATIONAL and Pan-American Copyright Conventions.

Caution: Professionals and amateurs are hereby warned that "JULIAN’S HAIR AFFAIR",
being fully protected under the Copyright laws of the United States, the British Empire,
including the Dominion of Canada and all other countries of the Universal Copyright and
Berne Conventions, is subject to royalty. All rights including professional, amateur, motion
picture, recitation, lecturing, public reading, radio and television broadcasting and the rights
of translation into foreign languages, are strictly reserved. Particular emphasis is laid on the
question of readings, permission for which must be secured in writing. All inquires should be
addressed to Carol Eisom author, l8O6 Turtle Creek Drive, Missouri City, Texas 77459.


Julian Dubois
Donavon Grubbs
Shadrika Harvey
Autumn Price
Sheila Kirby
Daphne Jenkins
Mrs. Joanne Williams
Mrs. Sarah Gardner
Mrs. Rosa Lloyd
Bernice Bailey
Katherine Walker
Lynn Timmons
Greg Barnes
Tiffany Bronson

The scene opens at Julian’s Glamour Pavilion & Day Spa. Shadrika sits at the front desk filing her
nails. The telephone rings. She answers.

SHADRIKA: Julian’s Glamour Pavilion & Day Spa, Shadrika speaking… Yes, Mother Rosa you
are scheduled for the blue tint and retouch today but we’re not open yet. Why am I answering the
phone? Because I was expecting a call O.K? Right, 10:00. See you then. (Donavan walks in and
looks at Shadrika.)

DONAVAN: Is that one of our emery boards? Shadrika, what have I told you about using our

SHADRIKA: Julian said I can use anything here I want, as long as there are no customers around.

DONAVAN: We’ll Julian’s not here and when he’s not around, I’m in charge.

SHADRIKA: And when you’re in charge, so is the demonic spirit of “power tripping”.

DONAVAN: I think you heard what I said… (Julian enters.)

JULIAN: Morning Donavan…morning Shadrika.

SHADRIKA: Good, you’re here.

JULIAN: And I’ve got good news. I just put the finishing touches on the 7 th Annual Hair Pageant.
This year they’ll be three categories, children, young ladies and adults.

SHADRIKA: Where are we having it?

JULIAN: At the Crenshaw Theatre on Crenshaw Boulevard.

DONAVAN: Crenshaw Theatre…

SHADRIKA: How did you ever manage that?

JULIAN: You forget who you’re talking to…


JULIAN: Alright, I have connections, O.K? Where’s Daphne?

DONAVAN: Daffy called earlier to say she was running late.

JULIAN: It’s almost time to open…

SHADRIKA: She’ll be here any minute.

DONAVAN: I’ve warned Daffy that her tardiness is becoming more and more frequent.

SHADRIKA: Her name is Daphne and I’ll cover for her Julian.

JULIAN: Thanks Shadrika. Any calls?

SHADRIKA: Rosa Lloyd called. As usual she was confused about the day her appointment was
scheduled and the time of her appointment. Oh and Whitney Houston has scheduled a private
session for next Thursday. And The American Cancer Society called.

JULIAN: Did they call about their “Look Good...Feel Better” program?

SHADRIKA: Yes and they called to thank you for your help. They still have available various
supplies for the cancer patient, such as bed pads, wheelchairs, walkers and hospital beds for
cancer patients and they were
wondering whether you have any more women's wigs you could spare.

JULIAN: Let them know, I’ll take care it. What’s on the itinerary for today?

SHADRIKA: Besides Mother Rosa, Joanne is scheduled for the full treatment, including skin

JULIAN: Can you take care of that Donavan?

DONAVAN: Get me blinders and I’ll be just fine.

JULIAN: Did you say something?

DONAVAN: I said, I thought that was part of your private session?

JULIAN: Not anymore. These days a service like that could get a guy in a lot of trouble.

SHADRIKA: Isn’t that how you met Sheila?

DONAVAN: Wait a minute, so what am I chop liver?

JULIAN: No offense Donavan. It’s just that my name is on this Spa, which means my reputations
on the line. (Daphne enters.)

DAPHNE: Good morning everyone!

DONAVAN: Well, it’s about time you got here.

DAPHNE: Do you sign my paycheck?

JULIAN: Alright you two…let’s open up. (Shadrika puts in a “Kenny G” CD and begins policing the
area. Daphne puts on a black wrap smock. Donavan heads to the Spa area as Julian unlocks the

front door and goes to his office. Moments later the first customer arrives. It’s Mrs. Joanne

SHADRIKA: Good morning Mrs. Williams, we’ve been expecting you.

JOANNE: Is Julian in?

SHADRIKA: Yes, he is. But right now, we need to get started on your exfoliation. Daphne will
escort you to the dressing room.

DAPHNE: Hello, Mrs. Williams, right this way… You’ll need to remove all articles of clothing and
put on one of the white robes...then Donavan will be ready for you.

JOANNE: Donavan? Where’s Julian?

DAPHNE: He’s in his office. Since you’ll be receiving the full service today, Julian would prefer
handling the finishing touches.

JOANNE: …the finishing touches?

DAPHNE: Hair and make-up. And I’ll be shampooing you and performing your manicure and
pedicure. Right this way please. (They exit to the dressing room. The phone rings.)

SHADRIKA: Julian’s Glamour Pavilion & Day Spa, Shadrika speaking…Julian? Yes he is, but I’m
afraid his unavailable at the moment. Can I help you with something? (The caller hangs up and
there’s a dial tone.) Hello? What the… I told Julian he needs to get caller I.D. (Julian returns.) Mrs.
Williams just arrived.

JULIAN: Good. She’ll be a while. Who’s scheduled next? (Sheila enters.)

SHEILA: Hello darlings!

JULIAN: Sheila, what are you doing here?

SHEILA: I’m on the schedule. Didn’t Shadrika tell you?

SHADRIKA: She’s right Julian, she is on the schedule.

JULIAN: Sheila you don’t need to schedule an appointment. Just let me know when you want to
come in.

SHEILA: I tried but since I can’t get any of your time outside of work. I decided to schedule myself
in and try to get some of your time at work.

JULIAN: O.K. no problem, what would you like to have done?

SHEILA: …a full body massage…(Shadrika’s eye’s widen and she turns back to her desk when
the phone rings. She begins scheduling appointments.)

SHADRIKA: Julian’s Glamour Pavilion & Day Spa, Shadrika speaking… Yes we’re on Rodeo

JULIAN: I’d love to oblige but I have a client waiting.

SHEILA: Your motto says you pamper women in the style they’ve grown accustomed to.

JULIAN: I know, but...

SHEILA: Am I not a woman?

JULIAN: You are certainly that!

SHEILA: Then what’s the problem?

JULIAN: This is a place of business and I’d like to keep it that way.

SHEILA: Exactly what is that supposed to mean! Are you saying I’m unprofessional.

JULIAN: No, but what I’m thinking isn’t.

SHEILA: That’s more like it.

JULIAN: Sheila you have to understand my name is at stake here. Look, can we talk about this in
my office…

SHEILA: I didn’t come here for talk. (Daphne enters.)

DAPHNE: Hi Sheila.

SHEILA: Hello. (Dryly.)

JULIAN: Daphne, would you please get Ms. Kirby a Cappuccino?

DAPHNE: Of course. (Daphne heads to the kitchen.)

JULIAN: We’ll be in my office. (He takes Sheila by the arm.)

SHEILA: I don’t want a Cappuccino! Julian…(The two exit. Shadrika hangs up the phone as
Donavan enters.)

SHADRIKA: Where’s Mrs. Williams?

DONAVAN: She’s in the Jacuzzi…

SHADRIKA: Edwina Kim just called on short notice to schedule a facial. Can you fit her in?

DONAVAN: What I’d like to do is get a hold of those dreadlocks. They’re blonde for goodness

SHADRIKA: To each his own…

DONAVAN: Whatever! So where’s Julian? I’m sure Mrs. Williams should be pruning up by now...

SHADRIKA: He is the office with Sheila.

DONAVAN: You mean the “Queen of Bourgeoisie” granted us an appearance?

SHADRIKA: She granted Julian appearance... or is it visa versa?

DONAVAN: Oh I know he’s not trying to get a “quickie”…not after what he told us about his
reputation being on the line.

SHADRIKA: I’m sure Miss Sheila wouldn’t mind…

DONAVAN: …in the office of a salon?!

SHADRIKA: Variety is the spice of life and I can’t say I’d blame her.

DONAVAN: Not you too?!

SHADRIKA: No, not me…anyway Julian’s not my type.

DONAVAN: Right, every woman that comes in here thinks he’s their type. What makes you so

SHADRIKA: I’m an adamant professional. And that’s what I like about Julian. He’s also punctual
and very in tune with his client’s needs and he realizes without his clients there would be no
“Julian’s Glamour Pavilion And Day Spa. (A distraught woman wearing a hat comes in.) May I
help you?

BERNICE: I hope so. I went to a new salon and my hair was over processed.

SHADRIKA: Donavan?

DONAVAN: Would you mind removing your hat? ( She takes it off.)


DONAVAN: Lord, your hair is dried, fried and bald on the side…

BERNICE: Can you help?

DONAVAN: Maybe, with a hair weave?

BERNICE: I’ll try anything. How much hair will you have to add?

DONAVAN: Let’s just say there’s going to be a horse out there somewhere that’s “buck” bald

Fade to Black

Julian’s taking a break from his work. He walks up to the reception desk.

SHADRIKA: How’s it going?

JULIAN: It’s pretty intense. I just thought I should give Mrs. Williams a few minutes to compose

SHADRIKA: She’s that unhappy?

JULIAN: Well you know, she hasn’t been the same since her husband passed away.

SHADRIKA: He left her ten million dollars! With all that money she still can’t find happiness?

JULIAN: Money’s not everything.

SHADRIKA: Then she should use some of her millions to buy herself some happiness!

JULIAN: There’s a lot of unhappy rich people out there too, Shadrika.

SHADRIKA: There’s also a lot of unhappy poor people out there but most of them are unhappy
because they’re poor.

JULIAN: Shadrika are you unhappy?

SHADRIKA: If I were unhappy, a few million dollars would certainly help!

JULIAN: Giving someone a million dollars is not the answer to anyone’s problem.

SHADRIKA: Maybe not, but I reserve the chance to try and see if it will improve the quality of my

JULIAN: Shadrika…

SHADRIKA: Just let me try, O.K?

JULIAN: I need to check on Mrs. Williams.

SHADRIKA: Before you leave, Vanessa Williams rescheduled again. Oh by the way, we’ve had a
terrific response to our hair show advertisement. All these ladies have volunteered to be models.
(She shows him a list.)

JULIAN: Great. Could you file their names and numbers in our system so we can contact them
once I’ve scheduled a meeting?

SHADRIKA: No problem…

JULIAN: I’ll be in the back resuming my session with Mrs. Williams.

Daphne approaches Shadrika at the reception desk.

DAPHNE: Have you seen Julian?

SHADRIKA: He’s conducting a private session with Mrs. Williams.

DAPHNE: She’s still here? How come he’s spending so much time with her? (Donavan enters.)

SHADRIKA: Actually, he’s counseling her.

DAPHNE: About what?

DONAVAN: Only her hair dresser knows for sure…

SHADRIKA: Donavan! Did you know that Julian studied under the Muslim faith...

DAPHNE: Really?

SHADRIKA: Yea, I heard he was suppose to become something like a priest…

DAPHNE: What could make a person give up the call on their life to open a Spa?

SHADRIKA: Maybe he felt like he could do more for people out in the world.

DONAVAN: Or visa versa…

SHADRIKA: How’s that weave for Bernice Bailey coming?

DONAVAN: The top was no problem but the sides have been a “bear”. We’ve tried braiding the
hair in, sewing it in and gluing it in. Now there’s only one thing left to do.

SHADRIKA: What’s that?

DONAVAN: I’m going to try stapling it in! Have you seen the staple gun?

DAPHNE: Donavan!

SHADRIKA: …try Julian’s office.

DAPHNE: Shadrika, you’re an “enabler”.

SHADRIKA: So, you’re co-dependent.

DAPHNE: I’m co-dependent and proud of it! Now who’s Bernice Bailey?

SHADRIKA: She came here for help after her hair was over processed.

DAPHNE: …at what Salon?

SHADRIKA: The Bougie Bouquet.

DAPHNE: The Bougie Bouquet?!

SHADRIKA: ...soon to be renamed The “Bald” Bougie Bouquet! (They laugh.

Mrs. Williams is finished with her session.) Mrs. Williams, you look refreshed.

JOANNE: I feel refreshed! And that sauna was exhilarating. How much do I owe you?

SHADRIKA: I can bill your account, if you like?

JOANNE: That’ll be fine. You deserve double!

SHADRIKA: Thank you. You have a good day.

JOANNE: No. Thank you! (She exits.)

SHADRIKA: I guess we would deserve double, with all the venting she did. (Donavan returns.)

DONAVAN: I need staples!

DAPHNE: Donavan I know you’re not serious about the stapling a hair weave to a customers
scalp. What would Julian say about that? (Shadrika passes him the staples.)

DONAVAN: I have you to know…I make things happen around here! Julian couldn’t do a thing
without me.

SHADRIKA: Right! And that’s why so many salon’s aren’t successful...because they’re destroyed
from within. What you loose focus on is the fact, that if Julian fails, we all fail.

DAPHNE: You know Donavan, you remind me of Lucifer, just before he became a fallen Angel…

DONAVAN: I resent that remark.

DAPHNE: And I resent how you’re always trying to run everything!

DONAVAN: At least I have the mindset for it!

DAPHNE: The only thing you have the mindset for is to be a Julian Dubois’ “wanna be”!

SHADRIKA: Stapling a hair weave to our clients scalp is going a little over board Donavan.

DONAVAN: Watch me work! (He goes back to the salon area.)

DAPHNE: I told you, you shouldn’t have encouraged him.

SHADRIKA: I thought it was a joke! (Seconds later Bernice runs out screaming, wearing half a of
her hair weave.)

BERNICE: AAAHHHHH….!!!! (She runs out still wearing her smock.)

SHADRIKA: I guess it wasn’t a joke…

Fade to Black

The following day, Donavan is on the phone, before anyone arrives.

DONAVAN: I’m going to fix Julian’s grits. I’m tired of customers calling here and barely giving me
the time of day! I’m the one who scrapes their calluses and massages their crusty bunions. I’m the
person who removes their dead skin and melts away those century old wrinkles. And I’m the one
who plucks their bushy eyebrows while waxing their salt & pepper mustaches and who beats the
cellulose off their thighs. And it ain’t always a pretty picture, let me tell you. (Pause.) What about
the hair show?! I can have my own hair show! When I get finished exposing Julian to his
customers, he’ll beg me to stay! How? I’ll start with his mid-week Hallelujah Hair Prayer Fellowship

because everyone knows when the enemy wants to raise hell he starts right in the church! (Sarah
Gardner enters.) Oh Ms. Gardner…I didn’t hear you come in.

SARAH: Obviously not, is Julian here?

DONAVAN: I’m sorry, no he isn’t. Julian’s a very busy man.

SARAH: Busy?

DONANVAN: We’ll just between me and you, the clubs are wearing him out.

SARAH: Julian? But he goes to my church.

DONAVAN: Well I guess he back slid, again…But at least he didn’t turn back to drugs.

SARAH: What?! I have every mind to take my business else where…

DONAVAN: No need to be hasty Ms. Gardner. I can take care of you. In fact, I’m going to make
you my priority client. How about a free facial today?

SARAH: Why… thank you Donavan. You’re very sweet. (Shadrika and Daphne arrive.)

DAPHNE: Ms. Gardner, you’re here already.

DONAVAN: That’s right, and it wouldn’t hurt the two of you to arrive at work a few minutes early.

SHADRIKA: Excuse me but we’ve been working since eight o’clock passing around the hair show

DAPHNE: …not that it’s any of your business!

DONAVAN: You’ll regret that statement when you’re working for me.

DAPHNE: Work for you?! I’ll be homeless first…

DONAVAN: That’s your choice. I’ll wave to you as I pass you under the Pierce elevator.

SARAH: Hello, can someone please take care of me? I’m ready for my session.

DONAVAN: I apologize Ms. Gardner. Good help is so hard to find. I’ll escort you to the rear.
Excuse us!

SHADRIKA: Gladly. (Donavan and Ms. Gardner go to the spa area.)

DAPHNE: Now I know he’s crazy. We need to talk to Julian.

SHADRIKA: He should be here soon. You know he’s always on time. But he had that radio
interview this morning. (Katherine Walker enters.) Good morning Ms. Walker. How are you today?

KATHERINE: Fine and you?

SHADRIKA: Wonderful. Are you having the usual treatment?

KATHERINE: Yes. Is Julian here?

DAPHNE: We’re expecting him any minute. In the meantime, why don’t we get started on your

KATHERINE: I’d prefer Julian.

DAPHNE: I promise, I’ll be gentle.

KATHERINE: With Julian it’s painless. If you don’t mind I’ll just wait for him in the lounge. (She

DAPHNE: With Julian it’s painless. (Mimicking her.)

SHADRIKA: It would be, since she’s a masochist! (They both laugh. Julian enters.)

JULIAN: Let me in on the joke.

SHADRIKA: Sorry Julian, you had to be there. By the way, Angela Bassett will be entering through
the side entrance on Monday.

JULIAN: Is she having trouble with the Paparazzi again?

SHADRIKA: I guess... Oh Ms. Gardner is here. She’s waiting for you in the lounge.

JULIAN: Tell her, I’ll be right with her. I need a Cappuccino.

SHADRIKA: No problem. But be careful Julian, I think she may be your biggest fan.

JULIAN: Funny, ha ha. (He exits to the kitchen.)

DAPHNE: Yea, we wouldn’t want you to end up like that writer from the movie “Misery”.

Fade to Black

Hours later Ms. Gardner comes out with Donavan.

SARAH: Oh Donavan, I feel so wonderful.

DONAVAN: Well you look exceptional, if I do say so myself.

SARAH: You have magic hands.

DONAVAN: ...not compared to Julian.

SARAH: I really don’t know what I ever saw in Julian. And Pastor Wilson warned us that iniquity is

DONAVAN: Praise God, that He put that hedge of protection around you. Have a great day.
(Sarah exits.)

SHADRIKA: What was that all about?

DONAVAN: Mind your business. Is Rosa here?

SHADRIKA: She’s in the lounge, “lounge lizard”.

DONAVAN: Don’t hate. Oh Rosa… Mrs. Lloyde? (Daphne enters.)

DAPHNE: What’s going on?

SHADRIKA: I don’t know but something sure smells ”fishy” and his name is Donavan. (Donavan
enters with Rosa.)

DONAVAN: Now you sit right here and we’ll soak your feet for your pedicure.

ROSA: No offense, but you know I’ve become accustomed to Julian waiting on me.

DONAVAN: Oh none taken. Daphne could you let Julian know Mrs. Lloyde is ready?

DAPHNE: Right away. (Daphne exits. And Shadrika gives him a strange stare.)

DONAVAN: Don’t you have something to do?!


DONAVAN: Well find something! (She gets on the phone.) She can be so irritating.

ROSA: I don’t mean to be pushy but I am Julian’s favorite client. He just makes me feel so special.

DONAVAN: Well that’s his job.

ROSA: I just feel so young when he calls me his Nubian Princess.

DONAVAN: Really.

ROSA: That’s our “pet” name.

DONAVAN: How sweet…(Julian returns with Daphne as he escorts Ms. Walker to the door.)

JOANNE: I can’t thank you enough for what you did...

JULIAN: It was my pleasure.

JOANNE: But I feel like a new woman… I’m going to tell all my friends about you.

JULIAN: Let’s hope they’ll tell two friends and they’ll tell two friends and so on and so on and so

JOANNE: You are just so cute!

JULIAN: Have a wonderful day. (He kisses her hand.)

JOANNE: I will. (Ms. Walker exits. Julian turns to Rosa.)

JULIAN: Mrs. Lloyde, I hope I didn’t keep you waiting?

ROSA: I didn’t mind waiting at all.

JULIAN: I see Donavan got your foot soak started. Are you ready for your blue tint?

ROSA: Ready when you are.

JULIAN: Daphne do you mind completing Mrs. Lloyd’s pedicure while I prepare things in the

DAPHNE: Not at all. (She gets her tools and pulls up a stool. Julian exits to the rear. Donavan
goes to the front to gossip with Shadrika.)

DONAVAN: What is the deal with all these ladies with blue tint in their hair?

SHADRIKA: It makes them feel as though they’re aging gracefully.

DONAVAN: And what’s with Julian, kissing his clients hand like that?

SHADRIKA: That’s just Julian’s finishing touch. I think it’s kind of cute.

DONAVAN: Well cute died out with disco. And he’d better watch who’s hand he’s kissing before
he ends up with psoriasis of the lips. (Autumn enters the foyer.)

SHADRIKA: May I help you?

AUTUMN: Yes, I was wondering if I could see Julian?

SHADRIKA: Did you have an appointment?

AUTUMN: No, I didn’t.

SHADRIKA: Well, I’m afraid we can’t schedule you until Wednesday.

AUTUMN: I’m not here for an appointment.

SHADRIKA: I’m sorry, no soliciting. (Julian returns and sees Autumn.)

AUTUMN: I’m not a solicitor.

JULIAN: Autumn!

AUTUMN: Julian? Julian!!! It’s so good to see you!

JULIAN: It’s good to see you too. You look great. You haven’t changed a bit.

AUTUMN: Would you stop…

JULIAN: Come on into my office so we can catch up on old times. Would you like a Cappuccino?

AUTUMN: Water’s fine. (They exit to his office. Donavan and Shadrika stare at each other.)

SHADRIKA: Who’s Autumn?

DONAVAN: Judging by that outfit, she’s a charity case.

SHADRIKA: I wonder what Sheila would say about that. She already has a problem with the
attention Julian gives his clients.

DONAVAN: She can’t hold a candle to Sheila. He’d be a fool to drop her for Miss “Plain Jane”

SHADRIKA: I don’t know Donavan, I see potential there.

DONAVAN: Where? On the bottom of her feet?

SHADRIKA: You ain’t nothing nice…

DONAVAN: It’s in my job description. Shhh... here they come. (Julian returns with Autumn.)

JULIAN: I’m just sorry I don’t have more time to talk. Maybe we can meet for

AUTUMN: Sure. But think about what I said. You know, about returning to the Muslim faith? You
helped so many people with your counseling Julian.

JULIAN: I still help people through counseling. Autumn, you have to understand this is my dream
and you know God wants us to have the desires of our heart.

AUTUMN: Right... But you were going to follow in the footsteps of Muhammad.

JULIAN: Autumn this is my vision, even more than that, it’s my gift.

AUTUMN: But how can you just turn away from your calling?

JULIAN: Because I still have a calling. But this way I’m helping people who are out in the world.
And I also volunteer in my spare time for The American Cancer Society by donating makeovers.
It’s part of their “Look Good...Feel Better” program, which is a program that offers women
undergoing chemotherapy or radiation treatments, easy steps to help improve their appearance.
Such as care tips for hair, skin, and nails which are also included in the class taught by “yours
truly” because I’m also now a certified cosmetologist. We’ve also provided wigs for women with
other debilitating illnesses.

AUTUMN: That’s great.

JULIAN: Autumn, we even have a mid-week Hallelujah Hair Fellowship. Why don’t you attend on
Wednesday evening and let me share my gift with you?

AUTUMN: You mean with a makeover?

JULIAN: Why not?

AUTUMN: You know my faith frowns on such extravagances, besides I study at The Shrine Of
The Black Madonna on Wednesdays.

JULIAN: I know, I haven’t forgotten how it was. We’ll I just thought I’d try.

AUTUMN: Thanks for asking. Well I better get going. We’re still on for dinner, right?

JULIAN: No doubt. (He kisses her cheek.) Take care.

AUTUMN: I will. (Julian watches her exit as Donavan and Shadrika watch him.)

JULIAN: O.K. the show is over, everyone back to work. (Julian goes to attend to Rosa.)

SHADRIKA: But Julian, Al Sharpton called again!

Fade to Black

It’s the mid-week Hallelujah Hair Prayer Fellowship. Praise and Worship has started. Mrs. Joanne
Williams begins to sob. Mrs. Sarah Gardner sings along with the Mary Mary’s “Shackles” and
Mother Rosa Lloyd is doing her version of the church dance. Donavan observes from the back.
While Katherine Walker and Lynn Timmons praise with raised hands. Daphne dabs the shine on
each clients face with a powder puff. As Shadrika is entertained by Rosa’s dance
she tries to conceal her laughter. Julian enters and introduces a guest singing group. When they
complete their performance he plays Kirk Franklin’s “Stomp” and Julian and all the women begin
to line dance.

Fade to Black

Julian’s at the front reception area looking at the books.

JULIAN: We’re almost down to the wire for the hair show. Shadrika, how are ticket sales?

SHADRIKA: Great, looks like we’re going to have a full house.

JULIAN: We’re selling out?!

SHADRIKA: Looks like it.

JULIAN: I’m sorry, I have to let my promoter in on this! I’ll be back in an hour. (He grabs his suit
coat and puts it on.)

SHADRIKA: But Lynn Timmons is on her way in.

JULIAN: Have Donavan get started on her…Donavan?! (He exits from the side entrance.)

SHADRIKA: But she’s one of your most affluent clients! (Lynn enters.)

LYNN: Hello Shadrika, would you let Julian know I’m here.

SHADRIKA: I’m sorry Julian’s on long distance but Donavan will be right out.

LYNN: Donavan?!

DONAVAN: Was someone looking for me?

SHADRIKA: Yes, Julian wondered if you could get started on Ms. Timmons?

LYNN: This just isn’t acceptable. What will the Ladies Auxiliary say?

DONAVAN: I’ll take good care of you…

LYNN: But I’m Julian’s favorite client. He just makes me feel so special, especially when he calls
me his Nubian Princess.

DONAVAN: Come with me, I have the perfect place for you…(Donavan takes her and seats her
next to Mother Rosa.) Ms. Timmons meet Mrs. Lloyd … Mrs. Lloyd, Lynn Timmons.

LYNN: How do you do?

ROSA: Fine and you?

LYNN: Fine, thank you.

ROSA: You look familiar?

LYNN: Well I practically live here! I’m Julian’s priority client.

ROSA: That can’t be true. I happen to know that Julian adores me. I’m like an older sister.

LYNN: I would have thought you were more a mother figure.

ROSA: Well, I’d rather be a mother figure than a just a “Motha”.

LYNN: How dare you! I should have Julian refuse you service!!!

ROSA: He’d never do that because I’m his favorite client! (Donavan looks at them but does
nothing defuse the situation.)

LYNN: I’m his favorite client!

ROSA: No, I’m his favorite client! (Daphne rushes over.)

DAPHNE: Ladies please! Can’t you both be his favorite client?


ROSA: What?!

DAPNE: Donavan! (She exits.)

LYNN: You’ve lost your senses old woman!

ROSA: Old?! You want a piece of me?! We can throw down right now!!!

LYNN: Ain’t nothing between us but air and opportunity!!!!

DONAVAN: Ladies please. I’m going to have to ask you both to leave .

ROSA: Julian will straighten this whole thing out! (They goes to the front and continue to argue in
the reception area. Shadrika is on the phone.)

SHADRIKA: What the… I’ll call you back! Later! (Julian enters.)

JULIAN: What in heaven’s name is going on here?!

ROSA: That’s what we’d like to know! She says you call her your Nubian Princess! I thought that
was our “pet” name?!

LYNN: And she said you called her Nubian Princess. I thought what we had was

JULIAN: Ladies please! You’re both special. It’s my job to make you feel special.

LYNN: What?!

JULIAN: Ladies, if I mislead you I apologize. It’s always been business for me.

ROSA: Business?!

LYNN…just business!!!

JULIAN: My reputations on the line. I can’t afford a scandal…My motto is to pamper women in the
style that they’re accustomed.

ROSA: Well I for one am not accustomed to being lied to!

JULIAN: I never lied to you. Ladies?!!!

LYNN: Just wait until my Ladies Auxiliary hears about this! (They both storm out.)

JULIAN: Can’t we discuss this like civilized individuals?! Shadrika, how did this happen?

SHADRIKA: I was here in the reception area.

JULIAN: Daphne?

DAPHNE: I heard them arguing and I went and got Donavan from the back to break things up.

JULIAN: Thanks for preventing things from escalating any further, Donavan.

DONAVAN: I was glad to help. (Sheila enters.)

SHEILA: Julian, I need to talk to you!

JULIAN: Not now Sheila…

SHEILA: It’s always “not now”!

JULIAN: Fine. Let’s go to my office…

SHEILA: I don’t think so!

JULIAN: Sheila, be reasonable.

SHEILA: I’ve been more than reasonable! Now it’s either me or this spa!

JULIAN: What? I will not succumb to an ultimatum…

SHEILA: You never loved me!

JULIAN: Please… Keep your voice down. This is not the time nor the place!

SHEILA: Given the chance, the time or the place would be sometime during the next Millennium!

JULIAN: I really can’t deal with this now.

SHEILA: Too bad! I’ve final got your number. You never loved me, it’s true! It was all about my
hair! You’re in love with my hair!

JULIAN: Don’t be ridiculous.

SHEILA: No, I’m right on the money! You have a hair fetes!

JULIAN: That’s ludicrous!

SHEILA: Is it? You’re one of those perverse individuals that’s obsessed with hair. That explains
why you’re here all the time!

JULIAN: Sheila? (He tries to touch her.)

SHEILA: Don’t touch me! You’re sick! SICK!!! (She angrily exits.)

Fade to Black


The next day there’s a barrage of hang-up calls. Shadrika is telling off a client!

SHADRIKA: Julian’s Glamour Pavilion & Day Spa, Shadrika speaking. Hello? Hello! (They hang
up. The phone rings again.) Hello? Hello! Mrs. Harris, you shouldn’t believe everything you hear!
…fat? My weight is not the issue here! Well I can loose weight but what are you going to do about
your face?! Tell me
that?! Now I understand why your husband went out for a package of cigarettes and never came
back! Is that so?! Well I hope your hair weave falls out. (Julian rushes in and grabs the phone.)

JULIAN: Who is this?! What? Mrs. Harris this was always business to me. Sexual harassment?!
I was paid for my services! A gigolo? Hello? Hel-lo… (She hangs up and he puts the phone down.)
Shadrika, I know you’re upset but no matter how upsetting it is, you can’t talk to clients that way…

SHADRIKA: Julian, I am not Jesus Christ! Now you’re being sued for sexual harassment! And it’s
a class action suit!!! I just can’t work under this kind of duress!

JULIAN: Shadrika, you just need to be patient.

SHADRIKA: Patient?! I don’t have any more patience left to give! Julian I quit!

JULIAN: You can’t resign!

SHADRIKA: Well I can’t live like this! I’m sorry, Julian. (Shadrika exits as the phone rings
continuously. Daphne comes to the front.)

DAPHNE: Where’s Shadrika?

JULIAN: She quit.

DAPHNE: Do you want me to get that?

JULIAN: It’s up to you…

DAPHNE: Julian’s Glamour Pavilion & Day Spa, Daphne speaking…Yes… I’ll let him know… (She
hangs up.) Cece Winan’s canceled but she said she’s going to
keep you in her prayers. (The phone rings again.) Julian’s Glamour Pavilion & Day Spa, Daphne
speaking… Starr Jones? The Starr Jones? (Julian motions
that he doesn’t want to talk.) I’m afraid Julian’s unavailable. Of course, I will.
(She hangs up.) Starr Jones says, she represent you in the harassment law suit and counter sue
with a slander suit... for a retainer.

JULIAN: This is more depressing by the moment. (The phone rings again.)
You don’t have to get that.

DAPHNE: Maybe it’s about the hair pageant.

JULIAN: The hair pageant’s been canceled.

DAPHNE: Since when?

JULIAN: Since my promoter pulled out of the deal.

DAPHNE: Didn’t you have a binding contract?

JULIAN: Yea, but it’s not worth fighting…I’m being sued, I’ve lost employees, my clients, my lady’s
gone and Shadrika just walked out on me…

DAPHNE: You can’t just give up like this Julian…start rebuilding!

JULIAN: I don’t even know, where to start rebuilding …

DAPHNE: Well there’s a message here from Johnny Cockran. I’d suggest you call him.

JULIAN: I don’t know Daphne.

DAPHNE: Listen, I have a friend who use to works for “A Touch of Class Hair Design.”

JULIAN: Really...

DAPHNE: Yes. And he’s work with both booth rental and commissioned shops... but I think he
really enjoyed the camaraderie of the commissioned shops.

JULIAN: Well it’s certainly a better atmosphere for clients.

DAPHNE: You know, he’s looking to relocate to this area. I bet I could get him to come work for

JULIAN: You really think so…

DAPHNE: It can’t hurt to try.

JULIAN: Could you set up an interview for him with Donavan?

DAPHNE: I’m sure I can. In fact, I’ll call him right now. (Daphne dials the phone.)

Fade to Black

The following day Greg Barnes arrives for his interview with Donavan. The two
sit in the lounge discussing his background.

DONAVAN: I’m not familiar with that beauty school. Where is it?

GREG: Houston, Texas.

DONAVAN: I see. And then you were hired by a Touch Of Class Hair Design?

GREG: That’s correct. (Julian comes from his office and stands near the doorway of the lounge.)

DONAVAN: What makes you feel you’re qualified to work for Julian’s Glamour Pavilion & Day

GREG: Well, I’ve always wanted to work for Julian’s... Besides Daphne told me you were

DONAVAN: I’m not the desperate one, Julian is. And if I hire you, let’s get one thing straight…you,
work for me! Got it!

GREG: You’re on some power trip, aren’t you?!

DONAVAN: I wouldn’t be so quick to judge if I were you, Mr. Barnes. I’m not the one that worked
for minimum wage at “The Touch Of “TRASH” Hair Design!

GREG: I’m not hearing this… (He stands.)

DONAVAN: And you’re not working here either! Our interview is concluded… (Julian goes back
into his office.)

GREG: You’re a “Looney Tune”, you know that? I’m out. (Greg exits.)

Donavan gets up and heads for the kitchen. He runs directly into Julian.

DONAVAN: Oh Julian I didn’t know you were here…

JULIAN: That was pretty apparent by that interview.

DONAVAN: He was just a young “knuckle head”.

JULIAN: I heard what you said!

DONAVAN: But did you hear him?! He called us desperate! I for one am not that desperate!

JULIAN: And I am?


JULIAN: Well, that’s what you said…

DONAVAN: I was just making conversation.

JULIAN: At my expense!

DONAVAN: I just didn’t want to see you make another mistake…

JULIAN: It seems the only mistake I made was trusting you.

DONAVAN: I’ve been loyal to you Julian and I don’t have to stay here and be insulted! I can

JULIAN: No you can’t resign because you’re fired! But not before I’ve had my say… Now, I hired
you Donavan, when not one would give you a chance! And this is how you repay me? Tell me…
exactly how much did you play into this recent string of events, Donavan?

DONAVAN: Now you’re blaming me?!

You can’t even open your mouth without a lie coming out, can you? Shadrika told me how you’ve
been undermining my efforts. But I did’nt listen...You know Donavan, I actually felt sorry for you
and I still feel sorry for you.

DONAVAN: You feel sorry for me? You’re nothing but a looser!

JULIAN: Even as a loser, I’ll never be as low as you are. Because no weapon formed against me
shall prosper! But you can’t even see that, can you?! Now get out of my face and out of my life!
(Donavan exits.)

Fade to Black

Julian is sitting in his stylists chair. Moments later Autumn enters.

AUTUMN: Julian?

JULIAN: Autumn…

AUTUMN: I heard what happen…

JULIAN: Bad news travels fast.

AUTUMN: Julian you have nothing to be ashamed of. Yours is the only Spa that tried to break the
stereotypes about Salons. By letting women know that they can get good, quality service.

JULIAN: Right and look where it got me…

AUTUMN: But you’re one of the few “black owned” full-service spa’s in the nation. And that’s an
accomplishment, one you can be proud of.

JULIAN: I had to cancel the hair pageant.

AUTUMN: They’ll be other hair shows.

JULIAN: And I had to lay off Daphne.

AUTUMN: I know that must have been difficult for you…

JULIAN: Difficult is not the word…

AUTUMN: Maybe you’d feel better if you did a makeover?

JULIAN: I haven’t had a client all day.

AUTUMN: Make me over.

Julian stares in amazement for a moment then he takes her to the shampoo
area and when her takes off her headdress, out falls her long locks of beautiful hair.

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When he completes the make over it is tremendous. She stands before
Julian but Autumn barely recognizes herself.

JULIAN: You’re beautiful. I never realized.

AUTUMN: Julian…

JULIAN: All this time you were right in front of my face and I couldn’t see the real you.

AUTUMN: You saw the real me. This is how you made me over.

JULIAN: Sometimes it takes a man to make a woman over. And sometimes it takes a woman to
make a man over.

AUTUMN: I can’t take the credit for that. Julian, sometimes God gets our attention by giving us a
make-over and sometimes it’s very painful...even though we have our own visions for our life. But
no matter how painful, God has the Master plan for our lives and it’s better than anything we could
come up with. Just trust in God and he will direct your path . (Autumn’s makeover gives Julian an

JULIAN: You’re wonderful! I love you…


JULIAN: You’ve given me an awesome idea. (He kisses her on the cheek then hurries to the
phone. Julian contacts the media with news of his plans to
completely makeover a homeless woman.

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Weeks later he exposes his creations by using his makeover services not only to a homeless
woman but also to an elderly woman, who normal would not be able to afford such luxuries. The
media comes out in droves. And the press also gives him exposure for volunteering in his spare
time for the American Cancer Society by donating his remarkable makeovers to victims of Cancer
and other women with other debilitating illnesses. The women come our modeling there new
looks. They show a slide of each of there before photo’s. The transformations are phenomenal.
After all the woman have model Julian comes out and gets a standing ovation. He walks out and
stands before the microphone.

JULIAN: Behold the only women greater than yourself. (They applaud.) I can’t

take complete credit. First I must thank my Father in heaven, because by hitting bottom, I realized
that this blessing came from no one but Him. Secondly I must thank the inspiration for my vision,,,
Autumn Price. I love you Autumn, thank you. And I’d like to thank everyone who came out tonight
and supported this project. And a special thanks to The American Cancer Society. The American
Cancer Society is here to help victims of Cancer in so many ways. They are a local and National
volunteer health organization fighting cancer through research, education, and community
programs dedicated to prevention detection, and services to the patient and their family. The
American Cancer Society can provide comfort and help in one or more ways than we can mention.
Again, thank you and good night.

TIFFANY: This is Tiffany Bronson with Channel 5 news and we’re here at Julian’s Glamour
Pavilion & Day Spa’s First Annual Charity Makeover. It’s the brain child of Julian Dubois who was
generous enough to offer his extraordinary makeover to a homeless woman of the streets as well
as to an elderly woman, who normal would not be able to afford such luxuries. In his spare time
Julian volunteers for the American Cancer Society by donating his remarkable makeovers to
victims of Cancer and other women with other debilitating illnesses. I personally want to comment
this dynamic young man and encourage salon owner’s throughout this nation to follow his

GREG: THEY’RE ENGAGED! (We see both Autumn and Julian wrap their
arms around each other and hug. Tiffany (the reporter) turns to catch a look.)

TIFFANY: It’s seems that Julian and Autumn, the inspiration for his work have just announced
their engagement. So you heard it here first, folks. It’s pretty obvious, good deeds do pay off. This
young man, who nearly lost his business because of accusations of sexual harassment I’m sure in
weeks to come will be restored above and beyond what it ever was. Single handedly due to his
shrewd marketing genius.


Fade to Black


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