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Name: Frida Qordja

Subject: Translation


Assignment – An essay about climate change

Climate change is a serious global concern with consequences for all countries' sustainable
development. But first, we need to know what climate change means. According to Nasa, climate
change is a long-term change in the average weather patterns that have come to define Earth’s local,
regional, and global climates. These changes have a broad range of observed effects that are
synonymous with the term. Climate change's effects are global in scope and unparalleled in scale,
ranging from altering weather patterns that imperil food production to rising sea levels that increase
the risk of catastrophic flooding. Adapting to these impacts in the future will be more difficult and
costly if dramatic action is not taken today.

Actually, climate change is mainly caused by a complex combination of human actions and natural
causes that change the composition of the Earth's atmosphere. First, our society relies on far too
much fossil fuel, such as coal, oil, and natural gas, which is a primary contributor. This results in large
releases of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, which end up in the atmosphere and trap
heat escaping from the Earth. The primary cause of global warming is this heat-trapping process.
Secondly,another serious human-caused impact is deforestation,which cuts down on the planet's
ability to absorb CO2. For example, far too many carbon-rich trees have been cut down to make
space for crops. Cutting down trees and burning wood increases CO2 emissions and contributes to
global warming. Furthermore, other greenhouse gas emissions are created by industrial activities,
agriculture, and land-use changes. For example,people use intense agricultural techniques that kill
vital insects and pollinators (such as bees, who pollinate or so many crop species that feed 90
percent of the globe), deplete the soil, and produce polluted runoff, resulting in the release of more
heat-trapping gases. Increased temperatures are also warming our oceans, creating serious
challenges for marine life. This process is drowning fish, and there are entire shorelines where
oxygen levels are so low that they become "dead zones." Climate change, worsened by the
increasing carbon footprint linked to human activity, poses an immediate threat to our planet's
delicate balance. The carbon footprint, which is a measurement of total greenhouse gas emissions
caused directly or indirectly by an individual, organisation, event, or product, is critical to the
accumulation of atmospheric carbon dioxide. As humans continue to burn fossil fuels and deforest,
the concentration of these gases rises, leading to global warming. To solve this problem, an
approach towards carbon neutrality is required, in which the amount of carbon emitted is offset by
the same amount removed from the atmosphere or reduced through sustainable practices.
Embracing carbon-neutral measures, such as renewable energy adoption, reforestation, and carbon
capture technology, becomes critical in our collective effort to slow climate change and promote a
more sustainable and resilient future for future generations. Climate change is an insurmountable
challenge, but there are some actions that everyone can take to help. We've known about its causes
for decades, and we've seen the devastation it's had on our societies and the environments all
around us. There is an urgent need for drastic change in response to this worldwide threat. First and
foremost, we should change our actions. A straightforward solution is to cut back on using fewer
fossil fuels and instead use a greater amount of renewable energy such as solar, wind, and
geothermal energy. The majority of greenhouse gas emissions are created by the use of coal, oil, and

natural gas in our buildings, industrial processes, and transportation. Polluted energy has serious
environmental and human health effects, in addition to impacting the climate. Renewable energy is
a ray of hope in the face of climate change, offering a long-term solution to the environmental
problems of existing energy sources. Solar power, which uses the sun's energy, provides a clean and
unlimited source of electricity, whereas wind energy uses the Earth's natural air currents to generate
power while creating no damaging greenhouse gases. Geothermal energy, which uses the heat of
the earth, provides a reliable and consistent energy supply. Adopting these sustainable alternatives
not only lessens our carbon footprint but also helps the worldwide fight to combat climate change.
As more people use solar, wind, and geothermal energy, we are not only transitioning to a cleaner
energy future but also paving the way for a healthier and more resilient planet. Achieving net-zero
emissions is now recognised as an essential goal in the worldwide effort to prevent climate change.
Net zero refers to balancing the amount of greenhouse gases introduced into the environment with
an equal amount removed or cancelled. Nations, organisations, and individuals are making
commitments to significantly reduce their carbon footprints through a combination of renewable
energy adoption, improvements to energy efficiency, and sustainable practices in order to meet this
ambitious objective. The goal is to reduce emissions while also actively removing or balancing the
remaining carbon produced. As the severity of the climate problem grows, the goal of net zero
emissions is gaining global power, indicating an agreement to preserve the planet's long-term health
and resilience. Addressing climate change demands a concerted effort to face the problem head-on,
rather than adopting the passive approach of putting our heads in the sand. People, authorities, and
companies must all work together to adopt environmentally friendly practices and laws in order to
make a real dent in this global crisis. This includes switching to energy from renewable sources,
implementing carbon-cutting techniques, and raising environmental awareness. Addressing climate
change demands a collaborative effort to grapple with the difficulty of shifting away from harmful
practices. Everyone must play their part by doing their bit to reduce carbon emissions and prevent
environmental damage. This requires a fundamental shift in lifestyle choices as well as a
commitment to gradually reducing our dependence on environmentally harmful activities.
Individuals and communities can make major contributions to the wider goal of reducing climate
change by embracing renewable energy sources and adopting practices that are more
environmentally friendly. While it may require giving up some aspects of our current way of life, this
sacrifice is a tiny price to pay for our planet's long-term health. We can together pave a path towards
a more sustainable and resilient future by acknowledging the gravity of the climate problem and
accepting responsibility for our ecological impact.

Addressing the urgent problem of climate change requires an unwavering determination to phase
out carbon-intensive practices. Despite the temptation to kick the can down the road, delaying
action only worsens the environmental difficulties we confront. To actually make an impact, cutting
back on emissions must become a top priority. The moment to act is now, and by lowering emissions
as a team, we can try to reduce the effects. Setting and reaching specific targets is essential for
success in the urgent battle against climate change. These goals include lowering greenhouse gas
emissions, switching to renewable energy sources, and implementing environmentally friendly
practices. To become sustainable, broad policies that address the core causes of climate change
must be implemented.

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