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Chapter II


Loan Products:
Brewer, E., Jackson, W. E., & Moser, J. T. (2001) Loans and Advances are important to the
banking industry, it serving as a major source of revenue for the banking sector, often exceeding
income from investments and other transactions. Fourcade M. ., & Healy , K. (2013). They cover
categories such as education loan, plot loan, housing loan, business loan, and personal financial
assistance. Narayan-Parker, D.K. (Author). (2002) Education loans are especially important,
empowering countless young people to pursue their dreams locally and internationally. Rifkin, J.
(2001) Access to personal transportation is a must-have in today’s fast-paced society, and banks
play an important role in facilitating automobile access through tailored lending solutions.
McCabe, B. J. (2016). Similarly, the dream of home ownership is deeply ingrained in many, and
banks actively help individuals achieve this aspiration through mortgages Fraser, S., Bhowmik,
S. K., & Wright, M. (2015). In addition, entrepreneurial loans provide vital financial support to
budding entrepreneurs, who act as catalysts for innovation. The World Bank. (2020) In
unforeseen emergencies, salary loans are an important safety net, enabling individuals to access
funds quickly to meet their employment status Kamath, K. V., Kohli, S. S., Shenoy, P. S.,
Kumar, R ., Nayak , R. M. , Kuppuswamy , P. T. , and Ravichandran . N. (2003). Specifically,
the diversity of credit products offered by banks not only drives economic expansion but also
caters to the diverse aspirations and needs of individuals at different life stages
Assessment of Credit worthiness:
Credit Terms:
Credit Monitoring:
Credit Limit:

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