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Main Plot Points

1. You are trying to start a cult. You have the power to do ….
a. Option 1 Create a Spiritual Cult where you’re a messiah
b. Option 2 Create a Financial Multi-level Marketing Cult
c. Option3 Create a Political Cult
2. You first try to Convince a group of College girls
3. You try to convince a advertising mascot on the city sidewalk
4. You try to convince a street gang
5. You try to convince an straight to the tee meter maid

Multi-level marketing

Religious cults – specialization death cults

Political cults – brain washy mobs

The more people that joins your party, the further the story progresses and the stronger the protagonist gets.

There is always a possibility that Party members can abandon you, but once you reach a story progression by
members you don’t go back in story plot.

Trying to convince the npcs to be on your side (convince everyone to be on your side or you knock out the
remaining opposition by force) .

You meet Elegua. He assures you that his purpose is to be a guide to help you establish a cult. He pushes you
to need to create a cult but based on some principle unique for you. If you decline the offer, he confirms
several times while convining you to try starting a cult. He sighs and lets the game ending scrolling. Credits
stop abruptly, he said: “lets continue anyway… I mean you’re already here… might as well play!” pushing you
into the next phase. Instead of clicking okay… if you hover slightly ontop of him, an indicator shows up..
where you can sock him… a boss battle ignitiates where he shows his baseline true form. If you agree to
establishing a cult, he goes on a rant on the wonderful world of gathering people and what you need to do in
order to reach the end game. (collect X number of followers for spirituality, Reach D number of money for
multi-level-marketing, Change the set of L Law to what “you” need).

What is your Name?

He loses his train of thought… He changes subject by asking your name. depending on the name… he gives
normal greeting or “I guess… we have a celebrity”.

Establish Your Calling (Picking your ability)

So …. How would you like to lead people? What is your vision of a group that you can call a “family”?

 I would like to save people from suffering. (lean towards healing and rescue)
 I would like to overthrow a political group. (lean towards persuasion and targeting hate)
 I would like to spread the inevitable doom of the world. (lean towards casting debuffs)
 I would like to spread the secret to getting rich. (lean towards coin generating moves)

Name Your Cult?

Elegua inquires: what would you like to name the cult? (option not to name or name now? If not custom,
predefined names are allocated in each path). (define preset names)

Select Locations to Explore

1. 2 High School locations ( Worst delinquent High School, Elite High School)
2. Large crowd gathering in square ( Busy Business Square, Shopping Mall, etc )
3. Arcade
4. Bing-O Old People Party

Possible Party Members

Critical Plot Point Graph

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