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1. Rifqi Febriansyah (11230930000084)
2. Bagus Diantoro (11230930000092)
3. Danial Shakil Adam Kurniawan (11230930000093)

Big Data Analytics: A Literature

Review Paper
Imagine a world without data storage is a place where
every detail about a person or organization, every transaction
performed, or every aspect which can be documented is lost
directly after use. Organizations would lose the ability to
extract valuable information and knowledge, perform detailed
analyses, as well as provide new oppor- tunities and advantages.
Anything ranging from customer names and addresses, to
products available, to purchases made, to employees hired, etc.
has become essential for day-to-day continuity. Data is the
building block upon which any organization thrives.

Now think of the extent of details and the surge of data and
information provided nowadays through the advancements in
technologies and the internet. With the in- crease in storage
capabilities and methods of data collection, huge amounts of
data have become easily available. Every second, more and
more data is being created and needs to be stored and analyzed
in order to extract value. Furthermore, data has be- come
cheaper to store, so organizations need to get as much value as
possible from the huge amounts of stored data.
With the evolution of technology and the increased
multitudes of data flowing in and out of organizations daily,
there has become a need for faster and more efficient ways of
analyzing such data. Having piles of data on hand is no longer
enough to make efficient decisions at the right time.

Big data analytics is a game-changer for understanding

customers. It goes beyond traditional CRM systems by using
social media, purchase history, and even sensor data to create
super-precise customer segments. This allows businesses to
target customers with laser focus, leading to happier customers
and more sales.
Subject-verb agreement
 Imagine: Subject (singular "you") - Verb (singular
 a world without data storage: Subject (phrase "a world") -
Verb (singular "is") - This is because "world" is treated as a
singular entity in this context.
 every lost: Subject (singular "every detail") -
Verb (singular "is lost")
 Organizations would lose: Subject (plural
"Organizations") - Verb (plural "would lose")
 the ability to... - This is a clause without a conjugated verb
(auxiliary verb "to" + infinitive "extract"). The subject
would be implied as "Organizations" based on the previous
 Anything ranging...has become essential: Subject
(singular "Anything") - Verb (singular "has become") - This
is because "Anything" refers to a general concept, not
multiple things.
 Data is the building block...thrives: Subject (singular
"Data") - Verb (singular "is" and "thrives")

 "With the increase in…have become easily available."

The subject is "increase," which is singular. The verb "has
become" agrees by being singular.
 "Every second, more and more data is being created..."
The subject is "data," singular, and the verb "is being
created" agrees by being singular (present continuous
 "Organizations need to get as much value..." The subject
is "Organizations," plural, and the verb "need" agrees by
being plural.
 “The increased multitudes of data flowing” Subject: "The
increased multitudes of data" Verb: "flow" (singular verb
agreeing with the singular subject treated as a whole unit)
 “There has become a need...” Subject: "There" Verb:
"has become" (singular verb. "There" acts as a pronoun
referring to the concept introduced in the first part, which
is singular)
 “Big data analytics is a game-changer..” Subject: "Big
data analytics" Verb: "is" (singular verb agreeing with the
singular subject)
 “. It goes beyond traditional CRM systems...” Subject:
"It" Verb: "goes beyond" (singular verb agreeing with the
singular pronoun subject "It" which refers to "Big data
 Subject: "This" Verb: "allows" (singular verb agreeing
with the singular pronoun subject "This" which refers to the
concept of using various data sources)
 Subject: "businesses" Verb: "to target" (plural verb
agreeing with the plural subject "businesses")
 Subject: "sales" Verb: "increase" (implied verb based on
the context of "leading to")

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