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Country : Russian

Delegate : Muhammad Mizan Rivanka

Topic : Maritime Security: Promoting Cooperation of

Maritime Law Enforcement in South China Sea

The increasing tensions caused by the South China Sea territorial dispute prove that no
resolution has been reached by all countries involved in the conflict. The repeated failure of
efforts to resolve through multilateral diplomatic forums on the disagreement is evidence that
there is a lack of intense oversight of the great power competition in the Indo-Pacific. The issue
of disputed areas of the South China Sea that has not ended for decades is considered to have
a very big impact on the world economy began to attract countries that became ASEAN
Dialogue Partners to provide their solutions to this dispute, considering that the waters of the
South China Sea are the busiest waters in the world and have a very crucial role for the world

In response to the state of disputed Areas of the South China Sea, which still has not
received the determination of its own officially accepted by all parties, Russia declared a
neutral position in the South China Sea dispute formally. Each country involved: China,
Taiwan, Indonesia, the Philippines, Vietnam, and Malaysia has a strong reason for their
property rights to the South China Sea. In addition, decisions, responses, and actions from
international courts that are still considered gray are other reasons Russia declares a neutral

Despite being neutral, Russia wants to propose a possible solution to the South China Sea
dispute. The solution proposed by the Russian side is to keep outside forces from interfering.
This includes keeping direct interference from countries outside ASEAN, China, and Taiwan.
The reason for submitting this solution is that Russia assesses that the interference of outside
forces will only aggravate the situation and increase tensions between the countries. Outside
powers including countries within asean dialogue partners and countries in Southeast Asia that
are not included in ASEAN can only act as observers and dialogue partners only, and nothing
more than that, and should not intervene directly, this includes strengthening the defense of the
countries involved, providing financial support to the countries involved, establishing a
military base around the South China Sea area, and so on.

Russia strongly supports countries involved in the South China Sea dispute to resolve
the dispute diplomatically and remain under the auspices of an international court. Russia says
the South China Sea dispute does not need to be resolved using military force because it is
considered "detrimental and counterproductive."

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