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Name: Tagud, James lervy Subject: The Teaching of Science

Course: BSED SCIENCE 2A Score:

Demonstrator James Lervy Tagud

Topic Cell

Summary Cells without a nucleus are known as prokaryotic cells. Cells with a nucleus
are known as eukaryotic cells. The nucleus is not the only organelle seen in
eukaryotic cells. Ribosomes are the only organelles found in bacterial cells..

Rating 50/50

Comment I am the demonstrator.

Demonstrator Joemar Gasalao

Topic Pollution

Summary When dangerous substances are released into the environment, pollution
results. Pollutants are the name for these dangerous substances. Natural
pollutants include things like ash from volcanoes. They may also be the
result of human activities, such as factory runoff or waste. The quality of the
land, water, and air is harmed by pollutants.

Rating 50/50

Comment The demonstration was brief and concise, the demonstrator also has a clear
voice that results to better understanding of the terms and concept of

Demonstrator Carlo Jeff Juntilla

Topic Acid and Base

Summary Any material that contains hydrogen and has the ability to transfer a proton,
or hydrogen ion, to another substance is considered an acid. Any molecule
or ion that can take up a hydrogen ion from an acid is considered a base.
The sour taste of acidic chemicals is typically used to identify them.

Rating 50/50

Comment The demonstration was fun and colorful. The demonstrator has a very
cheerful personality and was very open to questions seeked by the
Demonstrator Hanzhyl Sanchez

Topic Water Cycle

Summary The water cycle, sometimes referred to as the hydrologic or hydrological

cycle, is a biogeochemical cycle in which water is constantly moving both
above and below the Earth's surface.

Rating 50/50

Comment The demonstration was clear and concise. The demonstrator managed to
gain the attention of the students with a clear and loud voice.

Demonstrator Quennie Ruelo

Topic Bacteria

Summary Bacteria are single-celled, microscopic living things. There are millions, if not
billions, of different kinds of bacteria in the world, including the ones that are
in your body. The name "bacterium" refers to just one of them. They are in
your mouth, in your airways, and on your skin.

Rating 45/50

Comment The demonstration was great especially the designs and slides it shows.
Sadly, the demonstrator did not managed to finish in time still she did a good
job in explaining and achieving the objectives.

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