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3D Foil Craft Lohri Bonfire

You will need:

• White glue (such as PVA) • Tissue/craft rolls

• Red, orange and yellow • Scissors
coloured foils
• Black felt-tip pen

Use multiple tissue rolls to create fire logs, as many
as you like.
Using the felt-tip pen, draw swirls and wiggly lines
to create a wood effect on the logs.

Arrange the logs in a pile for the base of your fire.
Use glue to hold them in place.

Cut out the coloured foil into wide strips and cut
the ends so they are flame shaped. Place the flames
on top of each other to create layers.
Scrunch the flames to create a crinkled effect.

Place the flames in and around the log tubes.
Keep adding flames and logs until your bonfire is
big enough.
You could add a battery-operated tea light to the
centre of your bonfire to give it a lifelike glow.

3D Foil Craft Lohri Bonfire

What you'll be creating:


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