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Student of group
Eugene Mikhailyuk

It’s good to see so many people here today. I am glad to see all of you. Ok,
let’s get started. For those who don’t know me , my name is Eugene
Mikhailyuk, and I’m a law student. The topic of my presentation is “Three
main areas of law: Criminal, Constitutional and Civil” It is a very important
topic for people, who are just interested in the law of our country, want to
know what is new and possibly improve our legal system somehow. My
presentation on the Fundamental importance is the division of the system of
law into a number of industries, depending on the subject and method of
legal regulation, the peculiarities of their legal regime. But we will focus
more on the main ones. At the end of the presentation , I will happy to
answer your questions. My talk should take about 15 minutes. Feel free to
ask questions at any time during my presentation. By the way, an interesting
fact: our state has existed for 10 years without its own criminal code, and
the first one was concluded only in 2001.

Main part

So, let's start with the criminal branch of law, criminal law is a certain
system of legal rules that set the rules of behavior of people in society. But
these rules of conduct are generic in nature, encompassing many different
situations that occur in real life. That is, they cover in terms of their
generality only common, characteristic for all real manifestations of the
trait, not only those that may not coincide, and even distinguish one crime
from another.

The rules of criminal law are established only by the higher bodies of the
legislature and are enshrined in the relevant laws. This is the so-called
positive law. That is why criminal law has a formal definition:

 it accurately captures in the laws in a formalized form, in writing, the

signs of crimes and the penalties for them;
 that is, requirements that relate to people's behavior, the framework and
conditions of their actions, the consequences of unlawful acts or
 it is not only a guarantee of the legality and uniformity of its application,
but also one of the inherent human laws.

Criminal law differs from other branches of law also by the subject and
method of legal regulation. Its norms determine which socially dangerous
acts are crimes and which penalties are applicable to the perpetrators

The next branch is the constitutional one.

Constitutional law is a complex system that includes many parts and
elements that interact with each other, and in turn characterize its internal
structure. The basic parts and elements of the system of constitutional law
are the general principles, its institutions, and norms.
The general principles of constitutional law are the basic principles,
expressed in the content of this branch of law, according to which it is built
as a system of legal norms, as well as constitutional and legal regulation of
social relations.
The general principles form the framework of the constitutional law system
and give it a single focus. They regulate public relations not directly, but
through specific constitutional rules and are embodied in these norms and in
the enforcement activities of the authorities.

In constitutional law distinguish:

- first, the general principles proclaimed by the constitutions: popular
sovereignty, popular representation, separation of powers, inalienable laws,
etc. These principles do not formulate specific laws and obligations and are
not always enshrined in legal sanctions, but they are crucial to many
constitutional rules.
- secondly, these are principles which have a clear legal form of expression
and can be directly applied in state activity: independence of deputies from
voters, judicial protection of constitutional laws, irresponsibility of the head
of state, etc.

And the last area of law. Civil law as a branch of law is a systematic set of
legal rules that make up the main content of private law and regulate
personal property and property relations, which are based on legal equality,
free expression, the property independence of their participants, in order to
satisfy the latter's material and spiritual needs. interests.

Typical personalities of civil law, as an independent branch of law is that:

1) it is a manifestation of private law at national level;

2) represents a set of concepts, legal ideas, principles, which are reflected in

acts of legislation and other norms;

3) civil law, as an independent branch of law, ensures the realization of

subjective civil rights to their owners.


Finally, I would like to say that all three areas of law are extremely
important to our country.
I hope you enjoyed my presentation and learned something useful and
interesting about yourself. Because it is a very important to know how our
government agencies work and how the branches of law are organized.
Perhaps in the future you will be able to improve our system of laws. If you
have any questions , you can ask these questions now. I'll try to answer and
help everyone. Thank you all for your attention. I really had a great time
with you! Before meeting. Goodbye, friends!

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