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Earth is Our Common Home

Siberian center for Eurasian projects, Association for World Citizens

Culture of Peace festivals
25 July 2012 - Out of Time Day
Sacred sites of the Earth
«Co-creating together a planetary resonance of love for a new future»

We invite people to create synchronically on the 25th of July 2012 - the Day Out of Time - a stream of
happy events - culture of peace festivals for creating a planetary resonance of love.

Why? Earth is our common home. She is alive and is ready to give birth to a new Self – a new earth! We
enter a new time. A new world is being born through us. We can safeguard this process by consciously
taking part in this transition. We can do it by taking personal responsibility for life. It is time to create
one human family of world citizens with people, capable of living and co-creating in harmony with each
other, with Nature, the Universe and the Highest Power.

How? We will bring the concept of the culture of peace as an approach to living together. By creating
synchronically waves of love, a new sacred healing space will emerge. By uniting our hearts in harmony
with Heaven and Earth we will give birth to a heart of a new earth and enter an epoch of conscious co-
creation, love and beauty.

What is the Culture of Peace festivals? All kinds of manifestation are welcome– unity circles,
meetings, family camps, human awakening master classes, project creating seminars, live festivals of arts,
expeditions, nomadic schools of creativity, spontaneous celebrations and performances. What unites them
all is their common essence: to become aware of who we really are – out of time eternal beings, sources of
love, citizens of the world and the Universe. The events should serve awakening the common life purpose
– to become creators, “in the image of God”. By tuning our hearts we will create a living fabric of a new
future, allowing people to feel each other and the world and to communicate telepathically in one united
field of love and co-creation.

How was the idea of this project born? On the 25 of July 2003 the World without Borders meeting
took place at Baikal Lake and several expeditions to sacred sites of the planet happened at the Day out Of
Time (Arkaim, Altai, Baikal, Zabaikalye). In 1987 a Great Convergence initiated by Jose Arguelles and
the Foundation for the Law of Time took place all over the world. Today, supporting the «BIRTH 2012»
movement initiated by the Foundation for Conscious Evolution and Barbara Marx Habbard we envision
creating a planetary resonance of love in the womb of the Mother Earth to celebrate the birth of a new
planetary culture (22 December 2012).
During 20 years a planetary team of people of new time has emerged in all parts of the Earth. So, we
can hold the space, create a focus, rhythm and coordination for the Culture of Peace festivals and
create a fabric of new reality of the future"
Where? Why in the sacred sites of the planet? – The entire earth is sacred. Nevertheless, inside
nature people can more vividly feel what we have been witnessing during 20 years of trips for the
sacred sites of the planet. In Siberia and in different corners of the earth we have found out that: the
PRESENCE of a human being, his feelings and his inner state directly influences the space and nature.
Thus, the location is healed and in turn heals the human being; Harmonious life inside nature makes the
location more “alive” and this harmonious spirit expands; In these sacred sites, people, Earth, Heaven and
the Highest worlds create a new fabric of life – both material and spiritual.

Why do we invite cooperation among the existing spiritual, creative, and ecological communities?
We call to you as you are a manifestation of the conscious living hearths of new life. Your participation
in these cultures of peace festivals will create resonance between all the communities and the growing
model of a new civilization – the Abode of Dawn community in Siberia. It will be a bridge for putting
together separate parts of a new world into one whole unity.

Why do we invite cooperation among all educators, evolutionaries, international peace

organizations, and movements? During the last 16 years of worldwide trips, we have found that
all over the world there is a huge creative potential and many people who are focused in the same
direction for changing from consumption to creativity; We invite to take part all the “Rainbow Earth:
Vision from the Future” book's 39 co-authors - futurists, public activists and spiritual teachers from 15
countries, presenting creative visions and models of actions for a different future. Many individuals and
organizations will have come together in Rio in June for the New Earth Summit - Rio Plus 20. We will
have an opportunity in July to build upon this momentum and the new orientations which will have been

What will be the result? It is creating a planetary resonance of love and an interrelated network of self
sufficient communities of the future as telepathically and practically connected with each other hearths of
new life – to make the transition as smooth as possible.

You are welcome to take part in all ways that your heart will tell you. We would be pleased to have
you become a sponsor, co-founder and participant of such a Culture of Peace festival either in your part of
the world or in Siberia! In addition, please send us as soon as possible a short video and photos to make a
joint creative film to be shown world wide.

Nina Goncharova, president of the Siberian center for Eurasian projects, Siberia/Russia,

Rene Wadlow, President and Representative to the United Nations, Geneva , Association of World
Citizens, France/USA and the Earth is Our Common
Home community.
Earth is Our Common Home
Siberian Center for Eurasian Projects, Association of World Citizens
in cooperation with world peace movements

Invitation № 2

Culture of Peace festivals – Heaven and Earth Celebration

25 July 2012 - Day Out of Time
Altai, Baikal, Sayans and sacred sites of the Earth
«Co-creating a planetary resonance of love for a New Earth»
“Culture of peace is the science to live together”

Dear friends, a great transition to a new time is taking place. On the 22th of December humanity will
celebrate a Birthday of a New Earth. What kind of a birthday will it be? Will it be a harmonious transition
into a new future of the Earth and the human family, reunited with God and nature? To synchronize new
streams of energy created in different parts of the planet we ask you to create synchronized events in
the sacred parts all over the planet at 12.00 on the 25th of July 2012, the Day Out of Time. These live
events in unity with each other, the nature and the Highest will be focused on creating spiritual unity of
all people of the Earth and the entire space of our Mother Earth.

What are the Heaven and Earth celebrations? All kinds of manifestation are welcome – unity circles,
meetings, family camps, human awakening master classes, project creating seminars, live festivals of arts,
expeditions, nomadic schools of creativity, spontaneous celebrations and performances. What unites them
all is their common essence: to become aware of who we really are – timeless, eternal beings, sources of
love, citizens of the world and the Universe. The events should serve awakening the common life purpose
– to become creators, “in the image of God”. By tuning our hearts we will create a living fabric of a new
future, allowing people to feel each other and the world and to communicate telepathically in one united
field of love and co-creation. To create coordinated programs of joint actions for a smooth transition
would be fine.

What will be the result? It is creating a planetary resonance of love and an interrelated network of self
sufficient communities of the future as telepathically and practically connected with each other’s hearths
of new life – to make the transition as smooth as possible.

You are welcome to take part in all ways that your heart will tell you. We ask you to let us know about
your event in your country and send us contacts of coordinators to stay in contact. In addition, please send
us a short video and photos to make a joint creative film to be shown world-wide.

Nina Goncharova, president of the Siberian center for Eurasian projects, Siberia/Russia,
Rene Wadlow, President and Representative to the United Nations, Geneva , Association of World
Citizens, France/USA, a Siberian team and the Earth
is Our Common Home community

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