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Honda’s PATENT which lets you change


23 December 2019


Tony Carter

Honda has filed a patent for a clever piece of technology which will allow you to change your
CBR1000RR from out and out sport bike to a tourer.
Have you ever tried touring on a sport bike? While it’s not impossible – it’s hardly the most
comfortable way to cover some serious miles. Presumably, that’s why Honda has just filed a
patent for some new technology which allows you to easily modify the riding position of its
CBR1000RR Fireblade.

Admittedly, the idea’s not totally unheard of. Back in the 90s, Yamaha unveiled its Morpho
concept which allowed you to adjust the bikes handlebar, seat and footrests to switch between
sport bike and sport tourer. And now it looks as though Honda is following in Yamaha’s
footsteps, filing a patent for a CBR1000RR which allows you to adjust the height of the
handlebars and the height of the screen.

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From what we can see in the patent drawings, it looks as though the ‘telescopic’ handlebars
extend out from inside the front forks – while the screen appears to simply pivot up and out. But
at this stage, we’ve no idea whether the process will be electronically-assisted or manual.

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