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Topic: Forest Fire Crisis

Role: Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Name of Participant: Muhammad Mizan Rivanka
Country: Indonesia

Meningkat pesatnya environmental issues seperti forest fire dan haze polution oleh Indonesia
sejak awal abad ke-21 telah memberikan dampak buruk tidak hanya bagi Indonesia namun
juga negara-negara Southeast Asia lainnya. Tingginya pelanggaran atas larangan penggunaan
api dalam mempercepat pembukaan hutan dan lahan gambut untuk penanaman kelapa sawit
di Indonesia nyatanya memberikan dampak haze pollution kepada negara tetangga mereka
yaitu Singapore. Transboundary haze pollution yang disebabkan oleh Indonesia kepada
Singapore tidak hanya berdampak pada sector environmental saja, namun juga berdampak
pada sector kesehatan, politik, dan ekonomi antara kedua belah negara tersebut. As a member
of the People's Representative Council


Nyari data ttg statement E&F

Kontribusi yang dilakukan tidak terlihat nyata, hal ini dibuktikan dengan kebakaran hutan
yang masih repetitive sejak tahun 2015. Dan regulasi dan penanganan yang tidak terstruktur.
Jelasin keadaannya
Komentarin kenapa mereka ga becus
Tanya ke mereka kayak gimana jalur tengahnya ini akhirya
Cari fungsi dpr biar tau kenapa gue dari komisi 4

Seperti yang kita lihat bahwa saat ini banyak dari rakyat Indonesia yang sedang bertarung
melawan kobaran api dan polusi udara yang disebabkan oleh forest fire yang terjadi.
Permasalahan mengenai kebakaran hutan untuk perluasan hutan dan lahan gambut untuk
penanaman kelapa sawit bukanlah hal yang baru kita hadapi. Jika kita melihat kembali ke
beberapa decade kebelakang, kita akan lihat mengenai seberapa seringnya masalah ini terjadi.
Permasalahan mengenai kebakaran hutan yang terjadi secara repetitif hampir setiap tahunnya
menjadi rapor merah bagi pemerintah Indonesia mengenai ke tidak seriusan mereka dalam
menangani environmental issue yang terjadi di negara ini. Terus terulangnya kebakaran hutan
yang dilakukan oleh para pengusaha juga menjadi bukti bahwa regulasi dan penanganan yang
dilakukan oleh Ministry of Environment and Forestry of The Republic of Indonesia tidak
terlihat nyata hasilnya. Tidak efektifnya program kerja sistem deteksi dini kebakaran hutan
milik Ministry of Environment and Forestry dalam pencegahan kebakaran hutan, dan tidak
tegasnya Ministry of Environment and Forestry dalam menindak perusahaan yang terlibat
pada kebakaran hutan menjadi bukti lain tidak suksesnya Ministry of Environment and
Forestry dan pemerintah pusat dalam menangani isu ini.
Selain itu, ke tidak seriusan pemerintah dalam menangani kasus forest fire ini juga
mempermalukan Indonesia di dunia internasional. Indonesia merugikan negara-negara sekitar
seperti Singapore dikarenakan dampak dari Transboundary haze pollution sangat dapat
dirasakan oleh masyarakat Singapore. Lalu apakah Ministry of Environment and Forestry
hanya akan diam dan menutup mata mereka seperti yang mereka lakukan selama ini? Atau
ada solusi besar yang akan dilakukan oleh Ministry of Environment and Forestry untuk
menyelesaikan isu tersebut
Recall yg ttg day 1 terus bilang kayak dampaknya udah ngerembet ke Health, Politics and
Economic Issues
Kasih data apa aja dampaknya
kegiatan ekonomi terhambat

Good afternoon ladies and gentleman

My name is Muhammad Mizan Rivanka, representing Commission 4 of THE HOUSE OF

The problem of forest fires for oil palm cultivation is not something we are new to face. If we
look back a few decades, we'll see how often this problem happens. As we see that right now,
many of our people are fighting their lives against the flames and air pollution caused by
forest fires.
The problem of forest fires that occurs repetitively almost every year becomes a red report
card for the Indonesian government regarding their ineffectiveness in dealing with
environmental issues.

The ineffectiveness of the forest fire early detection system in forest fire prevention work
program and the indecision in cracking down on companies involved in forest fires is another
proof of the failure of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry and Indoesian government in
dealing with this issue.

In addition, the Indonesian government's failure in handling forest fire cases also humiliates
Indonesia internationally. Indonesia harms surrounding countries such as Singapore because
Singapore's people are impacted by Transboundary haze pollution.

Will the Ministry of Environment and Forestry and Indonesian government only move once
things get worse again as they usually do? Or is there a big solution that the Ministry of
Environment and Forestry will do to solve the problem?

Good afternoon ladies and gentleman

My name is Muhammad Mizan Rivanka, representing Commission 4 of THE HOUSE OF


As explained in the first meeting, the forest fire crisis is not a problem that can be
underestimated. Transboundary haze pollution caused by forest fires has increased and spread
so rapidly and exacerbated the impact received by Singapore. Essential sectors such as health,
politics, and the economy are also disrupted due to increasingly severe air pollution.

The government should strengthen their synergy with the Ministry of Health of the Republic
of Indonesia and increase its priorities' scale and allocation of funds for emergencies like this.
The government's seriousness is needed, especially in distributing funds, goods or services to
the affected victims. We must realize that today, millions of lives depend on us. The best
decision must be taken as soon as possible.

In addition, Indonesia also needs to distribute medical assistance to Singapore as a form of

our responsibility for what we have caused them, this is needed to ease the tensions between
Singapore and Indonesia government. Economic improvements need to be made for the local
economy, and the central government must help rebuild Indonesia's economic relations with

The Indonesian government must take steps to recover and not repeat this problem. The first
step we can take is to increase public trust that the government is serious about handling this
case by increasing transparency and public access to forest land use data and promoting
community-based forestry programs. After public trust increases, new decisions have to be
made by making the ban on new permits affecting primary forest and peatlands permanent.

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