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Ministry of Higher Education

Madina Higher Institute for 2023-2024 Spring-Term

Engineering and Technology Course Name: Digital Circuit Design
Electronics & Communications Dept. Course Code: COMM 471
Instructor: Dr. Amaal Samir
TA: Eng. Hadeer Sheet (3)

1. Design a CMOS Logic Circuit for the following function: -


2- Design a CMOS Inverter gate by CMOS transistors.

3- Design a 2- Inputs CMOS AND gate by CMOS transistors.
4- Design a 2- Inputs CMOS OR gate by CMOS transistors.
5- Design a 2- Inputs CMOS NAND gate by CMOS transistors.
6- Design a 2- Inputs CMOS NOR gate by CMOS transistors.

Dr. Amaal Samir
7- Write the algebraic functions for the following gates:

Dr. Amaal Samir
Dr. Amaal Samir
8- For the following algebraic functions write the truth table, implement it by CMOS
transistors and calculate the transistor ratio:
a. Y= AB +C
b. Y = (A+B) C
c. Y = 𝐴 + B
d. Y = AB + 𝐴𝐵
e. Y = 𝐴 + 𝐵 + 𝐶
f. Y = A (B+ CD)
g. Y = 𝐴. 𝐵 + 𝐶
h. XOR gate
i. XNOR gate

Dr. Amaal Samir


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