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Asian Literature is a diverse genre of storytelling from various Asian countries,
including China, Japan, Korea, India, and Southeast Asia. It features a variety of genres,
styles, and themes, allowing readers to explore unique cultural perspectives and
historical backgrounds. Common elements include folklore, philosophy, poetry, religion,
and spirituality. These elements provide insight into the values and beliefs of the
respective cultures, while also examining historical events and eras, offering a unique
perspective on the region's cultural landscape.

Crazy rich asians kevin kwan

Rachel Chu, Nicholas "Nick" As the youngest of three boys
Young, Astrid Leong-Teo, born into a well-established
Shang Su Yi, Goh Peik Lin, Chinese Singaporean family,
Kevin Kwan was born in
Goh Wye Mun, Eleanor Sung-
Singapore. Oh Sian Guan, his
Young, Araminta Lee
great-grandfather, was a
June 11, 2013 founding director of the
Wealth and Class Disparities Oversea-Chinese Banking
Romantic Comedy Corporation, the oldest bank in

China rich girlfriend While taking care of his father,

Rachel Chu, Nicholas "Nick" who was suffering from illness,
Young, Astrid Leong-Teo, in 2009, Kwan found inspiration
Shang Su Yi, Goh Peik Lin, to create Crazy Rich Asians.
Goh Wye Mun, Eleanor Sung- While traveling to and from
medical appointments, Kwan and
Young, Araminta Lee
his father would share memories
June 16, 2015 of their time spent in Singapore.
Wealth and Class Disparities Kwan started penning stories to
Romantic Comedy ignite his imagination.

Khaled Hosseini
Hosseini was briefly a resident of Iran and France after being born in Kabul, Afghanistan, to a
diplomat father. Hosseini's family requested refuge in the US when he was 15 years old, and he
subsequently obtained US citizenship. Hosseini, like the main character in The Kite Runner, did not
return to Afghanistan until he was 38 years old in 2003.
Hosseini studied a great deal of Persian poetry as a child, particularly poetry by authors like
Hafez, Omar Khayyám, Abdul-Qādir Bēdil, and Rumi. Along with translations of books like Alice in
Wonderland and Mickey Spillane's Mike Hammer series, he has also named a Persian translation of
Jack London's White Fang as a major influence from his early years.

The kite runner A thousand splendid

Amir Quadiri, Hassan, Baba,
Ali, Rahim Khan, Soraya, Mariam, Laila, Rasheed,
Sohrab Tariq
May 29, 2003 May 22, 2007
Price of Betrayal
Women and Femininity
Historical Fiction, Coming-
of-Age, Literary Realism Novel

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