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p0%| VIGNAN’S LARA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY & SCIENCE (AUTONOMOUS) Approved by AICTE New Delhi & Affiliated to UNTUK Kakinada Accredited by NAAG ‘AY’ and NBA | ISO 9001: 2015 Vadlamudi - 522 213, Guntur District UNIT I Descriptive statistics and methods for data science: L Data science 1. List any ten applications of data science. [7M] [July - 2023] [Set-1] ‘Ans: 1. Predictive Analytics: Utilizing historical data to make predictions about future outcomes, commonly used in areas like finance, marketing, and sports. 2. Healthcare Informatics: Analyzing patient records, medical images, and genomic data to improve diagnostics, treatment plans, and healthcare outcomes. 3. Fraud Detection: Identifying anomalous patterns in financial transactions or online activities to detect and prevent fraudulent behavior. 4. Recommendation Systems: Developing algorithms to suggest personalized recommendations, such as in streaming services, e- ‘commerce, and social media platforms, 5. Natural Language Processing (NLP): Processing and analyzing human language data to enable machines to understand, interpret, and generate human-like text. Applied in chatbots, sentiment analysis, and language translation. 6. Image and Video Analysis: Analyzing and extracting information from images and videos, used in facial recognition, object detection, and autonomous vehicles. 7. Supply Chain Optimization: Optimizing logistics, inventory management, and supply chain processes using data-driven insights to improve efficiency and reduce costs. 8 Customer Segmentation: Grouping customers based on their behavior, preferences, and demographics to tailor marketing strategies and enhance customer experience. 9. Social Media Analytics: Analyzing social media data to understand user behavior, sentiment, and trends, often used for marketing campaigns and brand management. 10. Climate Modeling: Using data science techniques to analyze climate data, predict patterns, and assess the impact of climate change, aiding in environmental research and policy-making, These applications showcase the diverse and impactful role of data science across various domains, © scanned with OKEN Scanner IL. Statistics Introduction 2. Define descriptive statistics and give any five applications in computer science Engineering. [7M] [July - 2023] [Set-2] Ans: Descriptive Statistics: Descriptive statistics is a branch of statistics that deals with the collection, analysis, interpretation, presentation, and organization of data. It involves summarizing and describing the main features of a dataset, providing insights into its central tendency, variability, and distribution, Applications in Computer Science Engineering: 1. Algorithm Analysis: Descriptive statistics are employed to analyze the performance of algorithms, including metrics such as runtime, space complexity, and execution efficiency. This aids in comparing and optimizing algorithmic solutions. 2. Quality Assurance in Software Engineering: Descriptive statistics help in quality assurance by summarizing and analyzing metrics related to software testing. This includes defect rates, test coverage, and performance metrics, contributing to software reliability. 3. Network Performance Monitoring: In computer networks, descriptive statistics play a crucial role in monitoring performance metrics such as latency, throughput, and packet loss. This information is vital for optimizing network design and troubleshooting issues. 4, Data Analytics and Machine Learning: Descriptive statistics are fundamental in the exploratory data analysis phase of data analytics and machine learning. They help in understanding the characteristics of datasets, identifying outliers, and making informed decisions about data preprocessing. 5. Resource Management in Cloud Computing: Descriptive statistics are utilized in cloud computing for resource management. This involves analyzing Tesource usage patterns, such as CPU utilization, memory consumption, and storage, to optimize resource allocation and cost-effectiveness in cloud environments. These applications highlight the significance of descriptive statistics in the field of computer science engineering, ranging from algorithm analysis to quality assurance and resource management. IL Population vs Sample IV. Collection of data: primary and secondary data 3. Describe primary and secondary data with an example each. [7M] [July ~ 2023] [Set-1], [DEC - 2022] [Set-1] ANS: Primary Data: Primary data refers to original data collected firsthand by researchers for a specific purpose. It is data that has not been previously gathered or analyzed by others. Examples of collecting primary data include surveys, interviews, observations, experiments, and direct interactions with individuals or entities, Example: Imagine a company conducting a survey to understand customer satisfaction with its products. The ‘company designs a questionnaire and directly collects responses from customers who have recently purchased and used their products. The survey results obtained directly from these customers constitute primary data Secondary Data: © scanned with OKEN Scanner Secondary data, on the other hand, is data that has been collected by someone else for a purpose different from the one at hand. Researchers analyze and repurpose this existing data for their own investigations. Common sources of secondary data include books, articles, government reports, databases, and previously conducted studies, Example: If a researcher is studying the impact of socioeconomic factors on health outcomes, and they use statistical health records from a government health agency, the health records become secondary data. These records were initially collected for the purpose of healthcare administration but are now being used for a different research question. 4, What are the main methods of collecting primary data? State briefly the advantages and disadvantages of each. [7M] (June/July ~ 2022] [Set-1] , [July ~ 2023] [Set-3] , [June/July - 2022] [Set-3] L Surveys: Advantages: Efficient for collecting data from a large number of respondents, structured format facilitates, {quantitative analysis. Disadvantages: Potential for response bias, limited depth of information, difficulty in ensuring high response rates. 2. Interviews: Advantages: Allows for in-depth exploration, flexibility in questioning, potential for clarification of responses. Disadvantages: Time-consuming, may be influenced by interviewer bias, smaller sample size compared to surveys. 3. Observations: ‘Advantages: Provides firsthand information on behavior or phenomena, minimizes response bias. Disadvantages: Observer bias, limited insight into reasons behind observed behavior, may alter behavior due to awareness of being observed. 4, Experiments: Advantages: Establishes cause-and-effect relationships, high control over variables. Disadvantages: May lack external validity. ethical concerns, expensive and time-consuming. 5, Focus Groups: Advantages: Stimulates group discussion, captures diverse perspectives. Disadvantages: Group dynamics can influence responses, may not represent individual opinions, challenging to analyze. 6. Case Studies: ‘Advantages: In-depth understanding of a specific case, allows for detailed analysis. Disadvantages: Limited generalizability, potential for researcher bias, time-intensive. 7. Personal Diaries/Logs: Advantages: Captures real-time experiences, minimizes recall bias. © scanned with OKEN Scanner Disadvantages: Relies on participant commitment, limited control over the quality of entries. Each method has its strengths and limitations, and the choice depends on the research objectives, resources, and the nature of the data being sought. Researchers often use a combination of these methods for a more comprehensive understanding, 5 Distinguish between primary and secondary data and discuss the various methods of collecting primary data. [7M] [June/July ~ 2022] [Set-2] Distinguish between primary source and secondary source of statistical data, What precautions would you take before using data from a secondary source? [7M] [June/July ~ 2022} [Set-4] Primary Data vs. Secondary Data: Primary Data: Definition: Original data collected directly from individuals or entities for a specific research purpose. Nature: Firsthand and specific to the researcher's needs. Examples: Surveys, interviews, observations, experiments, focus groups, and case studies. Advantages: Tailored to research objectives, fresh and relevant, specific to the study. Disadvantages: Time-consuming, resource-intensive, potential for bias. Secondary Data: Definition: Data collected by someone else for a purpose different from the current research Nature: Pre-existing, not originally gathered for the current study, Examples: Books, articles, government reports, databases, and previously conducted studies. Advantages: Time-saving, cost-effective, broader scope. Disadvantages: May not precisely fit research needs, potential for outdated or unreliable information. V. Type of variable: dependent and independent Categorical and Continuous variables 6. Define dependent, independent, Categorical and Continuous variables with an example each. [7M] [July ~ 2023] [Set-2] Ans: Dependent Variable: Definition: The variable in a study that is being measured or tested; it is dependent on the independent variable. Example: In a study examining the effect of a new drug on blood pressure, the blood pressure is the dependent variable because it depends on whether the participants receive the drug or a placebo. © scanned with OKEN Scanner Independent Variable: Definition: The variable that is manipulated or controlled in an experiment to observe its effect on the dependent variable. Example: In a study investigating the impact of exercise on weight loss, the independent variable is the amount of exercise, as it is deliberately changed to observe its influence on weight loss. Categorical Variable: Definition: A variable that can take on one of a limited and usually fixed number of possible values, representing different categories or groups. Example: Gender is a categorical variable with categories be eye color with categories like blue, brown, or green ce male and female. Another example could Continuous Variable: Definition: A variable that can take on any value w: precision Example: Height is a continuous variable because it can take any value within a range (e.g., 165.5 em, 170.2 cm), Another example is temperature, which can be measured as 25.3 degrees Celsius or 26.8 degrees Celsius. a given range, often measured with great 7.What do you understand by a measure of dispersion? What purpose does a measure of dispersion serve? [6M] [June/July — 2022] [Set-1] OR What do you understand by dispersion? Explain briefly the various methods used for measuring dispersion. [7M] (June/July ~ 2022] [Set-2] VI Data visualization 8. What are the types of Big data visualization categories, Explain Bar graph. [7M] (July ~ 2023) (Set-4] Ans Data visualization is the act of taking information (data) and placing it into a visual context, such as a ‘map or graph. Data visualizations make big and small data easier for the human brain to understand, and visualization also makes it easier to detect patterns, trends and outliers in groups of data. 5 types of Big data visualization categories 1. Bar Chart 2. Line chart 3. Scatter plot 4. Sparkline 5. Pie Chart 1. Bar Graph/Chart: A bar graph is a pictorial representation of the numerical data by a number of bars of uniform width with different heights, erected horizontally or vertically with equal spacing between them. Ex. The following table shows the number of books of different subjects in a library Phy. | Chem. Bio. Hist. Geography Eng. Maths Comp: 100 125* | 75 Subject Physics | Chemistry | Biology [Maths | History | Geography [English No. of Books | 100 125 75 225 50 175 200 © scanned with OKEN Scanner 250 200 150 100 50 Moot booke Physles Chemistry logy Maths History Geography English Solution: Take the subjects along the X-axis and number of books along the Y- axis Construct the bars of same width, with same distance between them. ‘Take the scale as 50 books = 5 small divisions or 1/2 em. VIL. Measures of Central tendency 9. What are the measures of central tendency? Explain each. [7M] [July - 2023] [Set-1] OR Define the various measures of central tendeney. What purposes do these ‘measurements serve. [6M] [June/July ~ 2022] [Set-3] OR What is meant by measures of central tendency? What are the characteristics of a good measure of central tendency? [7M] [June/July - 2022} [Set-4] Sol: The importance of statistical analysis is to find number which represents in some definite way the entire data, Such a representative number is called the central value Or an average. ‘The value of an average lies somewhere in between the two extreme items possibly in the centre where ‘most of the items concentrate. Hence an average constitutes to the central tendency of the series. Measures of central tendency enable us a compare different groups of data. ‘The following are some important measures of central tendency in common use, 1. Arithmetic Mean (A.M.) 2. Median 3. Mode 4, Geometric Mean (G.M) 5, Harmonic Mean (H.M.) ‘An out line of formulae for the calculation of these measures of central tendency is given below. 1. Arithmetic Mean (A.M.) ‘Ungrouped Data: AME Grouped Data: AM= 2 = Lj fit; Where N= D7. fi = Total frequency. 2. Median Ungrouped Data: fis odd, then the median is the value of (=) th variate. Ifn is even, the median is the average value of th and (3+ 1)th variates. Grouped Data: © scanned with OKEN Scanner ‘Median= we xe Where Lower limit of the median class m = cumulative frequency of the class preceding the median class N= Total frequency f= Frequency of the median class c = Width of the median class. 3. Mode Ungrouped Data: Mode is the value which occurs most frequently. Grouped Data: Mode= bh“ x ¢ 2f-hfe |= lower limit of the modal class ‘requency of the modal class fy = Frequency of the class preceding the modal class ‘fr= Frequency of the class succeeding the modal class c= Width of modal class. 4, Geometric Mean (G.M) Ungrouped Data: = Antilog [+DjLo log xi] Grouped Data: (x/* .x/?...... xI\(1/N) 5. Harmonic Mean (H.M.) Ungrouped Data: Grouped Data: Ny HM=—*> Bat VIIL. Measures of Variability (spread or variance) 18,What are the measures of variability and explain them. [7M] [July - 2023] [Set-2] ANS: Variability in statistics refers to the extent to which data points in a dataset differ from each other. It provides information about the spread or dispersion of values, There are four types of measures of variability commonly used in statsties: They are 1. Range 2. Mean deviatin 3. Standard deviation. 1. Range: ‘ungrouped data ~The difference between the highest and lowest scores in a set. © scanned with OKEN Scanner Grouped data: The difference b/w upper class interval of the highest class interval and lower limit of the least class interval. 2. Mean deviation: Ungrouped Data: Mean Deviation from Mean: = 3. Standard deviation: The standard deviation is the square root of the variance. It provides a measure of how spread out the values are in the dataset. Unlike variance, standard deviation is in the same units as the original data, making it more interpretable IX, Skewness Kurtosi 19, Distinguish between positive and negative Skewness. [7M] [July - 2023] [Set-1] 20.Define Kurtosis. How does it differ from skewness. [7M] [July - 2023] [Set-2] KURTOSIS ‘The expression Kurtosis is used to describe the peakedness of curve. As far as the measurement of a shape is concerned, we have two characteristics, Skewness which refers to asymmetry of a series and Kurtosis which measures the peakedness of a normal curve. All the frequency curves expose different degrees of flatness or peakednes, This characteristic of frequency curve is termed as Kurtosis. Measures of Kurtosis denote the shape of the top of a frequency curve 21. Explain the terms (i) Leptokurtic (ii) Mesokurtic (ii) Platykurtic, [7M] [July ~ 2023] [Set-4] Measures of Kurtosis, ‘The measures of Kurtosis of a frequency distribution are based upon the fourth moment, about the mean of the distribution, Symmettcally. By = 2 where j44= fourth moment, a= second moment If Ba =3, the distribution is said to be normal (neither flat nor peaked) and the curve is normal curve (mesokurtic) If Ba > 3, the distribution is said to be more peaked and the curve is lepokurtic Af Bz <3, the distribution is said to be flatter than normal curve and the curve is Platykurtie 23. What do you understand by skewness. What are the various methods of measuring skewness? [7M] [June/July ~ 2022] [Set-1] oR What do you understand by skewness and kurtosis’ Point out their role in analyzing a frequency distribution [7M] [June/July ~ 2022] [Set-2} Skewness is a measure of symmetry, or more precisely, the lack of symmetry. A distribution, or data set, is symmetric if it looks the same to the left and right of the center point Kurtosis is a measure of whether the data are heavy-tailed or light-tailed relative to a normal distribution. © scanned with OKEN Scanner Skewness is a measure of asymmetry or distortion of symmetric distribution. It measures the deviation of the given distribution of a random variable from a symmetric distribution, such as normal distribution. A normal distribution is without any skewness, as it is symmetrical on both sides. Hence, a curve is regarded as skewed if it is shifted towards the right or the left. Symmetric Distribution Vv Frequency y T Positive Skew Median Negative Skew “ime Types of Skewness 1, Positive Skewness If the given distribution is shifted to the left and with its tail on the right side, it is a positively skewed distribution. It is also called the right-skewed distribution. A tail is referred to as the tapering of the curve differently from the data points on the other side. ‘As the name suggests, a positively skewed distribution assumes a skewness value of more than zero. Since the skewness of the given distribution is on the right, the mean value is greater than the median and moves towards the right, and the mode occurs at the highest frequency of the distribution. 2. Negative Skewness © scanned with OKEN Scanner If the given distribution is shifted to the right and with its tail on the left side, it is a negatively skewed distribution. It is also called a left-skewed distribution. The skewness value of any distribution showing a negative skew is always less than zero. The skewness of the given distribution is on the left; hence, the mean value is less than the median and moves towards the left, and the mode occurs at the highest frequency of the distribution. Measuring Skewness Absolute skewness = Mean-Mode ‘positive skewness) = (-~’ negative skewness) If the value of Mean is Greater than Mode then the skewness is positive skewness If the value of Mean is less than Mode then the skewness is negative skewness. ‘There are three important measures of relative skewness. Karl Pearson’s coefficient of skewness. Bowley’s coefficient of skewness Kelly's coefficient of skewness. Generally Karl Pearson’s method is widely used Karl Pearson’s coefficient of skewness. Method when Mean &Mode are given Spr sate Karl Pearson’s coefficient of skewness. Method when Mean &Median are given, Karl Pearson’s coefficient of skewness, Method when mean &Mode are given, 5, aewion) © scanned with OKEN Scanner Calculate the meon of the follocoing dake. mM 0-10 |lo-~2e | 20-30] 20-4o| Ko -50 |S 60] No of i | 3 | a] ao] 7 | No of shud, Hidvalesy. | Marks | _ ot [ony Am fe-to] s | lo to-20 | 1g Is 210 Q0-30 27 as bs 30-40 80 35 ‘Te° ‘165 | 330 | 21K 22,500 © scanned with OKEN Scanner © scanned with OKEN Scanner 10) Calculate the Shandaxal devial ion for the Allowing | diskibution. 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Given Ceffccrent of Vorianlion GV 2 5 Peorson coeflecienh of Skerry Sk = OS Stordayd devialin S:D.&)=2 Mean & 29 Mode (B) . 9 Wek-T © Relakion ble CV, SD i xX CN 2 x00 © scanned with OKEN Scanner © scanned with OKEN Scanner ii) Relation bho Sk, Kean (%),modetm) SD Sk = X ~made O5*%+ ko-m x B® 2 uo-m Hy |= 4o-m | Mz lo-! m=3q * Mean =o mode. = 39. au Calculate the coefficient of skecoress based on mean ee median from the flowing Dislribudion a 1 1 a (0-10 | 10-20 | 20-30 {20-40 | 40 -S0 | So-60 {60-70} 0-0 BE 6 Ww a2 | us 56 | 32 | ts | 6 = fidi| fa | ot fat] HISHE | 35 | Go| 3e-u = }53¢ PS °432| 180 12.2% | 28-08] -0-53" 580/098 oie 2.08] 1690] 0-2! | 10:08 B76] 2 Sag R13 [LI-28) ic | 78 1260_| 605 [lq3.6 Gas | (120 ]1-97 [216-ud GW6Y| 226s 74} Uso 14°84] 179, 34 laxgaa! ¢.072 TBe-4 © scanned with OKEN Scanner © scanned with OKEN Scanner Mean - &): Aa heehee N F BOBS op 1h O22 . 204 * 30:36, dager 207100 = 3036431 2 Alo7) Median [+ NL ne here Bho 200 9p e roe 6D fees binil A the medion cay 240 m = Coraulative freguancy of the class Preceding the median low. _ =: 88 N =Tobt Freguaney =200 J. hreguancy of the as = 36 ce Width of He median clots = 10 © scanned with OKEN Scanner © scanned with OKEN Scanner Medion = [3 beam . 100 ~ 58 ayo + 10 63 10 56 Kot WY W Ua-Iu The coelkaent of, skexoness (6) -, lleon Hedin) \owriance a. ho Bn ahye- Ceo] z = (304) - (A26.92)* Souce poo G 2)'] = 1OxIG [rer %z304 200 xrbq 19 I ca (ho8e - Sh lis 4) 2 4 fRts243) = 237-96) v Slonckad duvialin o. JB Pcsee. issues Skevoness: sy = 3( Uy, A a, CAr6TH ~ tay) _ 360-463) f WSsleoiy IS4o F-bWor _- 9609) 26 (Sue ~ 5 © scanned with OKEN Scanner © scanned with OKEN Scanner 3% Obloin howl Rawson's measure of Skeuness for the following date: Nolues 5.10 Ios 6-20 90-25 25-30 30-26 25-uo Frepry 6 8 " @) ww n 2. VBA: an $ Noles Freg ond pein yr Fd” =A Slo 6 Re | 3 -l8 q Syn jos as | -2 I 4 3h sap fies fap nts 1 12 go-2s af gag | ° ° 5 a %-36 sl, me | is 1 Is Bo-3¢ NBA g Qe u uu | Qs-w 2 a2 at 1 iE 2f:n- 8 Ad -B Ehdt igo Bere c= Chex inkerek 5 Plean Xe Aa 2d xe © scanned with OKEN Scanner © scanned with OKEN Scanner Xe B2-5 4 gs Se 60 casey a Mean: % = 22 SD: ti ; ia : Ne - Gis me) ta VR ES 08)) seg MG xe —* hug Mode = fff aff = 20¢ WU-% x¢ 221-1215 xe ~ 204 BX xg) 4, 7203229). © scanned with OKEN Scanner © scanned with OKEN Scanner oy Pearson's coeliciond of Skevoness * Mean Hode SD QV -2W Tug £0. (dune ir shape IL ag Colculobe koul prnsins coblftient of Skeconess fee the to llocsing doba . 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