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Madras Cafe, wants to increase the profitability of its new outlet. It has decided to place a
coupon in a local newspaper offering a free idli with a cup of coffee. The company has
estimated that the cost of the advertisement and the free idlis will be more than
compensated by the new business generated through the promotion.

● Profitability: Profitability refers to the ability of a business or investment to generate

profit or financial gain. It indicates how efficiently a company can use its resources to
produce a surplus after deducting all expenses. High profitability suggests that a
business is effectively managing its costs and generating revenue, leading to a
healthy financial position.
● Outlet: In retail, an outlet typically refers to a store or location where goods are sold,
often at discounted prices. These outlets may be operated by the manufacturer or a
third-party retailer and are often used to sell surplus or discontinued merchandise.
● Compensated: Compensated is the past tense of the verb "compensate," which
means to provide something, typically money, goods, or services, in recognition of
loss, suffering, or effort. When someone is compensated, they receive payment or
some form of recompense for their work, services, or losses incurred. Compensation
can take various forms, including wages, salaries, bonuses, benefits, or other forms
of remuneration.

It is true that newspapers cannot adapt as quickly as other types of media to breaking
news events, however there are advantages to having slower news. Reporting news events
immediately as they happen often leads to speculation as the bigger picture is often
unknown by the journalists, therefore having time to digest the given event can allow for
more accurate and detailed reporting rather than broadcasting facts which may not be
immediately confirmable, a longer time before publication then is likely to result in more
accurate, less speculative information.
1. In an interconnected global world whereby technology allows us within seconds to
communicate across the globe in a variety of forms, the newspaper medium becomes
2. In the case of the killing of Osama Bin Laden on 2nd May 2011, the story broke too late
for the morning newspapers in the UK to be able to change their pages to include the story,
it was then subsequently reported a day late on the 3rd May.
3. Many TV news outlets were reporting, when the first plane hit the World Trade Center on
the 11th September, that it was an unfortunate accident. It of course later emerged to be
the work of terrorists and was accurately reported by newspapers.
4. In the 21st Century, however, with the availability of other forms of media, such as TV
and the Internet, the once highly important newspaper entered a state of significant and
rapid decline in many places across the world with readerships entering a seemingly
never-ending downward spiral.
5. In the time it takes to write, edit, print and distribute a newspaper the events being
covered may very well have changed, when we have the technology to overcome this
problem it seems unlikely that newspapers will continue to exist because who wants to read
old news?

● Adapt: To adapt means to adjust or modify something to fit new circumstances or

conditions. It involves changing one's behavior, strategy, or approach in response to
changes in the environment or situation.
● Immediately: Immediately refers to something happening without delay or instantly. It
suggests that there is no significant lapse in time between an action or event and its
● Speculation: Speculation refers to the act of forming opinions or making guesses
about something without having all the necessary information or evidence. It often
involves making predictions about future events or outcomes based on incomplete or
uncertain information.
● Accurate: Accurate means free from error or distortion, and it describes something
that is correct, precise, or true to fact. Accuracy implies that information or
measurements are reliable and closely align with reality.
● Confirmable: Confirmable refers to something that can be verified, validated, or
proven to be true. It suggests that there is evidence or information available to
support a claim or assertion.
● Speculative: Speculative is an adjective form of speculation. It describes something
characterized by conjecture, guesswork, or uncertainty. Speculative activities involve
taking risks or making investments based on uncertain outcomes.
● Obsolete: Obsolete refers to something that is no longer in use, relevant, or effective
due to being outdated or superseded by newer alternatives. It implies that the item or
concept has become obsolete due to technological advancements or changes in
● Subsequently: Subsequently means happening or occurring afterward in time or
order. It indicates a sequence of events where one thing follows another in a
chronological or logical progression.
● Unfortunate: Unfortunate describes something that is unlucky, regrettable, or
undesirable. It implies a sense of sympathy or pity for someone or something
experiencing difficulty or misfortune.
● Emerged: Emerged refers to something that has come into existence or become
known after a period of development or concealment. It suggests a process of
becoming visible, known, or recognized.
● Readerships: Readerships refers to the collective group of readers who regularly
consume or engage with written material, such as books, newspapers, magazines, or
online content.
● Seemingly: Seemingly means appearing to be true or plausible based on initial
impressions or observations. It suggests that something appears to be the case,
although further investigation may reveal additional complexities or contradictions.
If every crevasse in your home is overflowing with objects you haven't used in more than
five years, it would be fairly safe to say you are a hoarder. And if the very thought of
parting with possessions you no longer need creates distress, you may have hoarding
disorder. You are not alone - most Indians are known for hoarding, a habit probably
triggered by generations of making do and not having enough.

● Crevasse: A crevasse is a deep crack or fissure, especially in a glacier or the earth's

surface. Crevasses can be hazardous, particularly in glacier travel, mountaineering,
or other outdoor activities, as they may be hidden under snow or ice and pose a risk
of falling into them.
● Hoarder: A hoarder is a person who accumulates and stores large quantities of items
or possessions, often to the point of excessiveness. Hoarding behavior may be driven
by various psychological factors, such as the fear of discarding items, attachment to
possessions, or the belief that the items will be needed in the future.
● Parting: Parting refers to the action of separating or dividing something into two or
more parts. It can also refer to the act of saying goodbye or departing from someone
or something.
● Triggered: Triggered means to cause something to happen or occur, often as a result
of a specific stimulus or event. It can also refer to the activation of a response or
reaction, particularly in relation to psychological or emotional triggers that elicit certain
behaviors or feelings.

The ostrich is a fascinating animal. On seeing a predator approach, it buries its head into
the sand under the assumption that if it cannot see the predator, the predator too, will be
unable to see it, thus saving it from attack.
● Fascinating: Fascinating describes something that arouses great interest, curiosity, or
admiration. It suggests that the subject or topic is captivating, intriguing, or absorbing
in a way that holds one's attention and generates a sense of wonder or fascination.
● Predator: A predator is an animal that hunts, kills, and feeds on other animals as its
primary source of sustenance. Predators are typically carnivores or omnivores and
play a crucial role in maintaining ecological balance by controlling prey populations.
● Buries: "Buries" is the third-person singular form of the verb "bury." It refers to the
action of placing something underground or covering it with earth or another
substance, often to conceal, hide, or inter something. It can also mean to lay
something to rest in a grave or tomb.
Australia's central bank boosted its benchmark interest rate for a seventh consecutive
month to a nine-year high of 2.85%. The Reserve Bank of Australia has decided on a
second consecutive quarter-percentage-point rise in the cash rate at its latest monthly
board meeting following four consecutive half-percentage-point hikes. The cash rate is now
at its highest point since May 2013, when the bank cut the rate from 3% to 2.75%. The
bank's governor said that inflation at 6.8% is too high and his board expects to increase
interest rates further in its determination to return inflation to a target band of 2% to 3% by
raising the cost of money.

● Boosted: Boosted is the past tense or past participle form of the verb "boost." It
means to increase or improve something, typically by adding energy, strength, or
support. When something is boosted, it experiences a rise or enhancement in its
level, performance, or effectiveness.
● Benchmark: A benchmark is a standard or point of reference used for comparison or
evaluation. It serves as a measure against which the performance, quality, or value of
something can be assessed. Benchmarks are often used in various contexts,
including finance, industry, and technology, to gauge progress or performance relative
to established criteria.
● Consecutive: Consecutive means following one after another in uninterrupted
succession or sequence. It implies a series of events, actions, or occurrences that
occur in a continuous and uninterrupted manner without any breaks or interruptions.
● Hikes: Hikes is the plural form of the noun "hike" and can also be used as a verb. As
a noun, a hike refers to a long walk or journey, typically taken for pleasure or
exercise, often through natural terrain such as forests or mountains. As a verb, to
hike means to take a long walk or journey, usually in a natural environment. In a
different context, "hikes" can also refer to increases in prices, rates, or levels.
● Inflation: Inflation is the rate at which the general level of prices for goods and
services in an economy is rising over a period of time. It indicates a decrease in the
purchasing power of a country's currency, as each unit of currency buys fewer goods
and services. Inflation is typically measured using various indices, such as the
Consumer Price Index (CPI) or the Producer Price Index (PPI).
● Raising: Raising is the gerund or present participle form of the verb "raise." It refers to
the act of lifting, elevating, or increasing something to a higher position or level.
Raising can also mean to bring up, nurture, or rear something, such as children or
animals. Additionally, it can refer to the act of increasing, promoting, or advancing
something, such as wages or standards.
Statement: Should over the top (OTT) platforms such as Whatsapp, Signal and Facebook
be required to obtain licenses to operate in a country just like telecom companies both of
which provide services like voice calling, messaging and video calling?

● Telecom Companies: Telecom companies, short for telecommunications companies,

are businesses that provide communication services over a distance using various
technologies. These companies offer services such as telephone, internet, television,
and data transmission to individuals, households, businesses, and other
organizations. Telecom companies may operate using wired (such as fiber optics,
copper cables) or wireless (such as satellite, cellular networks) infrastructure to
deliver their services. They play a crucial role in facilitating communication and
connectivity in modern society, enabling people to communicate and exchange
information across different locations efficiently. Telecom companies can range from
large multinational corporations to smaller regional or local providers, offering a wide
range of services to meet the diverse needs of their customers.

ravi believes that his opinion on the issue is right, as the majority of people in the group
happen to agree with him.

1. Manvika strongly believes that the earth is flat instead of being spherical, and refuses to
accept all evidence countering her belief.

2. Saumya is under the impression that the teacher should pardon her mistake as she had
not deliberately misplaced the file.

3. Vivek was going to mark the 2nd option as his answer, but on realizing that almost all of
the class marked the 3rd option, he changed his answer.

4. Shreya donated some money towards the cause, as all of her friends were doing so, and
not donating anything would make her look miserly.

● Opinion: An opinion is a personal belief, judgment, or perspective about something. It

is based on individual thoughts, feelings, experiences, and values rather than on
objective facts. Opinions can vary widely from person to person and may be
influenced by various factors such as culture, upbringing, education, and personal
● Countering her belief: "Countering her belief" refers to presenting arguments or
evidence that oppose or contradict someone's belief or opinion. It involves offering a
different perspective or viewpoint in an attempt to challenge or refute the beliefs held
by another person.
● Pardon: Pardon has multiple meanings:
● As a noun, pardon refers to the forgiveness or release from punishment for a
wrongdoing or offense. It is an official act of clemency granted by a governing
authority, such as a government or monarch.
● As a verb, to pardon means to forgive or excuse someone for a mistake,
offense, or wrongdoing. It involves granting mercy or leniency and often implies
a restoration of good standing or innocence.
● Deliberately: Deliberately means intentionally or on purpose. It describes actions or
behaviors that are done with careful consideration, forethought, or planning.
Deliberate actions are conscious and intentional, rather than accidental or
● Misplaced: In the context of objects, misplaced can also refer to something that is lost
or missing.
● Miserly: Miserly describes someone who is extremely stingy, frugal, or unwilling to
spend money. It suggests a tendency to hoard wealth or resources and reluctance to
share or be generous with others. Miserly individuals may prioritize saving money and
minimizing expenses over enjoying or sharing their wealth.

Pallavi gave a total of three attempts at cracking the examination. She failed in the first
two, and blamed her teacher. On the third, she succeeded and took credit for it, despite the
fact that her teacher had not changed.

● Cracking the examination: "Cracking the examination" refers to successfully passing

or achieving a high score in a test or examination. It implies performing exceptionally
well and meeting or exceeding the requirements or standards set for the assessment.
● Blamed: Blamed is the past tense or past participle form of the verb "blame." It means
to hold someone responsible for a fault, mistake, or wrongdoing. When someone is
blamed, they are assigned culpability or fault for a particular action or outcome.
Blaming can involve attributing responsibility or accountability to someone based on
perceived actions or behaviors.

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