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It was the start of another day.

Dawn: A time where every fear, every concern you have effortlessly disappears.

The golden orb in the horizon elegantly rises as the envious moon gracefully retreats.
The vivid constellations which once freckled the night sky cower at the entrance of
the golden orb, now illuminating the land ridding it of its darkness and fears. Birds tweet whilst the
crickets incessantly chirp, and all the inhabitants of the land come out one by one to greet one

Hues of crimson, orange and yellow bleed into one another with ease: blessing the sky
with warmth and hope, whilst concealing its blemishes.

However, this time everything felt different, everything was different. There was no hope or joy at
the entrance of another day, for me it was a reminder that another day had gone, and I was
no closer to escaping this maze of relentless despair and fear.

In every direction I looked there was another path however there was no clear exit. Hedges:
the only thing, I could see no matter how hard I tried. They sat there one after another with their
decaying leaves towering above me but instead of being guardians, they were devils. They were
devils destined to hinder me. This maze was not like all, it had trees meant to be checkpoints, but
these trees only mocked and laugh at those who entered the maze.

Despite me wanting to leave this hell like maze my greatest concern was being reunited with
my brother. We entered the maze together but only God knew if we would ever leave.

I could not just stand there. I had to do something, anything for all I knew
my brother could be alone, afraid but more importantly losing hope. I knew that small steps in
the right direction was always better than no or big steps in the wrong direction , but there was
no way for me to distinguish which was the right path or the wrong for this maze was designed for
this sole purpose.

Fear is a vindictive and malicious entity. It strips you to the very centre of your being until
you only have the evil and fear to accompany you. I had not reached this point yet, but I feared
my brother had.

I decided to climb the gargoyles which tainted the land – the trees. For it was my only chance of
escaping and perhaps finding my brother. With that in mind I made my way to the nearest tree.

Tall ancient trees with dangling vines were scattered amongst the maze, enwrapped in decaying
moss acting like poison spreading into the blood. I lifted my head, unsettled by the silhouettes and
shadows which infested my skin. A swarm of menacing ash grey clouds polluted the sky ridding it of
its serenity instead a haven for evil and aguish.

However I knew I needed to do this for myself and for my brother.

What felt like hours of climbing and climbing; not looking down fearing that I would give in
and retreat down was only a mere 5 minutes.

“I had made it and I'm one step closer to finding my brother” I thought to myself I as I neared
the top of the tree.
“Isaac, Isaac can you hear me.” I shouted desperately.

I bellowed, I cried, I yelled but there was no reply. Then I decided to just talk as if Isaac himself could
hear me. “Isaac please come back.” Tears freely cascaded down my already pale cheeks as
I sat there perfectly still completely broken.

However, something broke the cacophony of silence – a faint voice in the distance faintly saying,
“I'm here, I'm here Charlie”.

I wiped away the tears from my pale cheeks and instantly stood up as if a flame of hope had
ignited within me and was spreading like wildfire.

I continued to scream “I'm here Isaac” as I heard the voice come closer and closer. I climbed down
the tree not with hardship but with ease as finally the time had come where I was alone no more.

There he stood, my brother. His hair unkept, his face pale, his body scrawny and his clothes ripped
and dishevelled but the only thing that got my attention was his eyes drowned in pure and sheer
ecstasy. I ran towards him and hugged him; with that hug my fears washed away as if
the world was saying things can only get better now.

Storms impended on the emotionless horizon threatening nothing but carnage and anguish in
every direction. The rain was not falling it was compelled, merciless, and relentless. The trees
did not sway, they screeched, moaned and twisted as their feeble limbs were
unforgivingly torn apart and their decaying leaves became not dust, but ammunition in
the approaching wind.The wind did not howl, it shrieked sending a salvo of bullets down upon
us however these bullets were merely another obstacle that we would face unitedly.

The storm could not harm me as I was with my brother.

I slanted towards my brother and whispered, “Everything will be okay.”, he replied

“I know” bringing comfort to my already thankful self.

Dawn: A time where every fear, every concern you have truly does disappear.

The glowing medallion rises triumphantly from the east warding away the dreadful night and any
desolation which lurks behind . It’s orange gold spreads far and wide pursuing any evil which refuses
to comply whilst simultaneously painting the sky with a gentle hue of yellow .Dawn is the bearer of
hope, a token of new life and rebirth.

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