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Ethical considerations around advertising and other public statements in clinical psychology are
essential to maintain the integrity of the profession and protect the well-being of clients. Some key
ethical principles and considerations include:

1. **Accuracy and Truthfulness:** Psychologists must ensure that all advertising and public
statements are accurate, truthful, and based on evidence-supported claims. Misleading or
exaggerated statements about services, qualifications, or outcomes are unethical and may exploit
vulnerable individuals seeking mental health services.

2. **Avoidance of False or Deceptive Claims:** Psychologists should refrain from making false or
deceptive claims in advertising or public statements. This includes avoiding misleading statements
about the efficacy of treatments, qualifications, or credentials that could deceive or harm clients.

3. **Respect for Dignity and Autonomy:** Psychologists should respect the dignity and autonomy of
clients in their advertising and public statements. This includes refraining from using language or
imagery that could be perceived as demeaning, stigmatizing, or exploitative, and respecting clients'
right to make informed decisions about their mental health care.

4. **Confidentiality and Privacy:** Psychologists must uphold the confidentiality and privacy of
clients in their advertising and public statements. This includes obtaining appropriate consent before
using client testimonials or case examples in advertising, ensuring that client identities are
protected, and avoiding the disclosure of confidential information without consent.

5. **Professional Boundaries:** Psychologists should maintain appropriate professional boundaries

in their advertising and public statements. This includes working within the boundaries of their
professional competence and not advertising that they are able to do something that they have not
received training in. For eg., a psychologist who claims that he can treat addiction with Acceptance
and Commitment Therapy despite not receiving any formal training in it. This would be false
advertising along with not working within the professional boundaries of competence.

6. **Regulatory Compliance:** Psychologists should adhere to relevant laws, regulations, and

ethical guidelines governing advertising and public statements in their jurisdiction. This includes
complying with professional codes of conduct, licensure requirements, and standards set by
professional organizations.
7. **Professional Competence:** Psychologists should ensure that their advertising and public
statements accurately reflect their areas of expertise, training, and qualifications. They should avoid
representing themselves as competent in areas where they lack appropriate training or experience.

By adhering to these ethical principles and considerations, psychologists can promote transparency,
accountability, and integrity in their advertising and public statements while prioritizing the well-
being and autonomy of clients.

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